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Posts posted by t4tav

  1. Right , here's my guide at how to install S9Y ( https://docs.s9y.org/ )


    1. Download the version of S9Y you want from the website above


    2. Extract the rar file


    3.Upload all the files to a Web host


    4. Go to you domain/subdomain , also at this point make sure all the files are CHMOD 775


    5. S9Y's Installer should start and give you an overview of you system's setup

    Posted Image


    6. Make sure there is nothing in red and click Simple Install


    7. Fill in all the spaces , with you Database name , Password , etc ...

    Posted Image


    From here on S9Y is very easy to set-up !

    Just use it as you would like blogger.com


  2. Load Photoshop and make a New file


    Posted Image


    And load it up


    Posted Image


    Make it look nice ( add some colour )


    Posted Image


    Load an image up to add to the bar


    Posted Image


    Copy the image to the bar


    Posted Image


    Add some text


    Posted Image


    Open a new file for a pattern ( 6 x 6 pixles )


    Posted Image


    Using the Pencil tool ( set to 1px ) put a square in every 4 squares


    Posted Image


    Click Edit and then Define as Pattern and save your pattern


    Posted Image


    Finaly , Select the whole bar and left click , Click on stroke and put a 1px border around the bar.


    Posted Image


    When you have done all that save your work and upload it here , http://www.imageshack.us/

  3. Extract From Wikipedia.com :

    RNA is primarily made up of four different bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil. The first three are the same as those found in DNA, but uracil replaces thymine as the base complementary to adenine. This base is also a pyrimidine and is very similar to thymine. Uracil is energetically less expensive to produce than thymine, which may account for its use in RNA. In DNA, however, uracil is readily produced by chemical degradation of cytosine, so having thymine as the normal base makes detection and repair of such incipient mutations more efficient. Thus, uracil is appropriate for RNA, where quantity is important but lifespan is not, whereas thymine is appropriate for DNA where maintaining sequence with high fidelity is more critical.


    There are also numerous modified bases found in RNA that serve many different roles. Pseudouridine (Ψ) and the DNA base thymidine are found in various places (most notably in the TΨC loop of every tRNA). There are nearly 100 other naturally occurring modified bases, many of which are not fully understood.

    Posted Image

  4. Right , here's my guide at how to install S9Y ( https://docs.s9y.org/ )


    1. Download the version of S9Y you want from the website above


    2. Extract the rar file


    3.Upload all the files to a Web host


    4. Go to you domain/subdomain , also at this point make sure all the files are CHMOD 775


    5. S9Y's Installer should start and give you an overview of you system's setup

    Posted Image


    6. Make sure there is nothing in red and click Simple Install


    7. Fill in all the spaces , with you Database name , Password , etc ...

    Posted Image


    From here on S9Y is very easy to set-up !

    Just use it as you would like blogger.com


  5. I can only rember this from last year at Kenerdy space center , It said Neil Armstrong and the other one ( Cant rember his name ) had to spend over 1/2 a year in Quaratine because they had brought back DNA/RNA from the Moon. The DNA/RNA carried dust particles and other things that should not be out there. The DNA/RNA only survived a year on our planet due to our atmosphere. The people at NASA were dissapointed by this. But just think , if that DNA/RNA stayed around for longer and it was NASTY !!! We could all be dead :(This news wasnt broadcast on tv , and never got to be , before it was released at the space center !

  6. RNA , is something that you will find in virus and other bugs .Look up the pokemon Deoxys , this is a PKMN made from RNA , and when spacemen went to the moon , they had to stay in quarantine for half a year , becasue they brought DNA/RNA from the moon. No one knows how it got there because Space is a Vacum. This RNA/DNAshould of been frozen. Any way thats a little bit on RNA

  7. Does anyone here play toontown online ? If not , why not try the trial and experiance the game . Belive me its addictive , i was only going on it for the 7 day trial ( Now 3 ) but ive ended up staying on it for nearly a year. If anyone wants some screenshots just ask . :( See you soon on there Tavis :(

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