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Posts posted by Absolute

  1. I dont know why there are some who are voting for a single universe. It has already been proven that there are others or at least i thought it has. It would be ignorant to think there wasnt. What makes humans so special to think that we are the only life in the universe? There are planets in our own solar system that could have supported life at one time or another.

  2. I think they will be dangerous if somebody controls it. Not just AI. You never know though. Science is evolving so fast nowadays, and the day will probably come when we are surrounded by robots. I don't think they will rule or any nonsense like that. They will need us in some way.

    Yep they will need us! For food! LOL! I agree though, we will be surrounded by them shortly.

  3. i think you may be correct in that we could devolve. I would hope that we are going to evolve a few more times. I dont know how but i would like to believe we will. Reality steps in though and i see us blowing the hell out of eachother in some war or something senseless because we cannot treat each other with respect. There will always be one idiot out there who is hellbent on taking over the world or someone who cannot just settle for what they have and want more. We are destroying the world and we all know it since we see the ice caps melting and we even know what is causing it. But are we truly doing anything about it? No! Until we actually stop using oil and go to something that is plentyfull and easy to produce we will continue killing ourselves. But nobody is taking any real action to stop it. I find it hard to believe that the United States and other countries with all it technological prowess cannot put in place an alternative to todays oil. I used to drive a car that got 58 miles a gallon. That car is now off the market and youd be lucky to find one that gets anything close to it now. Thats truly sad.

  4. At first im like......Robots? Cool. That would be awesome. But the more i think about it the more i believe they will cause more harm then good. Not because i think they will go crazy and kill off all of mankind. I think we would die off from laziness, obesity, disease and etc. I mean we would have them make our food, do our chores and they are already doing our jobs so what would be left for us to do? I know your saying.....dude we would party or do whatever we wanted to. But being seditary would cause us to gain weight.....become even more obese then we already are and become more disease prone. Also, wed be bored looking for things to do because the robots were doing everything for us that we would be ending up doing some stupid things that would probably kill us. You know what i mean. We can think of some stupid things to do when we are bored. Many of them dangerous. My brother and friends and myself decided we were bored and made a bomb. Needless to say it ended up catching our house on fire and some of the yard lol. Didnt burn the house down or anything but caused a minor fire. We'd probably drink too much and look for something dumb to make our days exciting.

  5. Yes, some script kiddies have been causing some grief around the 'net.They appear to only be defacing index pages, so take a backup of your site, change passwords for your ftp and cpanel access, etc as pro-active security measures.
    Several other sites have been affected, none seriously, though. And it is way beyond this Domain. They are pretty busy little individuals.

    Heres something that you should consider. Try reporting them to Xisto and if it continues then press charges against the group. Trust me it works. You will have to take the time to go to the police station and file a report but it just depends on how much time you want to spend on the issue. If it really is a bother then take the time. Trust me i've seen it happen myself where a group of people on a game and decided to hack my clans and some others websites and then brag about it on their own. Unfortunately for them im an *bottom* and i got everyone together that was affected and filed a complaint with the police and they were arrested for it and now its on their permanent record. They had to pay for damages to everyones website and pay the hosts for time spent correcting the problem and had to do community service and were banned from any computer for six months. You just have to take the time. It may seem funny to them but it is a crime and if the people that did it to my groups site do it again they will have to spend time in jail. Now thats funny to me.

  6. yeah, i have this problem now.. theres this guy i really don't consider any part more than friends. but he asked me out and im like .. wdf (inside didnt say it..) and then hes all tracey you didnt respond.. and stufff.. it happened on GUNBOUND lmao.. :lol: and now hes IMing me alot... so.. what do you guys think ? :(

    Did you try telling him straight up that you dont want to? That usually works. Unless hes a stalker or a psycopath he will get the point. If hes one of those two or both.....your in a world of trouble!!! I really dont think id ask someone out over gunbound lol. By the way....what are you doing next weekend? LMAO!

  7. Is the world coming to an end? Is there more pandemonium today than ever before in history?
    The Iraq war, the Timor Leste insurgency, the Congo civil war, the Thailand political crisis, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the Japan-NorthKorea-US tension, the Bird Flu, the SARS, the Hurricane Katrina, and, they all seem to point the world in one direction: self-destruction.

