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Posts posted by Panzer

  1. Wow thats crazy. When i was in the United Kingdom we stayed away from Tesco lol. A bit "dirty" you could say. In New Zealand we have Countdown (I think its in Australia as well), it started as a super market but now it sells computers, VCRs and TV sets. They dont make the food and electronics like Tesco does but they just re sell it.I dont see how a supermarket could turn into an "everything store" I would rather go to another shop to buy all my computer equipment.

  2. Follow Jhaslip's advice. Download the documentation, thats the easiest way to learn everything. Im not sure if its like IPB but in there each image is given a hex code, then instead of having to type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/=.... you just have to type the code in.If that is the case you can find your banner's one, delete the banner from the web server, upload the banner you want and give it the same hex code.

  3. to keep a webhost up, you need a lot of RAM, a high-speed processor (the rest of the pieces matter less) and a veeery good bandwidth, otherwise your visitors will leave before the page is fully loade

    Not neccessarily. If you asked Opaque how much RAM he had running in one system he might say 4gb (Im not sure, dont quote me!). Then think on how many people he's hosting. Hundreds and hundreds. If you just wanted to host a website for yourself you wouldnt need an extremely fast computer. But you would have to leave it on..

  4. The weirdest thing i ever ate were these really weird ice creams. Dad took us to england once, it was really hot and we went to get an ice cream. Some other person got this really delicous looking one so i asked for that. The lady that was serving then then got this plastic tube and put it in this machine. She pulled down the handle and out popped a pre-shapped ice cream (With those swirls at the top) on a cone.Id never seen that before so that was pretty cool :)

  5. I think theres an easier explanation, phpbb plus.Im not sure how many of you go into the hacking underworld on the internet but there are hundreds of exploits for phpbb forums. The forum by itself is pretty stable, as long as its up the latest version.You can gain admin access through the Gender Mod... phpbb plus has that. Another big thing about premoddded forums is that they are never up to date with the latest phpbb version. There was a big exploit found a couple of versions ago which you could see the admin/username password as well as FTP info, where it connects too etc.That may have happened to you, im not sure. Dont use premods in the future, do it yourself!

  6. Is it is i dont see why your computers lagging. I have a 2Ghz processor and 1gb RAM, a Nvidia GE Force mx400 video card (64mb RAM) and i can play Counter strike and world of warcraft fine. Mayby you should clean up your computer, run system ultilites and remove some programs.If you wanted a faster computer i suggest getting a new Dual Core processor from either AMD or Intel, it doesnt really matter and replace your motherboard. Make sure it supports SATA and DDR2 RAM, replace those and itll be sweet.

  7. Macbooks are , infact any Mac is good. They come pre-installed with the operating system and it seems much more natural than windows. Ilife (Microsoft office for mac) Only costs about $70 New Zealand dollars, thats only about $35 US. Its alot cheaper than the microsoft office for windows isnt it?Macs are great, i highly suggest you get it. You might not be able to get it linked up in the school network though. Theyre pretty tough.

  8. I highly recommend not doing it. This effectively locks your whole computer. If you forget it then theres no hope. If you want to lock your computer effectively, set up user accounts on your Operating System, that way if you forget your password you can adleast re-install Windows XP.Most secure company and school networks have this option blocked as well. Only really old computers have it.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Duplicate material removed.

  9. I insatalled Out Post Firewall from Agnitum and it works really fine for me.No virus for a while

    The thing about firewalls i hate is that they constantly update. Nearly every day my old one would want to check for updates, i turned the check update box off, it still wanted to check for updates.

    The only way to truely stop it from scanning is to turn it off. Thats just the same as having no firewall. Anti Viruses work fine for me, i always scan files that i download and they always get the virus.

    I guess that virus wont affect parts of the world. New Zealand doesnt get CNN and im sure lots of other parts dont as well.

  10. When i was in primary school (5-12yrs of age) i was with the same group of people right through, i knew them all and we all got along with each other. There were occasionally new people and that was cool some times. Sometimes we rejected them in a way, not because of their beliefs but because of their attitude.Now that im in secondary school (13-18) i have seen alot of new people. There are around 6 primary schools in our area and so i was thrown into a class where i only knew about 4 or 5 others. There were people from different cultures there, we had a teacher that had travelled the world, and religion played more of a part.Since then we have had an Indian family join the school (I live in New Zealand and its not very common). First he was sort of left alone ill say but then when people got to know him they realised that he was just like us.I certainly appreciate culture and religion more than i did in primary school. I understand alot more about different religions and cultures just from the work we have done in class.

  11. I like World Of Warcraft. Runescape met my MMORPG needs for a couple of years and i got quite good and rich :) . My brother and i were interested in getting World Of Warcraft about 5 months ago. Dad said he'd pay for the membership and yeah...It got a little boring around level 15 and im level 20 now, i just wait till im rested up and then go and train :P . My brother really enjoys it though.

  12. I cant wait for it :) The graphics look amazing and im probably going to buy it as soon as it comes out. Its funny though. Have you seen that they now sell the box set with all 10 Command & Conquer games just in one box. Its weird.... I dont like it any how.Bring on Red Alert 3!

  13. I personally hate firewalls. I have lots of programs running at once that go to and from the internet and firewalls just get in the way when i add a new one. I scan my computer regularly for spyware and the sorts but im not too worried. I do NOT recommend Zone Alarm, it never remembered my settings, even when i told it to!

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