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Everything posted by AtReYu_UnDeRoAtH

  1. First of all, the PS3 does not use HD-DVD, it uses blu ray, which is a sony proprieatary format. All sony formats in history have failed to get popular support. Second, it isnt that hard to make motion controllers for xbox if anyone really wants it(personally, I think it is just another one of sony's gimmicks. But I do admit that motion controllers would be cool on the Wii, which has games like mario). And Third, the X360 can match up with any thing the PS3 can do, even the E3 shots show it. All of your arguments are just the words of a PS fanboi. Do some research before you say something foolish and make your self look stupid.
  2. Well, my prediction is that the PS3 WILL be a FLOP.First of all, it runs off of the blu ray, which isnt even the standard fo HD content(Sony is the maker of Blu Ray, not suprisingly). Every proprieatary format that sony has tried to push has failed(betamax- alternative to vhs, minidisc- alternative to cd, memorystick- proprieatary memory card). On top of that, the blue ray doesent even work stabley with the "cell processor" and PS3 might have to be pushed back half a year, which by then the 360 will have the HD-DVD add on, which will most likely be the standard.Second, the PS3 will lose the thing that allowed its predecessor to become the best selling system of all time: its affordability and marketing to a wide range of customers. Ken Kutaragi has even said that the PS3 isnt meant for the blue collar people and low income famlies, but rather to the higher middle class families, and the price definetely shows it.(500 and 600 dollar systems??!??). With the most expensive 360 about 100 and 200 dollars less respectively for each class, sony should rethink their strategy.Sony has made me mad over the years, with their pushing of proprietary formats and forcing their products to use those formats. I was so happy when they annoucned the PSP, but then I waited a few months for the E3 coverage to come out, and I was fuming to hear that it only used memory stick as media for memory. I was dreaming about having music, movies, and high graph. games all in one, but my dreams were shattered. Sony is becoming too greedy, and their profits have been suffering in recent years because of it. Sony should really consider shifting to a different business attitude if they want to have the same support as they had before the new millenium when they were a quality company. As for the PS3, the poor pricing, use their propriatary format, and facing a company that has billions of dollars to piss away(microsoft) on their console, Sony must make some drastic changes if they wish for the PS3 to be salvaged. Time will tell if I am wrong, and the PS3 and blu ray will suceed, but I truly believe that the PS3 will not be nearly as popular as its predecessor, and that this could possibly be the undoing of sony's gaming market, and eventually, sony itself.
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