My first kiss was when I was 11. Yeah, I know. Young. Brooks was 13 I think. Anyway, it was at the fairgrounds in a security booth. Why? I don't know. But it was. lol. It was okay I guess. It wasn't, like, 'magical' or anything. It really wasn't that special. And it definately isn't my best kiss lol. Me and Brooks went out on and off for 5 years though.. then we broke up 0.o
You can't "make" someone love you. There's no magical potion or ritual to make it happen.Have confidence in yourself. Be yourself. Don't try to change who you are for someone else. That's pointless. Then neither of you would ever be happy, because you can't be yourself around him and you have to totally change who you are to make him happy, and he wouldn't be happy because he'd be able to tell you were faking.Confidence, be yourself, and hope and pray for the best is the key =)