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Posts posted by EMerGE

  1. Ok, first off - the music. Argh! If you're going to have music on your webpage then at least let the visitor have the chance to turn it on themselves and not auto-start, especially since there's no start/stop button that I can find. It doesn't go well with the NIN I have blaring out my speakers at the moment.I don't know if it's intentional, or just my browser/resolution settings but the content seems miles away from the image of the girl and it's sooo tiny, it's hard to read inside the box. A longer, full length content box would work better - even if it's empty space as scrollbars inside a page are annoying. I love the colour scheme though - it's sort of summery with the green/blue. But, you're links are default blue and don't match the rest of the colour scheme :)I love that you have hundreds of content, especially tutorials, for your visitors to keep them at your site and busy - that's always a good thing. I think there's a few issues with browser/resolution positioning in your site, which should be ironed out if you test in different browsers and resolutions - think IE, Opera, Mozilla et all :) Great work though, I like it.

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