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Posts posted by michellehorowitz

  1. Umm... it sounds like the problem might be disliking everyone with a view different to what you stand for. If you hate meat-eaters, that's pretty much most of the world's population isn't it? Then religious followers narrows it down considerably more. Getting rid of the Republicans... how many are left now? I hope you're counting. I suppose some of the remaining ones might be SUV drivers and capitalists as well.
    My point is, you're calling some 99 + % of the world brainwashed here. Now that might be true, but to put it gently, you might want to consider that the problem isn't with the whole world, but with yourself.

    I'm with the above poster, apparently the slaughter houses haven't gotten your message. As far as the
    rest of the free world goes, most of the 3rd world countries can't afford such luxuries, and then many of them view the cow as being sacred, a term that obviously you are not very acquainted with. I'm sure that your wife and family aren't treated with half as much respect as you would give say as Porky or Petunia Pig or for that matter a common squirrel. Unless of course you've "brainwashed" them into believing such atrocities. As for your previous posting, you're backpedaling or contradicting yourself about religious groups....make up your mind are they all cults or not? Are you afraid that when your time comes you may be wrong?? Also as for your comments on capitalists, I believe you are profiting from the internet, are you not? Jealousy is a very ugly thing indeed, as those who typically complain about others driving SUV's are usually the ones who can not afford them. For a family it is also more financially available to purchase a SUV or van as opposed to a hybrid which have been proved not to be as effective as the car companies boast them to be. As far as white men go, none that I have ever known, been associated with, employed with have ever placed themselves above any other race. In fact, have you filled out a form lately the space where you fill in you race....caucasion is usually listed last now where 10 - 15 years ago is was top on the list. The white man is the one becoming the minority....look around you!!!!!!!!! Go into any major city, hospital, university and you will see a much more diverse group, with the minority being white.
    In short I feel you are a very naive, uneducated and short sighted man who is terrified of life. What are you so afraid of that you can not allow other people to live their own lives or maintain their own beliefs...it has no affect on you. You are being just as predjudice as you accuse the white man of being....
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