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Posts posted by PhrostByte

  1. I've never really had a problem with my parents. Sure, I used to get really pissed off when they wouldn't let me do something, but in retrospect I'm glad they didn't. We used to fight sometimes, but we would always laugh about it later. My mom has to be my best friend. We are always hanging out together, but she is my mother first and foremost. She has no problem telling me to stop acting like an a** if I start to get out of line. My relationship with my father is more of a stand-offish sort of relationship. We don't really hang out and we don't really do anything together anymore. After I turned eight our relationship kinda stopped. We used to go fishing, camping, and sorta hiking (not really) together. But after a while I lost interest in that sort of thing and we don't really hang out anymore. But we still have fun together sometimes. Not as often though. I would probably be very, very depressed if I didn't have my parents around. Even when they bug the hell out of me, I still love them and wouldn't trade them for the world. My parents have fought with each other on occasion as well. It's more funny than it is unsettling. It usually has to do with money or the fact that my dad started a project and hasn't finished it in over 2 years. I remember one fight between them very clearly. It had to do with money and bills. My dad was mad at my mom for spending too much money and using her credit cards when he wouldn't give her cash. My mom decided that she was fed up with him complaining about it and through each of her credit cards at him. After it was over, my dad picked up each credit card and proceeded to hide them all. Later, after my mom had cooled off a bit, she went in search of where he hid them at. It was really amusing. Because we knew that they weren't really mad at each other, just a little frustrated. I really had fun watching my mom try to find her credit cards...lol

  2. Well, if you can wait a while, phpbb is going to be releasing their new forums module codename "Olympus". It's actually version 2.2, but they have decided to give it a name instead and this version is going to be 3.0.0 instead of 2.2.0. They have already released this announcement on their main site and they have also mentioned a few features that will be installed. Personally, I'm going to wait until Olympus is released. I'm very intrigued as to what it all consists of. Apparently, they also have a completely new template for it as well. It's very hush, hush though. They wont be using that template with their beta releases.

  3. I play "Diablo II" occasionally. But I got kind of tired of having to deal with the people on battle.net. So, usually when I play it now, I just play it in single player mode. That way I don't have to deal with other people and their bad attitudes.


    My personal favorite character is the assassin. I've also played the druid and necromancer on occasion. But I prefer the assassin because she is quicker and you can rush your enemy before they have a chance to hit you. Not to mention, the shadow skill is pretty cool as well.

  4. I happened to be at an eye appointment the day I heard about the tsunami. I was shocked at what I was seeing broadcast on the news. I watch as the death toll went from 4400 to 60000. I was horror-struck by some of the images I saw on the news and wished I could have done something. But, really, in these sorts of horrid accidents there isn't a thing you can do. All you can do is wait for things to settle down and help the people pick up the pieces afterward. It's probably very difficult for the people who lost family, friends and neighbors in the tsunami. But I'm also sure they will be able to put their lives back in order and move on, eventually. It will, of course, take some time. But they have my best of wishes that they find even the littlest of comfort.

  5. I'm against it... not because its an murder (I think it is) but because, if the woman have no responsability, she must to pay by her acts... its an murder at my mind. Don't let somebody to live, at my mind, is a murder. I think god is against it, and I'm too... I can't talk anymore because I didn't start an english course yet, and I don't know exactally what I want do say ^^


    Take a moment and think about what you just wrote. Say, for instance, that abortion was made to be illegal and all mothers were forced to live with the mistakes and bad judgements they've made. How do you think that child would feel believing themselves to be a mistake. Not to mention, the mother and/or father may take it out on the child itself for having to have the baby.


    That would become a living nightmare for that poor child. I wouldn't wish that sort of life on my worst of enemies.


    As for the adoption issue. I feel that it would be better to have the baby and put it up for adoption so that some loving couple, who may not be able to have their own child, may partake in the love of a child. As I said, it would be better to have an extended family member adopt the child, but if it's not possible, there are many couples in the world willing and capable of providing a loving environment for a child in need.

