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Posts posted by mirage

  1. Which do you guys prefer? Personally I use Mozilla, as it auto blocks any popups, along with it not downloading apps that some sites may try and install. Theres also so many more features on Mozilla than IE which I like. But there is 1 big downside to it though, alot of the java doesnt work on it... which makes me mad, but thats when I use IE.

  2. Anyone looking to make a game? Well Gamers-Fusion is a widely used open source project hosted by https://sourceforge.net/ its got all the nesicary things to start the game, though it does have many flaws to start. But thats the fun part, as i started learning PHP as i started a game using this.

    The file you will want to download is the version 2.5, which is the most current version that works. The beta v3 doesnt work.

    https://sourceforge.net/projects/gamers-fusion/files/ <---location of files.

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