    Why is there so much more fighting in a modern world that champions globalisation, peace and diplomacy? Why is there so much more diseases and natural disasters? Is it God, or is it us?

    Coming to an end? No. Just another day in the world....yes! I dont think its gotten worse. I think that with the information age we are in today we just hear more and more about what is going on in the world. Most of what is going on today was going on in the world back then. The fighting in the middle east has been brewing for thousands of years so its nothing new. The muslim extremist groups today are no different then the christian crusades of the past. Like you hear a thousand times....history repeats itself.

  8. I dont beieve that the current presidency has done much in the way of giving the American people a reason to be proud, but in general Americans deserve to be proud, with all of its troubles it is still the "land of opportunity". I am proud of how American troops heroically put themselves in harms way, with the idea that it is the only option in order to promote and preserve democracy in the world. But I am angry at the "powers that be" that put them there in the first place - there is little honor with high command if the true motivator is capital interest.


    When Bush is through with his term I will be more proud than I am now.

    Can't be long now... oh crap there's another Bush in Florida, look out!


    Dont let your hatred of one person blind you of all the bad things that took place in Iraq. I am a FIRM believer that we should be in Afghanistan right now but the Republicans and Democrats both voted to send us over there. It wasnt just one person.

  9. Wow...sounds like your mother isnt so bad. I hope you dont think you got it bad. i know people who have actually had parents that were bad. Like locking them in closets while they went out for a weekend. Or who were burned because they spilled the milk on the floor so his mom threw hot oil on him. Maybe you should appreciate what you have. It could be alot worse.

  10. I use Trillian. The reason i like it so much is that you can use all the other messenger services on it. It incorporates all the others so you do not have to have all of them open.....one program running. The downside of it is that you cannot use video conferincing features like you can on all the others. If Trillian would come out with this i would consider it as the greatest messenger service out thee.

  11. I used to view all search engines as the same. I still do but i have to admit that i have google as my start page. For one it doesnt take a long time to load due to graphics and etc like msn. Google maps is great as well i've used it several times and found its alot better then most. When i do a search im not interested in the news, weather or etc. I just want to search for what im looking for and be done with it. If i wanted to know the news i would go to the news pages.

  12. Wow.......talk about bringing back memories. I remember walking into the store and seeing the first computer. Back in the day they were very expensive. I walked into the store and saw it sitting in a clearance section. It was in a monitor box. I noticed a keyboard cord hanging out of it and asked myself what the heck a monitor would need a keyboard for. As i looked into the box i saw it had the entire system inside it and was $500.00 (cheap for a computer at this time). I immediately grabbed it and ran to the register. I was then told that it wasnt actually going on clearance until the next day and it would be 25% off. I asked if i could just pay for it now to where the worker replied no so i kept persisting. i was told no and she said just wait until tomorrow its just a monitor. So i went in first thing and to my suprise it was still there. I put it on my store card and ran out the door lol. It was a HP 386 with 16MB of memory (4 slots of 2) lol. Now that was a sweet piece of equipment lol.

  13. I think its the job of all of us as humans to help someone out when they are in need. As Americans I think we should pitch in and help out others in need. Unfortunately, alot of us take for granted the smallest things and it takes a disaster to bring us down to earth and realize that we are not invencible and all of us at one time or another are going to need someone to help us. As far as keeping our millions i am torn between this. Sometimes i am wanting to keep that money and take care of our own first and then others. Alot of time the constant criticism of America by others is the reason for this. The poor performance of the UN and its inability to accomplish anything also makes me lean this way. But, i know that without the help of the US and other wealthy nations that other people would die of famine, disease or just pure racist killing. We have had our problems in the past but i dont think anyone can point out a country that hasnt had some sort of problem.

  14. Why dont you read some of my posts before. I answered all of your questions. Read about what i said about africa and china. To me i DO NOT think we should go into a country and change there goverment. Would you like it if China came over and tried to change our goverment, NO you would not like it. Im sure there are people who like america over there, but i dont like spending tax money on a war that will never end. A war that started from a lie. A war that people compare to Vietnam. A war based on money, power, and greed.


