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Posts posted by wappy

  1. Category: PHP/Scripts and Programs/WAP and WML (ID #593)

    Listing Title: MobileChat

    Summary: WAP Chat Script by Ghost and DEViANCE

    Long Description: A PHP/WML WAP Chat Script/Site with many advanced features including owner/admin/mod tools, profiles, private messages, smileys. Copyright lines must NOT be removed, but use is fine.

    License Information:

    License Type: Other Free / Open Source License

    Additional Info: You must not remove copyright but distribution is fine. http://www.copyrightdeposit.com/rep10/0029675.htm

    Price: $ 0.00

    Platform: linux

    Size: 100 kb - 500kb

    Version: 2.0.0

    Site URL: http://wapchat.co/

    Download URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Author: Ghost & DEViANCE



    * @authors Ghost & DEViANCE (CODEMAFiA.ORG)

    * @copyright 2008-2009 Mobile Chat

    * @version 2.0.0 (wml 1.1 EN)



    This is a PHP/WML WAP Chat Script with many

    advanced features.


    The script started life as a simple wap chat

    that was abandonned by some french guys.


    I then updated it and added many features.


    I was then hacked and the script was shared.


    I gave up coding for a while and as new php

    versions etc came out the script stoped

    working correctly.


    Now its been updated to work on php5 and a

    bit more added thanks to Ghost.


    This is our work not yours, it was us who

    spent hours writing it, pls respect that.


    Copyright: http://www.copyrightdeposit.com/rep10/0029675.htm


    Use: its ok to use this script but our copyright line must

    NOT be removed.

  2. Thanks, with all this im very sure i can work it out.. as for the lines etc.. as i say i didn't write this.. if you want to look at the site im testing on go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with a mobile phone, opera, or the wml plugin for firefox..

    the code is a bit of a mess but im sure on viewing the site you will see why im working with it... ;-)thanks again ;-)

    EDIT: works perfect, many many thanks ;-) ;-)

  3. Hi, i have been working with a wap forum script, translating from russian and fixing errors etc.. but now im stuck, the problem is with the pages while viewing a forum..


    Let me explain.. the pages are set to show ten topics per page which all works fine as you can see in these screenshots:


    page 1:

    Posted Image


    page 2:

    Posted Image


    The problem occurs when there are PINNED topics (with the redish folder), it will show ten topics but also the pinned ones on page one, and the "Next" link will appear before it should leading to a blank page where there should be topics but they are still on the other page lol..


    Here is a screenshot of the pages not working with pinned topics..



    Posted Image



    Posted Image


    Now here is the two bits of code relating to it:


    part 1:

    function getposts($id,$nick,$pass,$page){slogin($nick,$pass);global $banned;//  $letssee=false;if (!$banned) {$page=$page-1;if (!$page==0) $page=$page*10; else $page=0;$pagemore=$page+10;$pinnedposts=mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM posts WHERE forum='".$id."' AND thread='1' AND pinned='1' ORDER BY position LIMIT ".$page.",5");$kiekpinnintu=mysql_num_rows($pinnedposts);$ikipage=10-$kiekpinnintu;if ($ikipage<0) $ikipage=0;$userposts=mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM posts WHERE forum='".$id."' AND thread='1' AND pinned='0' ORDER BY position LIMIT ".$page.",10");echo "<br/>";while ($rowas = mysql_fetch_array($pinnedposts)){$isclosed=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT closed FROM posts WHERE name='".$rowas[1]."' AND forum='".$id."'"));$postu=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE forum='".$id."' AND name='".$rowas[1]."'"));$rowas[1]=htmlspecialchars($rowas[1]);$enc=urlencode($rowas[1]);$enc=htmlspecialchars($enc);$image="<img src=\"images/pinned.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";if ($isclosed[0]==1) {$image="<img src=\"images/closed.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";}echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewpost&name=$enc&nick=$nick&pass=$pass&forumas=$id&read=old&page=1\">$image$rowas[1](".$postu[0].")</a>"; echo "<br/>";}while ($rowas = mysql_fetch_array($userposts)){$isclosed=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT closed FROM posts WHERE name='".$rowas[1]."' AND forum='".$id."'"));$postu=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE forum='".$id."' AND name='".$rowas[1]."'"));$rowas[1]=htmlspecialchars($rowas[1]);$enc=urlencode($rowas[1]);$enc=htmlspecialchars($enc);//$viewpost_title =convert_cyr_string($rowas[1],"i","w");if ($postu[0]>20) {$image="<img src=\"images/hot.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";} else {$image="<img src=\"images/normal.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";}if ($isclosed[0]==1) {$image="<img src=\"images/closed.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";}echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewpost&name=$enc&nick=$nick&pass=$pass&forumas=$id&read=old&page=1\">$image$rowas[1](".$postu[0].")</a>"; echo "<br/>";}echo "<br/>";} else echo "Your Banned!";}


