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Posts posted by TheArrow

  1. I've had a couple of lucid dreams so far, but I didn't try to kill myself in any O_oI forget where I read it, but I read somewhere that if you die in a dream (and somehow manage to stay dreaming, although this is a very rare occurance, you usually wake up) that, if you concentrate hard enough, you can either 'resurrect' yourself by concentrating on feeling your heart start beating, or you can do a Prince-of-Persia-Style-Turn-Back-Time sort of thing, to the moments in the dream before you actually died.I.....don't think I want to try this, as the body is very sensitive about what the mind is doing, and I wouldn't want to have some freak accident where I dreampt that I died and I actually did!! O_oI think some of the more fun things to do in a dream (instead of killing yourself) include: Manipulating the environment (point at the sky and tell it to change colors O_o), Driving cars really fast, and summoning people you wouldn't normally see in real life, and flying. So far I've only managed to get a few feet off the ground for a minute, but its a weird feeling nevertheless...Good Luck!Oh yeah, and another point. Mastering dream recall is possibly THE most important part of learning to lucid dream. If you have a lucid dream and don't remember it, then you're basically screwed lol. The simplest and most effective way I've tried of remembering my dreams is to verbally and mentally repeat a phrase such as "I will remember my dreams" over and over until I drift off to sleep. Don't concentrate on it too much or you'll never fall asleep, but if you give your mind the message repeatedly, it will work. Last night I remembered three (yes.....count them.....Three) completely seperate and unrelated dreams. Unfortunately, none of them were lucid :)

  2. I have several causes for your anger, some serious, some not:1) Problem: You're gay. You're a guy for God's sake. Don't put black-and-white pics of Jake Glendenwhatever in your sig. Especially when you're a guy. Only chicks do that kind of stuff.Solution: Change your sig and/or avatar to something manly. Like a picture of a great looking chick, or something.2) Problem: You have a boyfriend. Solution: Dump him and get a girlfriend. It helps.3) Problem: You have too much stress in your life.Solution: Take a few minutes each day (like 20) and just sit alone somewhere. Think about a singular topic, and relax.4) Problem: Too much physical energy.Solution: Take up a sport, preferably a challenging one. Another poster suggested golf, I suggest baseball or weightlifting. Nothing's better than having a bad day and taking it out on the weights.5) Problem: Too much mental energy.Solution: Like Joshua said, channel your mental/spiritual energy into something productive and rewarding, like reading the bible.I hope that helps, and if you managed to get past the gay part, congratulations. And I'm sorry for taking a stab at you.

  3. I didn't see a reply stating this, but from what I understand, time would be considered a 4th dimension... if we could travel in it. Someone else cited the Time Machine by H.G. Wells which I believe points out the reason time isn't considered a dimension yet is because we see nothing yet to make us believe we can travel more then one way on it. I also read a book called Tesseract or the Tesseria or some weird name like that about dimensions. If I had to think about dimensions, I'd say there's one of the spirit we don't tend to think about. I don't see it as dealing with space as we think of it, but hearts, souls, our thoughts all cross it.


    We can't travel more than one direction in time? Ok, how about forward (into the future). There's one. Now how about backwards (into the past), theres two.


    Its the same with all other dimensions. You have your X, Y, and Z axes. You can travel forward and back on each one, leading to a three dimensional movement. You can travel forward and back in time also, so that leads to four dimensional movement.


    I cited the Time Machine because it further proves the theory of Time being the Fourth dimension. Have you ever read it?


    A spirit dimension? Maybe for those that believe in it. My heart is the organ in my chest that pumps blood.

  4. I'm surprised you likened this to the Sims, and not to a more appropriate match like the Matrix.Our bodies are all really plugged in to a great artificial intelligence grid where they harvest our body heat for power, and our brains are plugged in to a giant simulation world called the matrix. The matrix simulates this entire world we're living in right now, so we wouldn't know any different.There are glitches in the matrix, though. Every time you experience a Deja Vu, the code in the matrix repeated itself. And of course, there are rogue programs and the One, but we won't get into that on these forums <_<

  5. I think water cooling looks amazing there was talk of the xbox 360 being water cooled, cool.




    I have to get me one of those O_o

    Bad news is, that no matter the system, most water-coolers need a radiator with a fan to decrease the temperature of the water when it circulates out of the case.

