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Posts posted by SyneWave

  1. You see, I have two best friends. For the sake of anonimity Friend A, Friend B, and Me. Friend A has a sister. She's really cute, and i think i might have feelings for her. Heres the problem. Friend B does too. I really wanna ask her out, but i dont want to hurt my friendship with Friend A or B. Please help me, i dont know what to do, should i just stand back and let friend B ask her, or should I make the first move, hope friend B doesent get hurt and hope i don't offend Friend A. PLease i need help

  2. Personally, I think it won't be a problem. Now, I'm not omniscient ar anything but i do get Popular Science. What that magazine has told me is that the current limitations on vaccination are as such: 1.The number of vaccines is equal to the number of eggs that we can grow it in. 2. The incubation period of said vaccine is the same as the incubation period of the egg. Now, what was in a semi-recent arctle was as thus, Scientists are working on ways to grow the vaccine outside of an egg, kind of like hydroponic farming for vaccines. That would both expediate the incubation period and allow the number of vaccines to exceed the number and rate of supply of eggs. That being said, as far as i know, tommorow Iran could nuke the U.S. and i believe that we should focus more on more urgent problems and make preparations so we can cross the bridge of the Avian Flu when we get to it (or if there is no bridge human ingenuity will build a brige)

  3. At the date of this post, I have found microsoft has released a Windows Vista Beta Download in .iso format at the following address: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I myself have not downloaded yet, but i definitely might in the future. This is a Official Microsoft Release and for that reason i would assume that it contains no spyware, adware, or virus. If the link does not work, Type "Windows Vista Beta" in the search box on microsoft.com

  4. I agree with Lawmatchmaker. The best way to kill a virus is to not get it. Always update your Anti-virus software. Don't download questionable files, open suspicious emails, or go to known virus sites. One of the current most dangerous viruses, or so i have gathered from the letters people keep sending me, is the "Invitation virus", so if you get an email labeled "Invitation", follow Lawmatchmaker's procedures.;

  5. Here's my theory, dont blow me out of the water too soon. Sony has grown to be gaming GIANT. I'm sure we all remember when Sony started out with its humble PlayStation, or PSX. Sony was still good when the PS2 came out. Here's a fact for you though. Month for Month, the PS2 continues to outsell the Xbox 360. Even the great fanfare set forth for the Xbox 360, could not beat the PS2 in monthly sales. Sony has total control over the market. And you might be saying, "Yeah, but, Sony still makes good games and a good console to play them on." Well think about this, yes it maybe good but now Sony is feeling INVINCIBLE. They no longer care what there rabid fanbase thinks they only care about the money, yes the money, so original isn't it. And now with the expected price tag of the PS3 set so high, Sony has alienated the Middle-Class market from its fanbase for at least one year and a half. Now, I may be no marketing specialist but, isn't that: A. The majority of U.S. citizens, and B. The very same Middle-Class market that welcomed Sony's PSX? Tell me if I'm wrong, but that just isn't right.

    Play station or PS brand is a series of video game consoles developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. The various extensions attached like PSX,PS2 or PS3 are steps of advancement in the series. Source- wikipedia

  6. Yeah, I used to hate, and i mean hate rap. But Eminem, specifically When Im Gone, turned that around. I still only like a little bit of rap and all of it Eminem's. I really like the emotion he puts into his music. It almost as if it comes straight from his heart and soul. You feel as if you know him. You feel like he took his troubles and his worries, and all of his problems and poured them into his songs. Some of is rap is not at all materialistic and is very deep. Eminem, I bow down to you...

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