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Posts posted by aigoo

  1. Any sonic game brings back nostalgia for me, I may not have played Sonic Adventure for ages, but for me, the originals.. Sonic 1, Sonic 2/3 and Sonic & Knuckles were pretty addictive.

    I didn't play any of the older Sonic games, but now I kind of wish I did. The gameboy sonic games were okay, I suppose. But I guess you don't really get that rush of the feeling that you get when this huge phenomena hits.

  2. I think it'll be a battle between PS3 and the Wii. I am in the party of thinking that XBox's early release makes it lose its momentum while the other 2 consoles have their release.I am a diehard Playstation fan, but I also love Nintendo. In this case, I think the Wii has my vote. 1. The Wii is just cheaper. Flat out. It'll probably release around $200. If you include the price of the games I'd want to buy for the Wii, it MIGHT make it to $500. That's still less than the price of the PS3 alone. If you put in maybe 3, 4, PS3 games, it might come out to be close to $1,000. For some, $500 may not be a huge difference, but it's a huge hole in MY wallet. I don't want to pay $600 for something that is primarily a toy.2. It was bad enough that PS3 is using something similar to their old controller, but now they've added a wireless feature as well. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Why didn't NINTENDO think of something like that? Idiots...3. The PS3 and Xbox are just improving their graphics to just make their games looks as pretty as possible. But you're only going to make graphics look so good. The Wii is totally focused on new gameplay...wireless controllers. Something we've all wanted for a long time, and now it finally seems possible. 4. E3. Sorry, in my opinion, nintendo just swept the competition. The game line-up was well-planned and it was extremely popular, I think.

  3. Chao raising FTW.It makes Sonic Adventure 2: Battle so much more entertaining. And they're just SO adorable. I enjoy taking my chao to the daycare and such and watching them do their little random things.You forgot the Chao mini-games.Chao can also participate in games such as races in each of the respective stats: stamina (which shows up as a little bar during races), running (a running race), swimming (a swimming race), flying (a flying headstart, then climbing up a mountain), and power (a hike up a face of a mountain). When you first hatch your chao, all the stats will be set to 0000. But as you continue to raise your chao and these stats go up, you will see physical differences in what your chao can do. When your running stat is 0000, your chao will only be able to crawl everywhere. However, as you give it things to raise it's running stat, you will begin to see it walking, then sprinting all around. Same with flying, as the flying stat goes up, your chao will be hovering everywhere around the garden.As the chao grow older, they will also evolve into new forms, depending what their dominant stat is. You can also make them Evil, Hero, or Neutral. Every chao looks different once evolved. And there are also different colored eggs (Quartz, Diamond, Silver, Gold, Blue, Pink, etc...) which makes the default color of the chao different.

  4. I loooooooooove this game. Especially when you customize it with your downloads and custom content, it's just so entertaining. I love designing the houses, but it's a little annoying with the limits that it puts. There are just so many things you can do though.And I agree, the graphics have GREATLY improved since Sims 1. And I love how they incorporated the old Sims 1 characters into Pleasantville. I like just going into the neighborhoods and messing everything up. It's fun stufffffff. This woman had this man's baby who is her husband's best friend whose father's brother's cousin is the same guy that is locked up in a shack outside the gardner's house!Just a constant entangling web of coincidences...<_<It's like Wisteria Lane to the max.

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