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Posts posted by FallenSage

  1. Occupation: studentInterests (Please be specific, e.g., application programming, web designing):1.music2.movies3.gamesHours Online/day:4Nature Of Sites you visit often:depends :lol: Sites You Visit Often:1.


  2. My site has been running pretty slowly lately and I'm not sure why. I was wondering if it's you or are there certian things that I put on there that would make run slowly. I mean about every other time I try to veiw a page after waiting 30 seconds I just get a white screen. :)It's not all the time though either. Other times it runs great even withe same pages. I don't know it comes and goes.

  3. I'm using a nuke portal and I have a download module that people can upload files to. But the max upload size is 2 mb. They keep saying it is not them setting this. I was just wonder if there is anyway to change this file size limit? I they say you can create a php.ini and do something to a .htaccess files. I would do them my self but I don't see a php.ini and I don't know how to make one. Also I don't know what .htaccess or if it matters.

  4. :) Wow I've never seen a better post in my life. I have only been useing Xisto - Web Hosting for a couple weeks now and I haven't had any problems. And like OpaQue said their services are great for their prices and I did my research I must tell you. Searched the web for months no joke. And after reading that post I'm even happier to have them as my host. ;)
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