    if ($action=="viewforum")		   {							 //let's have a look @ forum$forumnameasasas=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM forums WHERE id='".$id."'"));echo "<card id=\"viewforum\" title=\"$forumnameasasas[0]\">";echo "<p align=\"center\">";global $timezone;$valandos=date("H")+$timezone;if ($valandos>23) $valandos=$valandos-24;$data=date("y m d - ".$valandos.":i");echo "$data<br/>";echo ismod($nick,$pass,$id);global $moderator;if ($moderator) echo "Welcome Moderator!<br/>";$letssee=false;$fperms=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT perms FROM forums WHERE id='".$id."'"));if ($fperms[0]=="0") {$letssee=true;}if ($fperms[0]=="1") {$letssee=true;}if ($fperms[0]=="2") {$forribdforums=mysql_query("SELECT forum FROM permissions WHERE name='".$nick."'");while ($frumas=mysql_fetch_array($forribdforums)) {if ($frumas[0]==$id or $frumas[0]=="*") {$letssee=true;}}}if ($letssee) {echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=newthread&id=$id&nick=$nick&pass=$pass\">New Topic</a>";//echo "<br/>";echo "</p><p align=\"left\">";echo getposts($id,$nick,$pass,$page);echo "</p><p align=\"center\">";$page=$page+1;$poststot=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE forum='".$id."' AND thread='1'"));$poststot[0]=$poststot[0];//echo "<br/>";$poststot=ceil($poststot[0]/10);if ($page<$poststot+1) echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewforum&id=$id&nick=$nick&pass=$pass&page=$page\">Next</a><br/>";$page=$page-2;if ($page>0) echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewforum&id=$id&nick=$nick&pass=$pass&page=$page\">Prev</a><br/>";$page=$page+1;if ($poststot==0) $poststot=1;echo slogin($nick,$pass);global $logged;if ($logged) {$unreadinbox=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM private WHERE unread='y' AND sentto='".$nick."'"));if ($unreadinbox[0]>0) {$pmtotl=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM private WHERE sentto='".strtolower($nick)."'"));$unrd="(".$unreadinbox[0]."/".$pmtotl[0].")";echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=private&nick=$nick&pass=$pass&page=1\">Inbox$unrd</a><br/>";}}echo "Page: $page/$poststot<br/>";echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=newthread&id=$id&nick=$nick&pass=$pass\">New Topic</a>";echo "<br/><a href=\"index.php?nick=$nick&pass=$pass\">Home</a>";} else echo "Viewing impossible!<br/><a href=\"index.php?nick=$nick&pass=$pass\">Home</a>";echo "</p>";echo "</card>";}

    Any help with this woll be much appreciated as its the last error on the script, then it will be 100% working ;-) thanks ;-)

  4. Thanks i will try this out.

    Edit: It works great but it was still showing Download Added text so i got round it like this:

    if($title!="" && mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `downloads` WHERE `title` = '".$title."'"))==0){  $add = 1;$query = "INSERT INTO `downloads` (title, date, description, link, crack, ip) VALUES ('$title','$date','$description', '$link', '$crack', '$ip')";$result = mysql_query($query);}else echo "<b>Download NOT Added</b><br/>The title you entered was either invalid or already exists.";if ($result) { if ($add==1){echo "<b>Download Added</b><br/>You can add another in 2 seconds.";}echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=2;url=submit.php>";}

    With the $add bit.

