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Posts posted by de4ws

  1. You need these foer xbox live

    some of the prices for the u.s are estimted since im in the uk


    xbox Ł99 / $150

    xbox live starter kit Ł39.99 / $40.00

    internet broadband connection Ł19.00 / $35 monthly

    live enabled game Ł ANY / $ ANY

    major credit card Visa Mastercard ( not optional)


    this is all you need for xblive ( correct me if im wrong ) ;)


    Yes you are correct, however it is also $40 a year for xbox live

    WELL worth it if you ask me.


    Games usually cost $50, as low as $20

  2. Ok well yeah but the overall it was amazing.  Nothing like halo 2 and being rushed.  This game you deffently need at least 3 days to beat it.  I beat halo 2 in 1 day this game took me about 4-5 days  but it was a very good game.


    Halo 2 took just as long as SA, i beat both of them in about 10 hours. I personally like halo 2 better, much better graphics and you dont need to cheat. LOL!

  3. Its between Halo 1 and halo2, halo has the better campaign, halo 2's blew badly. They also took out/changed a ton of it. Yes the graphics are better, and so is the multiplayer, but what happened to falling damage, an at least okay multiplayer, plasma pistols not sucking as bad, zommable pistol, hard to beat, and the original maps were so much better. Out of the halo 2's maps, only beaver creek and coagulation are good... ;);)

  4. I need help making a config screen for a code saving program that i am working on. The program is supposed to save the codes on the comp in form of .docThat part works fine, the next part however i need help with.How do i make it so when someone else dls it, it know where to save it (i have code that save it to MY computer, and that is not the same on every computer) I am thinking a config screen, but where would THAT be saved to.... ;) Thanks

  5. Im not sure where you can get the VB Student edition, or whatever, not sure what it is called, but i know there is one. I got it at my school (in comp sci 1). My professor burned a bunch of copies. He has real version, then got a liscense to burn 50 or so (without all the features) and sold them for 5 bucks (because the liscense cost a lot of money. It comes with most of what i need for making my basic programs, the only thing i miss is the Change to .exe function. This is the best way to go, i imagine you can find them on Amazon.com or ebay or something. Good luck ;)

  6. ;) ;) Are you serious? ;) Gaming is my life. That and photoshopping. When i go into my gaming room I go :P LOL! I actually get paid for playing games!A lot of my friends work at mcDonalds, but instead i sit in my gaming room, and people pay me to beat their games (for whatever reasons, be it bragging, extras, or bragging) I currently charge $10 a game, and ive made about 350 dollars since when i started, 3 weeks ago. This supports me well enough, seeing that im only 14 and live with my older brother

  7. I asked my dad about it, and it was not a virus, he said that the monitor was screwed up. My stupid kid brother had put a magnet on the screen my dad said! So now it is better. Also i ran ad-aware and found 232 threats. my dad said this was bad, so i fixed them, it took forever to wright down the filename, open C: or D: then find them and delete them all, eventually it finished, no sleep tho ;) PS My computer works fine tho, my dad reformattedd everything and then reinstalled XP this is great!!I <3 Xisto

  8. I currently have a little bit over a Terabyte for my Photoshop computer, but my play computer only have 250 gb. I have about 960 gb used on my photshopping one, with my play computer has about 30 free. I have 600 in the computer and 1 500 gb. Im getting a new 500 gb external for XMAS YEAH! Its on sale at Comp USA for 450 whatta steal

  9. I really enjoy using the browser Netscape. I know a lot of people dont know about it, but i think it is wonderful. It allows me to view the whole webpage with a scroll bar, unlike IE. IE shrinks the document by percentage (like 73.4% is common) to read the document, but not netscape. Netscape also runs slow, which is good for seeing information, It also comes with cool features, like the Yahoo! tasbar (FREE!!!), i dont know how much it costs regularly but thats good deal!. A lot of pages dont work with Netscape either, which may be a flaw. The newer versions come (i heard a rumor) with a 100 day free trial of Bonzai buddie. ;)

  10. I cant wait untill halo 2 comes out it looks like it will kick so much bbbbbaaaaaaatuuuuutttttttty heheheheheheheheh just kidding halo 2 is such an awesome game although the ending kinda sucked o well just leaves room for a halo 2.5 or maybe just halo 3 or what would be cool is halo pi i like pie (not to be confused with pi the number) it tastes good

  11. Xbox All the Way. Xbox = way better graphics... xbox = Way faster than PS2 .... xbox = has a hardrive, and unless your moving your games alot wihtout the xbox, you dont have to blow an extra 20 bucks. There are a lot more good games out for xbox, and i know ps2 has some really nice games as well, but you cant beat burnout3 halo2 and halo1... go xbox

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