  6. Sounds like you don't have a lot of experience with building a pc.


    I'll write a mini-tutorial here for you. And yes, I really am writing it, not copying it from somewhere.


    Here are the main components of a PC:


    The Case

    Posted Image

    This is perhaps the most simple of the components, it has no electronics except maybe a power supply, some fans, and very rarely a thermal display.


    The Power Supply

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    Here is the power supply, a component that you shouldn't have to do much with but put in the case if it isn't included already. If you're planning on running a Crossfire system with two ATI video cards, you want to have at least a 600 watt one.


    The Motherboard (or Mobo)

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    This is the heart and soul of your computer. Everything you add will get connected to this. Most motherboards are of the ATX form factor, which means that if you have a case that supports an ATX factor motherboard, then you're all set and almost guaranteed that the motherboard will fit inside the case. An ATX form factor motherboard is 12"x 9.6"(30.5cm x 24.5cm).


    The Central Processing Unit (or CPU)

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    This is the chip that does most of the brute calculation work for your pc. The faster the CPU, the faster your computer will be. Speeds are measured in Megahertz (MHz) and Gigahertz (GHz) one GHz is equivalent to 1,000 MHz. You have a choice of either Intel or AMD for your processor, depends on which you like better, but it doesn't really matter. If you have the cash to spend, buy a dual core processor.


    The Memory (or RAM)

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    RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Whenever the CPU has data it doesn't want to write to the hard drive, it stores it in RAM for quick access. Typically, the more RAM the better. An average amout of ram you'll want in your computer nowadays is 1GB. 512mb is considered the minimum requirement for effectively being able to run Windows XP. 1Gb = 1000Mb. Most motherboards these days support DDR2 RAM which is faster than old DDR, check to see which your motherboard supports.


    The Video Card

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    This piece of hardware is one of the most important if you are going to be doing a lot of PC gaming, or any other 3D-intensive work. The Video Card has its own CPU, called the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and its own RAM. The speed and quantity of these vary from video card to video card, but you want one with at least 128mb of video ram if you're going to be doing anything remotely serious with 3D. If you're building the PC primarily for Web browsing, web design, and e-mail, you'd be safe with a less expensive and less powerful video card. Most video cards are designed to use the PCI express system for connecting to your motherboard. Be sure and read what kind of graphics card your motherboard supports. Since you have an ATI motherboard, you'll most likely want to look into an ATI graphics card.


    The Hard Drive

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    This is where most of the data in your computer is going to be stored. Since you already have one, I won't go into all that much detail. For the typical user, 80Gb will be enough, but if you spend a little more time on the computer, you will realize that quickly fills up. I have a combined total of 200Gb of hard drive space on my computer and it's getting full pretty quick. <_<


    The Optical Drives

    Posted Image

    These are your DVD drives, CD drives, DVD burners, CD burners, etc. I'd reccommend getting a combo drive that burns both CDs and DVDs, just in case. Most burners are also readers, so that should take care of everything.


    So there you have it. Besides the exterior components like a monitor, speakers, mouse, and keyboard, there are most of the components of your PC.


    Next I'll look for a good assembly tutorial and edit it in later.

  7. I'm surprised I haven't found any threads on this topic on the forums.
    We have topics about everything else health-related except possible the most important one!

    I'll offer some basic, beginner advice and links first, then the more advanced trainees can discuss, give advice, offer support, etc. I come from a strong, hardcore T-Nation background, so you'll see me post a lot of links to articles on their site. T-Nation is a really great community with several excellent contributors that write articles and post them on the site for you to read, for free! Spend some time browsing around the site, reading the 8+ years of articles in the archives, and read the forum.