  5. Hi, I have been working with a download/link exchange script: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    However it has some problems when adding download links..

    Users can submit downloads with no title, and also entries with duplicate titles.

    Can anyone show me how to fix this?? Here is the submit page:

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) //read fields from record set
    if($rank <= $toptop) //only display first X number of banners
    if ($banner!="")
    echo "<a href='$url' target='_blank'><img border=0 src=$banner></A> - $points<BR>";
    else { ?> linenums:0'><?php include("dbconnect.php"); ?> <html> <head> <title><? echo $sitename ?></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="<? echo $keywords; ?>"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="<? echo $description; ?>"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="<? echo $yourmail; ?>"> <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="INDEX, FOLLOW"> <META NAME="REVISIT-AFTER" CONTENT="1 DAYS"> <META NAME="RATING" CONTENT="GENERAL"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="images/evilddl.css" /> </head> <div align="center"> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#333333" vlink="#333333" alink="#333333"> <table width="928" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="main"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td background="images/sitetitleback.gif"><img src="images/banner.gif" width="339" height="70"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="box"> <tr> <td background="images/tabletop.gif" height="21" class="top">Menu</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bottom"> <?php include("menu.txt"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="box"> <tr> <td background="images/tabletop.gif" height="21" class="top">Affiliates</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bottom"> <?php include("aff.txt"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="box"> <tr> <td background="images/tabletop.gif" height="21" class="top">Top Sites</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bottom"> <?php $result=mysql_query("select titel, url, points, banner, id from toplist WHERE points > 0 ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 0,$topsites;"); //fetch all fields from table which's points are > 0 order them by most points, and limit number of records by global defined amount of topsites to be displayed $rank=1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) //read fields from record set { $title=$row[0]; $url=$row[1]; $points=$row[2]; $id=$row[4]; if($rank <= $toptop) //only display first X number of banners { $banner=$row[3]; } if ($banner!="") { echo "<a href='$url' target='_blank'><img border=0 src=$banner></A> - $points<BR>"; } else { ?>:: <a href="site.php?id=<? echo $id ?>"><? echo $title ?></a><br> <? } $banner=""; $rank += 1; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="box"> <tr> <td background="images/tabletop.gif" height="21" class="top">Search</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bottom"> <?php include("search.htm"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="box"> <tr> <td background="images/tabletop.gif" height="21" class="top">Stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bottom"> <?php $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; echo ":: IP: $ip"; ?> <br> :: Date: <?PHP echo date("D M d, Y"); ?> <br> :: Time: <?PHP echo date("H:i:s"); include_once ("online.php"); $visitors_online = new usersOnline(); if (count($visitors_online->error) == 0) { $online = $visitors_online->count_users(); echo "<br>:: Online: $online"; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="735" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="box"> <tr> <td background="images/tabletop.gif" height="21" class="top">Advert</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bottom"> <?php include("ad.htm"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="box"> <tr background="images/tabletop.gif"> <td height="21" colspan="2" class="top"> <p>Add Downloads</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bottom" valign="top"><? if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date = date("d/m/Y"); $title = addslashes($_POST['title']); $description = addslashes($_POST['description']); $link = addslashes($_POST['link']); $crack = addslashes($_POST['crack']); $query = "INSERT INTO `downloads` (title, date, description, link, crack, ip) VALUES ('$title','$date','$description', '$link', '$crack', '$ip')"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { echo "<b>Download Added</b><br/>You can add another in 2 seconds."; echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=2;url=submit.php>"; } else { echo "Download could not be added.<br/>"; } } else { ?> <br> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> Title: <br><input name="title" size="55" maxlength="255"> <br> <br> Description:<br><textarea name="description" rows="9" cols="50"></textarea> <br> <br> Link(s):<br> <textarea name="link" rows="6" cols="50">http://test.com/file0.rar<br> [url="https://www.test.com/; [url="https://www.test.com/; [url="https://www.test.com/; <br> <br> Crack/Password: <br> <input name="crack" size="55" maxlength="255"> <br> <br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Download"> </form> <?php } ?></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div align="center"><?php include("foot.txt"); ?> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table></div> </body> </html>
    Here is the bit that needs the work:


    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $date = date("d/m/Y");
    $title = addslashes($_POST['title']);
    $description = addslashes($_POST['description']);
    $link = addslashes($_POST['link']);
    $crack = addslashes($_POST['crack']);
    $query = "INSERT INTO `downloads` (title, date, description, link, crack, ip) VALUES ('$title','$date','$description', '$link', '$crack', '$ip')";

    $result = mysql_query($query);

    if ($result) {
    echo "<b>Download Added</b><br/>You can add another in 2 seconds.";
    echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=2;url=submit.php>";
    } else {
    echo "Download could not be added.<br/>";
    <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
    Title linenums:0'><? if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date = date("d/m/Y"); $title = addslashes($_POST['title']); $description = addslashes($_POST['description']); $link = addslashes($_POST['link']); $crack = addslashes($_POST['crack']); $query = "INSERT INTO `downloads` (title, date, description, link, crack, ip) VALUES ('$title','$date','$description', '$link', '$crack', '$ip')"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { echo "<b>Download Added</b><br/>You can add another in 2 seconds."; echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=2;url=submit.php>"; } else { echo "Download could not be added.<br/>"; } } else { ?> <br> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> Title: <br><input name="title" size="55" maxlength="255"> <br> <br> Description:<br><textarea name="description" rows="9" cols="50"></textarea> <br> <br> Link(s):<br> <textarea name="link" rows="6" cols="50">http://test.com/file0.rar<br> [url="https://www.test.com/; [url="https://www.test.com/; [url="https://www.test.com/; <br> <br> Crack/Password: <br> <input name="crack" size="55" maxlength="255"> <br> <br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Download"> </form> <?php } ?>
    Thanks in advance for any help, im not very good at coding.
    Notice from jlhaslip:
    chenged code tags to codebox

  6. Summary: My old wap chat, released and working on new servers (PHP4.4.4)


    Long Description: This is the best, and most original Mobile Chat.

    Originally coded by mobiliichat, in the year 2005.

    Updated by me, in the last two years.

    Credit is due to mobiliichat, ghost, and sadhu.

    This version works on ALL PHP4.4.4 servers.

    It MAY work on PHP4.4.2 and other versions.


    Features include:

    1. PHP 4.4.4 compatibility.

    2. Private messaging.

    3. Smilie faces.

    4. Endless possibilitys.


    Known bugs:

    1. Users in private don't show in online list.

    2. Possible cloning problems.



    1. I can fix

    2. I will fix for version 1.1.3


    License Information: License Type: Other Free / Open Source License


    Additional Info: You MUST read README.txt which is included in the package.

    Price: $ 0


    Platform: linux

    Size: < 100 kb

    Version: 1.1.2

    Site URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Download URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Author: wappy


    Aditional support:

    @support at my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    @support topic on gumslone's site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    @download from gumslone: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    How to install:

    1. upload all files to your root directory..

