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About CaptainJerry

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 2]
  1. Well, After putting my all into posts around here, and trying my best to come up with some very lengthy responses to numerous topics, it still wasn't good enough to get a hosting approval. I'm just going to buy some space somewhere, this just isn't worth it. It's been fun. Thanks for everybody's friendship. I'll catch ya' out there, somewhere...
  2. Okay, I got approval and set up a few of my most used spreadsheets. I wonder what the final product is going to be like, the current version will do what I want it to, but it does leave a lot of room for fixes, and enhancements. I have no doubt that Google will end up with a phenomenal product. Thanks again for the link.
  3. I guess there are a few funny parts, but all-in-all, it was kinda gross, and stupid (but that's just my opinion.) I liked the Columbine one better. Oh and if ya see the 9/11 one, ya' gotta see FahrenHYPE 9/11 too, it totally proves that old fat, what's his name, wouldn't know a real fact if it jump up and bit him where the sun don't shine (at least I HOPE it don't shine there!)
  4. How about using two cats, duct taped back to back?!? Now that would be something to watch! Hey! I've got two cats! "Here *****, *****, *****, come to Daddy!" ROFL -- Naaa, better not, my wife would kill me, and I live in SoCal so I might start a new fad, kinda like freeway windshield shootings! D'oH!
  5. Good point, I've been sticking to watching Series stuff on DVD's ~ Maybe ya' gotta wait a while to get them, but... No commercials, no missing an episode, no having to watch an entire episode if ya' don't have the time, and I can turn the TV down and read the captions when the kids are in bed! LOL
  6. Way cool, I signed up, thanks so much, it'll be nice not to have to copy copy copy to my flash drive!
  7. OMG! Angel ~ You're RIGHT!-J-You are totally fu*king marvelous!
  8. Ahhh, but you took the word "Nasty" to be a bad thing, when in fact I intended to reflect that they are the bomb! I have the video of Fuer Frie and was jazzed to see it at the beginning of the movie "The Fast and the Furious!" Just too cool...
  9. Hmmmm, I'm not quite sure how you can port the YouTube update process to your Web site, but it seems like you have a lot of videos there, so if you don't mind, I'd like to ask a question about a problem I'm having with YouTube.... I use to be able to view their videos there just fine, but now I'm getting the message that says... I do have the latest Flash Player installed, or so the Adobe Web site tells me I do. I've even uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Same results at YouTube. My Flash Player works fine at other sites too, just not YouTube, and I think it doesn't work at another video site too (Sharkle if I'm not mistaken) Do you have any clues as to what could be wrong? Thanks for any insight. Sorry to trample on your thread. //Captain.Jerry/
  10. Quick "offline" vote...Who's seen the movie "Supersize Me?"I've seen it, and thought it was pretty interesting (and maybe a little on the stupid side! LOL)//Captain.Jerry/
  11. Hi Mich... I'm new! Yeaaayyyyy (but not new to Groups by any means, I've run several MSN Groups, and Manage somewhere around 7 Tech Support boards around the Internet!) Here's the story of my "Captain" prefix... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks for asking :-) //Captain.Jerry/
  12. Believe it or not, Folsom, California. I lived there for a while (No, NOT in the prison! but very close to it!) and one year, it hit OVER 120? F for two weeks straight, every day! Burned out my air conditioner, and had a very pregnant wife, all at the same time. Dang, I'll never forget that year.Oh, and I've been to Las Vegas which is very hot, and Death Valley, both which may get hotter then Folsom, but I didn't have to live there, so it couldn't have been that bad! LOL //Captain.Jerry/
  13. CNN.com (Cable Network News)I catch the headlines real quick (make sure we're not under any new attacks or anything) and then I move on to Xisto! (Do I get free points for dedication? LOL)//Captain.Jerry/
  14. "The Pleasure Principal" by Lesbians On Ecstasy You can here this song on my MySpace Profile page... here... https://myspace.com/browser (It should just start to play!) //Captain.Jerry/ ?? Or maybe this is the link: https://myspace.com/browser what do I know? LOL I met Marilyn Manson once, he's actually a pretty cool guy, very level head, not very "down to Earth" but that's what makes him cool! I love his version of "Tainted Love" (someone had to fix that song!) //Captain.Jerry/
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