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kiro warthog lord

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  1. you juss never beat the covenant Energy sword from halo!
  2. well halo 1 ones few wepons were very cool "cough" pistol "cough" but halo 1 and halo 2 have better things than each other. i'll lay out the comparison: Halo 1 1. The Campaign was longer and more fun with more suspensfull objectives.2. vehicles were kinda fun to mess with cause they were invincible3. theres no wraith4. theres not as many vehicle maps5. no dual wielding6. some wepons are missing than in halo 27. grafixs suck comapred to halo 28. banshees not used much9. less alien races10. elites and others, except grunts don't talk11. cheifs armor is not that good comapared to the halo 2 master chiefs armor12. There was health and health packs(even thought they kind were wierd)13. not as many cool glitches14. not as many levels15. legdendary is easy16. the PISTOL!!! Halo 21. The campaign was kinda short and dissapointing but it had its perks2. more vehicles and and they accually have desrtuctible effects3. theres twice as many vehclies and even the wraith4. i bet at least 2/3 of all the levels have a least one vehicle in them5. dual weilding 6. lots and lots of weapons including the sword7. grafixs are pretty good with their brand new bump maping and lighting8. banshees are used alot9. lots of aliens race and little boss battles10. lots of the aliens have something to say now11. armor is very cool12. they took out the health bar and packs but u pretty much do still have health13. theres tons of randoms cool glitches14. lots of multiplayer maps alot with those new ones15. legdendery is so hard16. what happened to the pistol its been stripped??
  3. Halo.....The game is so different and so connecting. They day i fisrt saw it at a friends house i was hooked it was the coolest thing i have ever saw. Buy far in my book the best First person shooter ever, mix and blend of so many things and so new and outta this world. You tell me one person that has an Xbox and has not at least played halo and i will slap them. And then halo 2 contiues the coolness although a bit of a dissapointment still a very awsome game.. One of my hole favorite things about it is the vehicles. but aside that its game like no other and had game of the year many times. So to all u halo players out there keep playing halo even though u do bad or don't do bad or don't care listen to this quote. "You hate it but you love it and u gotta play it again"
  4. Well as of right now Halo 3 will be a mystery.But i thought of BIGGER maps huge 24 to 32 player maps, lots of veichle and long range battles.I think they should let u be able to use the dropships like the pelican or phatoms for BIG maps.It should maybe a few new skins but some of the skins are kinda not good.They should let u go more deep into armor customization so ur really different.And yea i guess they sould try and get rid of all the cheating but every single game has cheaters so don't count on that.
  5. Hey i'm kinda new to this site but i thought i would share some halo stuff with ya'll.Tank Pinball:1) this is best done in Coagultaion2) put the heavy vehicles on random so u get a wraith and a scorpion3) make sure u have overshields on as well4) ok get the guy in the scorpion juss to drive forward anywhere juss drive forward5) get the wraith guy to juss try and scoop the nose of the wraith juss under the the back treds6) then when right in that postion BOOST and the scorpion should go flying and trust me its funNOTE: This may take practice and a few trys!
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