    2. CHMOD all *.text files to 777

    3. Create an account named admin

    4. create a normal nick for fun

    5. CHAT...

  7. By downloading this script you are agreeing to the license and terms outlined below :)

    /** *
    * @package: wappyBUDDY - Tibia Gold Edition
    * @version: 1.10 2006/10/01 00:00:01 wappy
    * @copyright: Š2003, 2006 jon roig, wappy
    * @release notes: this is the first official release of my download script despite pirate and incomplete copies floating around that were stolen from one of my previous servers. The next release will follow very shortly
    * @terms: wappyBUDDY is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    wappyBUDDY is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html | we request that you do not remove the copyright/links at the bottom of the page, please give credit where credit is due

    * @description: this is a powerfull and easy to install/use wap download script based on some old code by jon roig that i have heavily updated. You can have a great looking wap download site up in minutes! This exact copy is used for my tibiaME fan/clan site http://tibia.hack.s-60.org/ and is intended to be used as a main site (in root dir) but you can use it how you wish. i have left the search function out of this copy as im working on a much better one and the last one gives errors on certain server configurations

    * @features: lists and links to all downloads in the folder, determines file type and assigns an icon to each type of file, also the extension is cut from display to make things neat, auto multiple pages, you choose how many items per page are displayed, page jumpbox also with first and last page links, file size, total site disk usage, file count, a box under each download with the direct url for easy copy an pasting of links to forums etc. Watch out for future releases very very soon!

    * @installation: simply upload the contents of the zip to a folder on your server and add downloads to the same folder via ftp or your cpanel. Directorys will be shown but will not be accessed by the user, this feature maybe changed in the future as im still working out the best way to deal with directorys. You will want to edit the logo and card title etc also. If you have any problems, questions, suggestions, or comments on this script feel free to mail me at admin@hack.s-60.org
    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Added quote tags. Please quote all non-original material.

  8. mmm no.. Look i literally just made a simple typo.. Like i pressed delete on something or missed a ; or a " or something?? All that stuff said above is very confusing. It works fine and is just a typo i done it while i was tired and changing layout. Sigh.. Lol


    don't know if this will help anyone find the error but here is an older version of the page that im using older working version and here is the working page. Ignore the square symbols they are enters, this might help show what is NOT the error for elimination:

    <?/** ** @package tibia clan site* @version 1.00 2006/09/12 21:53:27 JACK THE RIPPER* @copyright (c)2006 JACK THE RIPPER* @license FREE* @wapsite http://hack.s-60.org **//***/Include ('data/function_dskspace.php');header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\""." \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml;; $page = $_GET["page"];$conf["items_per_page"] = 10;if (!isset($page)) {$page = 0;}$user = explode ('/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT);if(!($dp = opendir("./"))) die ("Cannot open ./");$file_array = array(); while ($file = readdir ($dp))	{	if(substr($file,0,1) != '.' and $file != "index.php")		{		$file_array[] =  $file;		}	}$file_count = count ($file_array);sort ($file_array);?> <wml> <card id="card1" title="TIBIA CLAN"> 	<p align ="center" mode="nowrap"><img src="tibiame_small_logo.jpg" alt="TIBIA CLAN"/><br/>---</p><p align ="left" mode="nowrap">		<?if ($file_count=="0"){echo "<small>Sorry there are $file_count files in this folder!</small>";}				if ($file_count > 0)			{			$first_record = $page * $conf["items_per_page"];			$last_record = $first_record + $conf["items_per_page"];						while (list($fileIndexValue, $file_name) = each ($file_array))				{								if (($fileIndexValue >= $first_record) AND ($fileIndexValue < $last_record))					{//icon code$icon = "data/unknown.gif";$rev = strrev ($file_name);$exp = explode (".", $rev);$true = strrev ($exp[0]);$trueext = strtolower ($true);if ($trueext=="zip" OR $trueext=="rar" OR $trueext=="gz"){$icon = "data/zip.gif";}if ($trueext=="amr"){$icon = "data/amr.gif";}if ($trueext=="midi"){$icon = "data/midi.gif";}if ($trueext=="mid"){$icon = "data/mid.gif";}if ($trueext=="gif"){$icon = "data/gif.gif";}if ($trueext=="jpeg"){$icon = "data/jpeg.gif";}if ($trueext=="jpg"){$icon = "data/jpg.gif";}if ($trueext=="jad"){$icon = "data/jad.gif";}if ($trueext=="jar"){$icon = "data/jar.gif";}if ($trueext=="sis"){$icon = "data/sis.gif";}if ($trueext=="bmp"){$icon = "data/bmp.gif";}if ($trueext=="wbmp"){$icon = "data/wbmp.gif";}if ($trueext=="txt"){$icon = "data/txt.gif";}if ($trueext=="avi"){$icon = "data/avi.gif";}if ($trueext=="thm"){$icon = "data/thm.gif";}if ($trueext=="nth"){$icon = "data/nth.gif";}if ($trueext=="png"){$icon = "data/png.gif";}if ($trueext=="mmf"){$icon = "data/mp4.gif";}if ($trueext=="wav"){$icon = "data/wav.gif";}if (is_dir($file_name)){$show="no";}else{$show="yes";}if ($show=="yes"){//show file links$kb="kb";	$number=($fileIndexValue+1);$size = round(filesize($file_name)/1024,1);					echo "<small><a href=\"$file_name\"><img src=\"$icon\" alt=\"$number\"/>$file_name ($size$kb)</a></small><br/>";}					$total = $total + filesize($file_name);					}				}?></p><p align ="center" mode="nowrap"><?$pages =(int) ceil($file_count / $conf["items_per_page"]);$pages = ($pages -1);if ($pages>0){ echo "<small>---</small><br/>";}						if (($file_count > 0) AND ($page != 0))				{				// previous button				$prev_page = $page -1;				echo "<small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$prev_page\">«Prev</a></small>";				}									if (($file_count > 0) AND ($last_record < $file_count))				{				// next button				$next_page = $page + 1;				echo "|<small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$next_page&sid=$sid\">Next»</a></small>";				}if ($page>$pages){echo "<br/><small>---<br/>This page does not exist!</small>";}if($pages>1){echo "<small><br/>---<br/>Jump (0-$pages/$page):</small><br/>";}if($pages>1)echo "<input emptyok=\"true\" name=\"jump\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\" value=\"\" /><small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$(jump)&sid=$sid\">[Go]</a></small>";if ($page<$pages){echo "<br/><small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$pages&sid=$sid\">Last page</a></small>";}if ($page=="0" AND $file_count>10){echo "<br/>";}if ($page>0){echo "<br/><small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=0&sid=$sid\">First page</a></small>";}							echo "<small><br/>$file_count </small>";$space = dskspace ('./');$space = round ($space/1024000,1);$mb = "mb";echo "<small>files</small>";//find true path of this site$docname = "" . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ];$path = dirname($docname);		$path = str_replace (";, "", $path);echo "<br/><small>$path</small>";			}		closedir($dp);		echo "<small><br/>©2006 JACK THE RIPPER</small>";		?>			</p></card> </wml> 

  9. Hi i have made a stupid error on one of my pages and having trouble finding it. It says unexpected ')' on line 114 can anyone please help me find it? Here is the page:

