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Posts posted by Advent_Author

  1. The government is talking about getting rid of pennies because of it's low value, and because it's costing more than a penny is worth to make them!

    They're also talking about removing the nickel for the same reason! What's your take on this?
    I personally think that they should get rid of the penny, but not the nickel.

    here's a link to an article I found about it: Click It!

  2. Who do you think will win the upcoming console war?the Xbox 360 was out first giving it a tiny edge, and the PS3 is a favorite among most people, yet the blu-ray technology it uses makes it uber-expensiveeveryone loves mario! but the so-so graphics, and the lame games of the game-cube may be the fatal flaw of the Revolution. (But the controller looks cool!)what's your opinion?

  3. It's on fanfiction.net if you want to see the rest of it (I haven't finished yet)Prologue: LuxanNeither in darkness . . .Nor in Light . . .But in Twilight . . .Do we dwell . . .Thriving in the hopes . . . That we may become whole . . .Once more . . .Was it the end, or had it just begun? Had time itself stopped at that final strike of the keyblade, that accursed weapon?And most Importantly, what next? What would happen to the Legacy of Organization XIII? Would it end? Doubtedly. Successors were more likely. But what would they choose to do with their as yet unknown supremacy over all lesser Nobodies? Would they abuse their power, as did the first organization did, and so many others with power and authority?Or would they realize the error in the ways of the first organization, and put an end to all Nobodies, once and for all?That, My friend, is yet to be decided.?Who am I???Nobody.??What is my purpose for being???Nothing.??Who are you??? . . . Nobody.?It was like a sweet dream, one that Luxan would like to forget.Everything had been perfect before that night, but Luxan would never remember what he was like before. Before what? Had he been kind and respected? Or a known evil to the likes of everyone who was linked to him. Who am I?He would never know what kind of person lurked beneath the Black Cloak he now wore. My identity?All he knew was what was laid out in front of him: 12 others, just like him, My friends? My family? And the headquarters of the organization. My home?Although he would never know what kind of person he was before becoming a nobody, he knew what he was now. A monster. Over the time that he had mysteriously appeared in Castle Oblivion, Luxan had become a cold and callous person. The ones who had served as surrogate family for him, he had isolated himself as much as possible, then he had to remind himself countless times: ?They?re on my side. They?re just like me.?He had never learned to trust them completely, but he had at least learned to accept the fact that they were all he had now.No memories, no possessions, nothing. Just them. And for now;that was just enough to live for.

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