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Posts posted by ijin

  1. What sort of things have u been changing?? If u have edited your meta tags and they dont include things like "boaw" then it wont find them on a google search.

    Could be, if there are no references for boaw in the page or link, otherwise it doesn't play big role in rankings, or indexing.

    Sometimes search engines do that, I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you have enough inbound links, it _will_ be back. You can monitor how many pages google has indexed by searching in google for site:yoursite.com

    Another possibility is that you got sanboxed.. Basically it means that if you start competing for high-result keywords, your site can be sandboxed, which means that any backlinks will not be counted towards your rankings. You'd stay there for anything from 3 months to 1 year. You can't do anything if you are.

    Or maybe you got banned for doing something not nice. But you have to get reported to get banned, doesn't happen automatically, only manually. You can check here: http://www.iwebtool.com/.

    If all is fine, then all you have to concentrate on is backlinks.

    I have no clue about the referrer thing though. Backlinks can be checked by a google search for link:yoursite.com

  2. You really shouldnt just leave your computer on all the time, as it is really bad for the circuitry. Its still up to you, but you have to keep in mind that your computers life will go down. If you go out and smoke, you arent going to die the next day, but it is still harmful in the long term. Nothing has ever happened is a horrible logic to apply to anything in life. If you are tailgating people on the highway and driving recklessly you cant tell the officer the one day you crash, "Well, nothing had ever happened before." Well guess what? Youre right, but now that something did come of it, what are you going to do? Its not about now. Its about then.

    Kind of a weird post for a forum where you apply for hosting :)

  3. Well, if you are really new, I'd say first get familiar with what PHP looks like. You can go through a series of lessons from w3schools.com as mentioned.. But from then on, you should really start working on something you want to do and just learn along the way. You'll use http://php.net/ for function searching/reference and dev.mysql.com for sql reference..

    You learn the best when you've got to do something. It's more fun this way too.

  4. Well, you can't really do much but do a str_replace() on the file.. so here's how it would look like:

    $data = file("file.txt"); // puts whole file into array$file = file("file.txt", "w"); // We'll overwriteforeach($data as $value) { //loop through each linestr_replace("sucks::", "love::", $value); // or "" instead of love :)fputs($file, $value); // write into the file}fclose($file);

    And that would be one approach ;-) You can also use fopen to read the file, use regexp and probably a myriad of other things.
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