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Posts posted by msabas

  1. there is no differenece between yahoo and AOL rooms.. it seems like where ever you go its gonna happen.. and its sad to hear or say that.. but its true.. and ive seen on tv where they are finding some of these people. and im glad.. but it is pretty bad that the yahoo and AOLpeoples re4ally cant controll it.. there should be something that sets of an alert like adding banned words.. soemthing that will notify yahoo everytime a certain word is type and who typed it ..

  2. i think the colors in mind are not all that great either.. if your looking to target a young group as the one you stated you will need a multi color site.. something that will get the attention you want from them.. i say if you are looking for ideas on sites try some sites like nick.com also try like disney site. and look how clean and bright these sites look and look at how the colors attract

  3. yeah its pretty good some of these new products are expensive as heck.. I mean either you eat for a month or you give up eating for a month just to save for a new ipod.it would just be nice if this happened to alot more products out there.. I mean pretty much every new product out there is way above most of our budgets.. so c'mon big companies give us a break

  4. what difference doesit make wether its a planet or not.. do people really care about it.. NO. Does our Govt. really care NO. Is it going to bring oil prices down. NO. It really anoys me to see spam on the news.. Yeas it's spam on the news.. People didnt have anything better to report on so they decided to spam TV and say hey BTW Pluto is no longer a planet.. thnx.Are the space programs really interested in that planet maybe not, but who cares. why change it after so long..

  5. no offense but it looks bad. thi is my opinion tho.. but i think its a very plain wallpaper, and its not very attractive. If you made it for your personal use and it fits your needs then great job well done, but if you made it to share with other users.. i wouldnt suggest it.again it is simple brushing a few abstract pieces over brushes.. nothing really to look at.. therese no image to focus on. nothing that grans you i.. i think you need to work onit a lot more.. also try giving it more colors .. try using other methoods use some of your filters and make something different out of it...

  6. Well i would definately have to choose other.. I have been using Blender . Blender, to me, is a great software for 3D visuals. I have had no problem or issues with it. It was abit tough to learn, but I found many tutorials on using blender and creating images.

    I have never tried any other softwares such as Maya or Cinema but form wha I hear those are pretty much the top softwares in the industry. I have tried a few free trials but the trial really dont do theem any justince.

    As far as blender it is a free software that can be downloaded directly from their website at https://www.blender.org/ it is under the GNLU opensoftwares and all that good stuff. If you visit the website you will also see a gallery section. make sure you visit that , so that you can view images that have been created using blender by some of the users.. also make sure you note down some of the links for tutorials sites.. as there are not that many but the fuew sites that do offer the tutorials are pretty great..

    I hope you guys enhoy it. for those of you who have never heard of blender, and for those of you who have.. give some feed back if youve used it and what your opinions are on it.

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