    I want to say to every American that does not already know this. America has committed a horrible war crime. If you do not believe me look it up. They invaded a country without approval of the United Nations and for no reason except weapons of mass destruction in which America never found.

    Please take this into consideration. We were NEVER over there for the people of Iraq. We were over there, from what our leader said, for weapons of mass destruction.


    True. It was mentioned that WMD was the reason and that was wrong faulty intelligence. But when you hear of a group of Islamic Extremist going into a school in the middle of the night and beating the night watchmen and burning the school down only because they allow girls to attend i guess thats not reason to help people. Oh and not to mention the fact that the night watchman was told that anyone returning to the school would have their nose and ears cut off. The next day the children were still at school. They did not care about losing any body parts. They cared about actually getting an education. Something our children take for granted daily. I thank my lucky stars none of you cowards are in charge of any country. You simply turn an eye to beheadings, torture, and rape all over your hatred towards a political party, country, or man. That is why you will never matter. You will never be in charge of any political position in any house of congress. The majority of the people in the world do not agree with you or your views. 49 countries....let me say it again.....49 countries are helping with IRAQ. Its not just the U.S.A. Here is the list of countries from the last time i was there:









    Costa Rica

    Czech Republic


    Dominican Republic

    El Salvador














    Marshall Islands














    Solomon Islands

    South Korea






    United Kingdom

    United States



    I bet one of the countries you live in may even appear on the list. If the majority of the people in your country agreed with your views then all you would have to do is elect a new member to represent your country. If you are allowed to vote that is. However I dont see that happeining since only one member has been taken off that list from the last time i was there. That country is Costa Rica. Keep spinning the facts however you want to. A good chunk of the world is in Iraq right now. Keep applying to your dissident papers that brainwash you daily. IF the United States was not allowing my children to attend school based on their sex. If the USA was beheading people based on religion or tribe, If they were raping my wife, torturing my mother and father....Yes i would pray that some country would come and invade to free us. We need to head to Africa next and start taking care of the gangs there, AIDS, Give them food, water, shelter. We should have gone there a long time ago if you ask me.


    Oh and about China. Dont worry. The time will come when China or India spread throughout SE Asia, The middle East, Europe, and then North and South America. Their populations will soon need the land and they will spread. We may not see it in our lifetimes but it will happen. America as well as alot of other countires may not be around. Who knows.

  15. i agree. The rest of the laptop is good so why waste it if you use it alot. I mean it has got to be less expensive to have keys replaced and fix then to buy a new laptop. You shouldn't really have to take the computer apart to fix the keys anyway. The keys on my lapop pop off and i take them off regularly to clean the keyboard. But if your uneasy about it then take it somewhere else to be fixed. At least you can make them pay for it if it gets broken :)

  16. I really get worked up whenever I am exposed to people who are brainwashed - and don't even know it.


    Here's my short list of groups that I believe to be brainwashed:

    Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein.

    Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members.

    Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment.

    White Men - even though they can't admit it, they assume to be better than everybody else.

    SUV drivers - they actually think that they need their large vehicle. How many times do I see a single person driving any SUV; it makes me want to cry.

    Capitalists - when they believe that profit is the most important driving force in our dynamic world.

    Hmmph... it looks like I just described my dad.


    Where is your proof on any of these statements??? I like how you make a statement that is backed up with NO facts at all and then try to tell everyone they are wrong lol! Let me see


    Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein. = Taste alot better to me then eating grass!


    Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members. = TRUE


    Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment. = Brian forgets that the Democrats have been in charge of the country as well and are just as guilty as the Republicans! Be smart and dont vote along party lines. Vote for who has the same view as you and hope that he or she wins! It would be best if the Dems and Republicans would get their acts together but that will never happen!

  17. I saw this on the news the other day and they were talking about stores that take your fingerprint instead of using credit cards. There are a couple thousand stores I think there are that do this. Instead of swiping your credit card you leave your finger print and the computer searches your finger print in the system to match it up with the person.
    I think there are a couple flaws in the system though. People will go around cutting people's fingers off to go to an ATM and steal all their money. I think that there should be a PIN number for each card to help keep this from occurring. But there are also people around the world with no hands. Then what are they gonna do?

    What do you all think of this idea?