    <?/** ** @package TibiaME Clan/Download Site* @version 1.00 2006/09/27 00:04:37 wappy* @copyright (c)2004-2006 wappyCULT* @home http://hack.s-60.org* @license You can use/modify this script but distributing it without permisinn, or removing the "Script By: wappy" link will invalidate your license and give wappy (wappyCULT) FULL RIGHTS to request removal of the script from your server* @licensed to Jack The Ripper* @wapsite http://tibia.s-60.org* @thanks to Jon Roig and Sadhu**/Include ('data/function_dskspace.php');header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\""." \"http://http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml;; // sadhu's genius 1 line error fix starts$page = $_GET["page"];// sadhu's genius 1 line error fix ends//items per page$conf["items_per_page"] = 10;//in this put the above amount plus the number of folders in root i have two folders in my root, data and cgi-bin so i put 12if ($page=="0"){$conf["items_per_page"] = 12;}if (!isset($page)) {$page = 0;}$user = explode ('/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT);if(!($dp = opendir("./"))) die ("Cannot open ./");$file_array = array(); while ($file = readdir ($dp)) { if(substr($file,0,1) != '.' and $file != "index.php")  {  $file_array[] =  $file;  } }$file_count = count ($file_array);sort ($file_array);?> <wml> <card id="card1" title="TIBIA CLAN">  <p align ="center" mode="nowrap"><img src="tibiame_small_logo.jpg" alt="TIBIA CLAN"/></p><p align ="left" mode="nowrap">  <?if ($file_count=="0"){echo "<small>Sorry there are $file_count files in this folder!</small>";}    if ($file_count > 0)   {   $first_record = $page * $conf["items_per_page"];   $last_record = $first_record + $conf["items_per_page"];     while (list($fileIndexValue, $file_name) = each ($file_array))	{	if (($fileIndexValue >= $first_record) AND ($fileIndexValue < $last_record))	 {//icon code$icon = "data/unknown.gif";$rev = strrev ($file_name);$exp = explode (".", $rev);$true = strrev ($exp[0]);$trueext = strtolower ($true);if ($trueext=="zip" OR $trueext=="rar" OR $trueext=="gz"){$icon = "data/zip.gif";}if ($trueext=="amr"){$icon = "data/amr.gif";}if ($trueext=="midi"){$icon = "data/midi.gif";}if ($trueext=="mid"){$icon = "data/mid.gif";}if ($trueext=="gif"){$icon = "data/gif.gif";}if ($trueext=="jpeg"){$icon = "data/jpeg.gif";}if ($trueext=="jpg"){$icon = "data/jpg.gif";}if ($trueext=="jad"){$icon = "data/jad.gif";}if ($trueext=="jar"){$icon = "data/jar.gif";}if ($trueext=="sis"){$icon = "data/sis.gif";}if ($trueext=="bmp"){$icon = "data/bmp.gif";}if ($trueext=="wbmp"){$icon = "data/wbmp.gif";}if ($trueext=="txt"){$icon = "data/txt.gif";}if ($trueext=="avi"){$icon = "data/avi.gif";}if ($trueext=="thm"){$icon = "data/thm.gif";}if ($trueext=="nth"){$icon = "data/nth.gif";}if ($trueext=="png"){$icon = "data/png.gif";}if ($trueext=="mmf"){$icon = "data/mp4.gif";}if ($trueext=="wav"){$icon = "data/wav.gif";}if (is_dir($file_name)){$show="no";}else{$show="yes";}if ($show=="yes"){//show file links$kb="kb"; //get rid of ext$linkname = str_replace ($trueext, "", $file_name);$number=($fileIndexValue+1);$size = round(filesize($file_name)/1024,1);	 echo "<small><a href=\"$file_name\"><img src=\"$icon\" alt=\"$number\"/>$linkname ($size$kb)</a></small><br/>";}	 $total = $total + filesize($file_name);	 }	}?></p><p align ="center" mode="nowrap"><?$pages =(int) ceil($file_count / $conf["items_per_page"]);$pages = ($pages -1);if ($pages>0){ echo "<br/>";}      if (($file_count > 0) AND ($page != 0))	{	// previous button	$prev_page = $page -1;	echo "<small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$prev_page\">«Prev</a></small>";	}      if (($file_count > 0) AND ($last_record < $file_count))	{	// next button	$next_page = $page + 1;if ($page=="0"){$break="";}else{$break="|";}	echo "$break<small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$next_page&sid=$sid\">Next»</a></small>";	}if ($page>$pages){echo "<br/><small><br/>This page does not exist!</small>";}//page display on site$pagedisplay = $page;if ($pagedisplay=="0"){$pagedisplay="Home";}if ($pagedisplay==$pages){$pagedisplay="Last";}//space code$space = dskspace ('./');$space = round ($space/1024000,1);$total = round ($total/1024000,1);$mb = "mb";if($pages>2){echo "<small><br/><br/>Page ($pagedisplay|$total$mb)<br/><br/>Jump (0-$pages):</small><br/>";}if($pages>2)print "<input emptyok=\"true\" name=\"jump\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\" value=\"\" /><small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$(jump)\">[Go]</a></small>";if ($page<$pages){echo "<br/><small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$pages\">Last Page</a></small>";}if ($page=="0" AND $file_count>10){echo "<br/>";}if ($page>0){echo "<br/><small><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=0\">Home</a><br/></small>";}	   echo "<small><br/>$file_count </small>";echo "<small>Files ($space$mb)<br/></small>";echo "<br/><small>Script By: <a href=\"http://hack.s-60.org\">wappy</a><br/><u>tibia.</u><a href=\"http://hack.s-60.org\">hack.s-60.org</a></small>";   }  closedir($dp);  echo "<small><br/>©2006 Jack The Ripper</small>";?> </p></card> </wml>

