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Posts posted by Lunar

  1. If I had $1,000,000 I would probably get a nice new house for my family. And use the rest of the money to buy new things for my dumb computer. Or maybe I can just spend it on other junk for everyone in my house.1.) I would spend 1 million dollars on either a new huge house for my family and I. Or add more things to my house.2.) I would buy a new super-computer or buy more things for my computer.Those are what I would mainly do if I had 1 mil.

  2. The beta was absolutely great. Because of the new graphics within the Microsoft Office Programs, it will take up a lot of RAM. But regardless, the program has been modified to make it easier for others to navigate through applications such as Microsoft Office Word. So now everyone can come up with a great paper for almost anything. A lot had changed since the last the old Microsoft Office. No one knew how to spruce up their paper because they weren't experts on the given program. All the other options were hidden so no one could use the full potential of the program. But now Microsoft has made it easier for everyone.I found out about the beta from a friend of mine. They told be about the beta-testing for the new Microsoft Applications. So I had signed to test their program and I was impressed.Although there was something missing from the list, Microsoft Frontpage. I heard they switched to Sharepoint but it is my first time using something like Microsoft Frontpage. It's a bit complex to understand at first but it's alright.All the other programs are all at my expectations. Hopefully everyone will get to use the new Microsoft Office 2007.

  3. Hey,I do think that a world without religion would be much more better. Why you ask? Well there wouldn't be so many people with problems in beliefs or what not. Also I think there wouldn't be much conflict. People argue too much sometimes if they believe in something else. One person gets ticked and start hating that group of people or religion. Also there wouldn't be so many complications in life. Like I heard in one religion that you can't love something other than a person. Your joking right..? But then again there is a bad side to this aswell. We would all be blinded by the mysteries. Like Brandice had said, we wouldn't know how we got on the earth, where we are going to go after we die and how we should act in our after-life. There would be many questions brought with this. And then nobody will be able to know them because no one has studied the specified religion. So there isn't a win/lose situation here. Just a little mishap. These are what I have to say about this.~Lunar

  4. one sentence
    Microsoft rejected her for me.

    i think their hotmail servers stuffed up or something. you have no idea how annoying that kind of thing is.

    What are you talking about? What do you mean Microsoft rejected her for me? If this is about technical things like computers you're in the wrong section. Also next time try to make your sentences more understandable.

    And also take this as a suggestion or comment, make your posts more longer if you wish to receive more hosting credits. Maybe a paragraph will get you 2 or more hosting credits. Otherwise, don't post tid bits.

  5. I don't really hate studying but nor do I love it. I'm just attentive in class and take little notes. And I get A's or B's, my friend told me that if she studies she fails but if she doesn't study she passes. That's strange. And yes it's true. You're not any more interested into lessons than songs. People have made up silly phrases like the Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally for the mathimatical terms. And it's also true that if your into a song you can memorize more of it. I didn't exactly mean memorizing exact text from a book but I mean like just plain old studying going over terms, going over the texts. But so anyways, our mind is a strange thing that we can't just judge so easily. :P:)

  6. I've always heard about this and to me it's true. Studying isn't my thing and I can't remember all the contents of a study guide. Sometimes whenever I study I still end up getting a bad grade on my tests. But singing songs is far different than studying.Don't you find it more easier to memorize the words of a song rather than the contents of a book? To me this is way too true. I mean I start listening to music and within about 30 minutes I already have the song memorized. But with a book it's more difficult. I don't how this is.Maybe it's because songs are more catchier and have a beat to it. And that books are dull and boring unless your completely interested into it.I'd like to hear what everybody else has to say about this certain topic.

  7. I don't know much about this type of subject really but I happen to know some things. But hey, I'm just a kid so you might think this kind of advice is dumb. Sometimes after a mother gives birth, she kinda gets out of control. It's not her fault really, it could either because she is TOO excited with the new baby or she has had to deal with a lot of things during the baby's birth.Just have some time to talk to her in any way or form. Regardless of whether she's yelling at you during the conversation, you have to know what's going on. Tell her that your having a hard time understanding all her commands. Or rather tell her that you're a bit stressed from the work. She should understand to calm a bit down. I don't know for sure if this works. As for the baby the problem is a birth effect. Some have been know to gradually heal themselves of the problem. I hope your baby is one of them. :)Also good luck. :P

  8. My top three favorite beverages would have to be the following.1.) Ice Cold Water-No one can resist this kind of drink, you'd have to be almost non-human if you hate water.2.) Sweet Tea with Mint-I love the minty taste to the tea once added. It's refreshing to the body.3.) My least favorite - Soda-I'm not much of a fan of Soda. I don't know why it's just not my thing to drink. Of course this is just my opinion.Those were my Top Three Beverages, with an explanation as to why I chose it.

  9. If Dragons exist depends on what you think about them. If you think Dragons are fire-breathing creatures then you have never read any scientific books about Dragons and the answer is no. Dragons never breathe fire nor is it possible for any creature to roam the earth. There are almost many reasons and facts as to how Dragons once roamed the earth. For one thing there are fossils founded by archeolegists. Those fossils were from millions of years ago, maybe even billions. So in general Dragons once existed but died of either a huge volcano corruption or a meteor hit the earth. That I didn't read about.

  10. I would have to say that Google is the best search engine I have ever laid eyes on. I think one time I read an article about the Google company and it said that it was over 1 billion dollars. Google is a big and large company. Their search engine is very easy to use. And it also has more search options than any other search engine I have ever used. By search options I mean like, web, images, groups, news, maps, etc... It's amazing on how much work on they put into it. That's what I would have to say the best search engine is.

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