    If the adoption was introduced by the birth parents of the child in question. There is no law in this country that could deny the adoption, even to a gay couple or a single parent if the childs birth parents wished that specific person or persons to care for their child.


    In my mind this would be a far better choice than abortion. But I wouldn't judge someone for having an abortion. Just because I don't believe it is right, doesn't make it wrong.



  6. Personally, I'm PRO-choice. If a woman feels she isn't ready for a baby or doesn't have the means to take care of a baby or just doesn't wish to have a baby. It's her own decision and I wouldn't think about taking away her right to choose. On the other hand though. My family, myself included, are against abortion. We don't condone or believe it is right to have an abortion, but we aren't about to put up a big stink about someone who wants to have one.If a woman is going to have unprotected sex and get pregnant, it's her own stupidity that got her into the situation in the first place. If a woman is raped or a condom breaks, I can understand the womans reluctance to keep the baby. But there are also other alternatives other than having an abortion. Adoption is the best that I could think of. Preferabley by another family member willing to take the baby. That way when the child is grown, they wont have to wonder about their family and spend half of their lives trying to track down their relatives.

  7. I just wanted to stop by and say sorry to the admin for not being around much lately. We were having some issues with our computer and I ended up having to uninstall and reinstall everything. With the exception of SP2 (Service Pack 2), because that was the reason everything was funky on our computer. Now that I have everything reloaded to our computer again, I will be more active again and continue working on my website. So, hopefully you will be able to forgive my lack of posting for the past week or so... Later, - PhrostByte (P.S. Thanks for the B-Day greetz!)

  8. I can't say that I care for much of your sites design. I have a 17" monitor and it still isn't looking quite right to me. The individual pages seem to be a bit midiocre and not well thought out in reguards to layout. It practically looks like a pre-made template that you just filled in. The forums, dear me, are just plain fugly. They don't even resemble your main site in the slightest degree. I don't really like being harsh. But sometimes, being blunt about something is the fastest way to get through to someone. I would take the time to work on your site much more before releasing it to the web for review or even use. Later, PhrostByte

  9. Your site is beautiful, as usual. I loved the other design you used before you changed your websites name to butterfly kisses to. Simple is much better for the simple fact that it's easier to maintain and update. I like simple designs, because it saves on all the clutter of the pages. I might be redesigning my site to a more simple design. I haven't quite decided yet.. But all-in-all, your site is very, very well designed and put together. I really like the background for your rotation page. It's unique and a collage of nice effects that are really eye-catching. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what other things you do with your site. Later, PhrostByte

  10. I fount the following message on the official phpBB2 website this morning and thought I would let everyone here know about it.

    Recently a serious exploitable issue was discovered in PHP (the scripting language in which phpBB, IPB, vB, etc. are written) versions prior to 4.3.10. The problematical functions include unserialize and realpath. phpBB (along with a great many other scripts including IPB, vB, etc.) use these two functions as a matter of course.
    It has come to our attention that code has now been released which uses this exploit in PHP to obtain confidential information in phpBB. Such information includes data contained in phpBB's config.php file. We therefore recommend the following:

    1) If you maintain your own server be sure to upgrade to the newest available release of PHP (both versions 4 and 5). Be aware that at this time phpBB 2.0.x has problems functioning under PHP5 without modification.

    2) If you pay for hosting ensure you hosting provider has upgraded thier installation of PHP (again remember that phpBB 2.0.x and other scripts will not function under PHP5 without modification).

    Please do not submit this PHP issue to our security tracker, it is beyond our control. Fixed versions of PHP do exist and as above we encourage you to ensure your system is running such a version. Equally please examine any "hacking" issues you have carefully to ensure they are not caused by this PHP problem (rather than phpBB). Remember, this is not a phpBB exploit or problem, it's a PHP issue and thus can affect any PHP script which uses the noted functions.