  10. i haven't tried vbulletin yet but i prefer ipb to phpbb its much much better, phpbb2 is ok when the file attachment and a host of other mod's are installed but invision boards are so much more sleek and nice to use, with many more nice little touches. I also installed the beta2 version of phpbb3 which i admit is a great improvement, but i can't be using an unstable beta as my main forum. I look forward to the release of phpbb final.

  11. Hi, i need a little help if possible, i have a multi forum hosting mod for ipb 1.31 ok.. I want to install this but the install text included is a little unclear.. I already have a copy of ipb 1.31 installed and running (with users and posts), i want to install this mod but i also want to keep all my db user/post info and still be able to use my existing forums with just a link to the forum hosting form. Could someone please look at the documents included with this mod and give me more clear instructions on how to do this? Do i need to install a second copy of the IPB UPLOAD folder or just follow the instructions on my existing folder? Confused. :)

  12. i don't use the opera mini but i use opera 8.60 on my nokia 6630 its much better than the mini version. I can browse any site i like. Im using it right now. You would be surprised what you can do with a mobile phone. Every site in my sig was built using this phone apart from surfwap (its not my site). You can get text editors, ftp software, zip applications and a host of other apps to help you on your way. The only shame is alot of the apps can be quite expensive and so are the symbian phones that use them. I have in my phone a half gig memory card. It rocks :)

  13. ok thanks i will take a look at that tutorial. I think i can work out the index.php thing though as my download script already does that and my search but i built the base code so long ago i really can't remember how i done it lol, i been more busy with updating it with proper extension icons, search and the like. When/if i release it, it will be the best wap download script out, well it is already but i never give it out. Would like to say a big thanks to the creator of the wapbuddy script also for giving me a good starting point and inspiration to write the new download script :-)

  14. thanks for the info :-) no i think i will just use this code juice, which random image code did you mean? The one i use is the same as my random link code with just images instead of links and a text file. It must read the files not me or the script user having to type them is boring and time wasting to type all that and the script is designed to be very simple to use with little or no setup needed.

  15. many thanks buffalo :-) / but juice that would mean i would have to site there and add hundreds of links to a text file.. Its to add to my download script/site which auto displays the files with icons corresponding to the extension and by adding the manual random code would defeat the purpose of the script and ruin it. Why do hard work when your computer can do it for you? :-)

  16. ok well maybe your not the guy but look in my ban list on cult.trap17.com and the fact i banned your nickname the same day or day before you registered here is a bit strange eh lol. I don't use any of your code or your script. Also i don't know about anyone stealing your code and to be honest don't know why anyone would bother, i use php not cgi, and have no interest weather you made that logo or not its a temporary logo i found on google that i use for my site, it will be replace when i choose the winner of my logo making competition on my wap site. Anyway i would like to remind you this is a php forum. Not for posting sly comments, arguing, or discussing cgi scripts. And if you are the real owner of omnicult tell me what was your last web script release cos they still make web scripts eh? Anyway Boo Hoo :)

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