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Posts posted by RichT

  1. Reputation is what it is. Reputation. Like.. If you post a good tutorial, picture or piece of info, people may give you + reputation. It doesn't really acomplish anything in the forum, but it shows how helpful you are and stuff.If you post bad stuff, break the rules and stuff you'll get - rep, which will eventually go sub-zero. STRIVE FOR REP!

  2. To get the blue text effect:1) I used white text because of the white ball in the middle, but it doesn't really matter. I think bright colors would work better, though. Write text in a bright color.2) Duplicate it and select the ORIGINAL.3) Filter>Stylize>Wind. Do this once from left, once from right.4) Repeat step 3.5) Edit>Transform>90CW6) Filter>Stylize>Wind. Do this once from left, once from right.7) Repeat step 6.8) Still with the original layer selected, find a good style. Cycle through. Some of them spread out (you don't get the mountain range effect), so look for a good one that sticks to boundries. I think I used blue glass.9) Select the duplicated layer and choose the same style (or a darker one for a better effect). Then you're done!You can also plastic wrap the duplicated text for a pretty look. Don't do it too hard though, or it may look a little strange.I'll write how to do that fireball effect. I'll have to do it again myself, though. I forgot, lol.

  3. Yeah, fair enough, women are a part of this world and should be allowed and given the choice to everything men do. I don't argue about that.But complaining about the term "Mankind" and "manmade" etc, I think that's just stupid. If everything was "womenkind" and "womenmade", I for one wouldn't go around trying to change it. It doesn't directly involve my life, so why fix what isn't broken?

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