    If you want to change your body, If you're an overweight person or a skinny little twig, weightlifting can help tremendously. Perhaps the most important thing you can do to change your health is to change your dietary lifestyle. Forget everything you think you know about how to eat, and start over. Perhaps the simplest place to start is with the following:

    7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs

    If you're overweight, A low-card diet may be the best solution for you. Here's an excellent free one:

    The T-Dawg Diet: Version 2.0

    If you're a skinny twig looking to bulk up, read these amazing articles:

    Massive Eating: I, Caloric Needs

    Massive Eating: II, Meal Combinations and Individual Differences

    Once you get your nutrition dialed in, you can start hitting the weights. The most important thing initially is the form you use. Don't let your ego get in the way of making progress. If you need to use light weight to get started using proper form, do it!
    Here is a video index of most lifts:

    Here are some programs to get you started, but honestly, it doesn't matter all that much what you pick. As a complete beginner any serious routine will give you plenty of gains. Try to pick something with plenty of compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, chins, dips, rows and of course bench presses. Do not go to the gym and single mindedly focus on curls and bench presses!

    Bustin' **bottom** 101

    Total Body Training

    The Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program

    Program Design 101

    In later posts I'll offer advice and articles on recovery and supplementation, but the most important aspects of changing your body are a good nutrition program and a solid lifting routine.

    If you've read anything on T-Nation yet, you'd realize that the whole reason to lift weights is to break down muscle tissue in hopes of rebuilding it bigger.

    If this is your goal, you better learn how to maximize recovery, or else you're left sore for days with a bunch of torn muscles! :)

    Here are some articles to help with your recovery:

    The Recovery Battlefield

    The Real Scoop on Post-Workout Recovery Drinks

    Biotest (T-Nation's supplement manufacturing company) makes an excellent recovery drink called Surge
    that you drink right after your workouts to create an insulin spike to help deliver nutrients and amino acids into the muscle.


    This leads me to the topic of supplementation. The main factors in a program that will get you results are your diet and training. Making changes to your body is a long process that takes years to get desirable results.

    Supplements cannot do the work for you.

    They are not a replacement for discipline and desire. They are something you use in addition to your other strategies in order to speed your progress.

    For fat loss investigate HOT-ROX.

    For muscle growth try Surge, Creatine, Metabolic Drive or Carbolin 19.

    For focus, intensity and CNS recovery look into Spike and Power Drive.

    If you are looking for a testosterone or libido boost, consider Alpha Male or Tribex

    Most importantly, consider safety. Teens should not be taking testosterone boosters or steriods, their natural supply of testosterone is abundant already. Pay attention and read the warnings on the labels!

    Last but not least, don't be an idiot in the gym!!!

    People will look down on you and disrespect you because you have no idea what you're doing.

    Read these:

    Squat-Rack Curls

    Top 10: Gym Etiquette Rules

    Frat Curls

    Top 7 Ways to F-Up in the Gym

    And if you ever need any motivation, I've saved the best article for last:

    Merry Christmas, Bob

    Enjoy these articles, and this site, and good luck on your way to becoming ripped!

    Hmmmm........evidently this isn't a very busy part of the forums, lol.......No one cares about their health anymore, all they want is technology.

  8. Yeah, people report all sorts of odd experiences while trying to master lucid dreaming.Reports of OBEs, meeting other people in the dream world that are dreaming at the same time, sleep paralysis, practicing real-world events in order to improve performance in them, signalling to the real world from the dream world (by way of eye movements) and all sorts of crazy stuff.

  9. Wtf? Who here didn't know how to defrag their harddrive and needed a tutorial for it?

    Defragging doesn't 'make your harddrive go faster' it just rearranges the files physically on the disk so they can be accessed in less time.

    This does effectively increase the performance of the drive, but doesn't make the drive spin at a higher RPM or run any faster physically. The only benefit is if your harddrive is really fragmented and the needle has to jump half way across the disk to read a strip of data.

    My advice is to make a scheduled task of a disk defrag to start every night at the time you usually go to bed, and just leave your computer on overnight so that you don't waste time watching it defrag during the day.

    Or get diskeeper, which is a more effective and user-friendly method of defragging: http://www.condusiv.com/

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