  11. You can usually add a banner, logo or ad into a phpbb forum by editing the overall_header.tpl file within a given template. Because the main look of the phpbb forums is split up into three sections the overall_header.tpl, the main content, and overall_footer.tpl. It's pretty simple once you get used to it. I've been using phpbb for quite some time now and I like it more than IPB, then again anything free with a GPL license it good, if you know what you're doing anyway.





    [EDIT] There is a great pre-modded version of phpbb called phpbb2plus which you can find at phpbb2. It has a banner mod already installed which is editable from the ACP. That might work for you, too. It's one of the best pre-modded forums out there for phpbb.

  12. As I recall, because I've done it once. You are supposed to request it in the request hosting forum. At least that's what the admin told me to do. All you need to give them is your current Username/Domain name, and what you would like it changed to and they usually get around to it. I wouldn't PM the admin about it. He has stated that he is quite busy a lot of the time and that would be an inconvenience for him if you were to try it that way.

  13. I like it.. It looks sorta tech/mod/ind. It could be used on a lot of different theme templates by a lot of different people. As someone mentioned before, the text is a little hard to read. But that's alright, because it's usually what the main banner says that grabs peoples attention. If you've already got their attention, they will probably figure out what the text says. :D

  14. Yes, I made this template. As for what a trapazoid is, it's that little image inbetween the navigational buttons. It's the dark blue angular boxes. As for the template looking frosty, that was the intent. I have a sick obsession with snowflakes and the like. So, I decided to go with that obsession and make a template with it. My template is far from being complete, but it's still a work in progress... Thanks for all the great comments, PhrostByte

  15. The best places to find mods for phpBB are as follows:






    These three sites pretty much have all the mods for phpbb forums between them. The officially released and tested mods are at the Official PHPBB site and usually work without incident. It's kind of "Ify" with some of the other mods out there. But most seem to work properly with the first installation. You might run into problems installing if you have quite a few mods already installed though. A lot of mods interfere with others with the phpBB forum.



  16. I've noticed this problem as well. Yesterday I ended up staying away from Xisto simply because it took forever for the pages to load. I don't know why though. Usually it loads rather quickly and it seems normal again today. I figure they were probably doing some maintainance or something. It's all back though, so I didn't mind not being able to use the site yesterday. It could also have just been our computer acting up again as well. <- snipped -> at least once per day helps keep Xisto from going under. So, don't forget to click them. Just don't do it repeatedly in one day.. That wouldn't be a good thing to do. Later.}

  17. My family (everyone in the house) has quite a few pets. I personally only own a cat, Booh. She is such a priss... :D She spends most of her time cleaning herself and on occasion she'll go outside, just infront of our house because she hates going outside, roll around in the dirt a bit, come back in and start cleaning herself more. Although, she is quite the cuddle-bug when she feels giddy. I'm deffinately a cat person though, dogs are too noisey for my tastes. Although, my cat loves to yap your ears off in the morning when you get up. It's better than a dog barking incessantly.

  18. I can't think of anyone that I hate. Hate is a somewhat strong word... There are people I don't like, people I disagree with, and there are jerks that I would rather not have known. But I can't say that I hate anyone.


    My younger brother, Jeremy, has been to anger management almost five times now. Not that it has really done any good. Everyone in my family has a really bad temper, but his happens to go off frequently and his mouth and actions get him into a lot of trouble. The practically banned him from his former school and sent him to an alternative one two cities away.


    A couple of years ago, he got into some trouble. I forget what it was all about, but the courts sent him to family therapy. I was so mad at him about that one, because the courts also ordered that our entire family attend these meetings with him to try and figure out why he does the things he does. It was an interesting experience, let me tell you. I don't think I have ever done anything quite so pointless as that.



  19. I love your site! I especially like the flash intro page. That was a nice touch to add for the start of your site. I also like the main template of your site, it's original and it changes frequently (ie: the buttons change and you have a bit of animation) which is really good for a site. Otherwise it just looks like a really large image that you are able to navigate... Keep up the good work. Later

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