    I agree. There are going to be alot of people missing fingers soon lol! Im sure there is a way to lift the print as well and create a fake print using some sort of dummie material. The PIN number is a good idea at least you can keep your thumb lol. Some of the places i work require your entire hand and a pin number. Its good security but i wonder how easy it really is to fake it.

  18. Somebody needs to get you some english lessons... unless you are an illegal immigrant. Spelling errors and grammar mistakes abound. It is fairly obvious that you spent little time working on the tools of communication.


    It is not our job to fight wars. I don't pay my tax dollars so that 20˘ of every dollar is used to find better ways to survive mortal combat. I wish that my taxes were used for more benevolent reasons - than buying billion dollar weapons systems.... That's crazy. Where does it say that it is our job to fight? Isn't it our job to be the good guy?


    The only way that the military approach would bring peace is by killing everything that it can't communicate with. As long as you leave survivors, they will grow back and hate us more. Our country's behavior really reminds me parental abuse. There is a cause and effect that you are completely missing - if we continue to act this way, we will pay for it in the future.


    Here's a fact that Absolute hates: America is the only country guilty of killing innocent people with nuclear bombs (we did it twice in one year!) It is so completely unjust that we are somehow allowed to declare which other countries get nukes?? Is that fair? Who gives us that right? I don't really care - it isn't something that the USA should decide - with blood already on our hands.


    The torture continued under new management when we got there. It really doesn't look good for you - when you try to use the "we're better than them" arguement... how possible killing of 11 innocent civilians in the Iraqi city of Ishaki by US, or Abu Graib or Haditha Massacre: America’s Latest Disgrace. But, you would say something like they are trained to lie about being tortured or those were bad apples.


    What is the current Terror Alert Level???


    I am tired of hearing your closed-minded babblehackey. You are blind to everything BAD that Bush has done for some reason.... in fact, you prop up both Bushes (I thought that you were talking about God / Jesus due to the triple "!!!" - usually reserved for empty promise messages like "You need our product!!!").


    I really don't know where you get your facts, but they seem more like supposition. Morale is down, enlistment is steady (but down when compared to previous target numbers), psychological releases are more common, suicides are up, AWOL and defections are up. I don't know, do you want some links to these facts? Oh, and the biggest reason that enlistment in either Iraqi police or our Army is able to sustain itself -- POVERTY. It is a real shame that Iraqis have VERY little employment opportunity in a city that is so decimated -- but the Baghdad Police are hiring!

    The fact is that Bush and Bush can be looked at as responsible for giving the orders that killed more than 500,000 some estimate over 1,000,000 mostly-innocent Iraqi's over the past 15 years. If you don't believe me, you can read a very well written article here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Here's another great multi-part article written by Manuel Valenzuela of Dissident Voice (I recommend reading this): http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles9/Valenzuela_Iraq1.htm and



    As a U.S Service member it is my job to bring peace. If i have to kill someone to bring peace so that the people of that country can have peace then so be it. But that is the ultimate job of any countries military. If not then why does any country need a military?? If a military wasn't designed for war then we wouldn't need it for protection.


    I actually voted for Gore thank you. If you read every post you would have seen that I am an independent. Not a Republican or a Democrat.


    I dont need links to websites with political agendas thank you. I am intelligent enough to know when im reading BS. Especially when its all written by dissidents. Fact is im in the Air Force and we are having to kick people out because we have TOO MANY!!!!


    Suicides aren't up. Its the third leading cause of death in the military. Its been the third for 12 years.


    Enlistments are steady. The Air Force has met its quota every year.


    Keep spinning your facts. Its all a load of BS. I wear the uniform everyday and morale is HIGH!


    Say whatever you need to say to make yourself feel better. In the end your wrong. In the end we will win the war and you will still be sitting on the sidelines doing nothing. We could have had more troops and done this faster but thats not my call. But the fact still remains we will win.


    Another FACT to bring up.....the Democrats and Republicans have ran this country for YEARS. Whatever you think is wrong with the country you can blame on both parties. They have all had a chance to fix it!!!


    Quit being so narrow minded. Its not one mans fault. Its every meber of congress and the senate and the president for the last hundred years or more. Run for office.....lets see how you do with your campaign.

  19. Do you not realise that it is our job to fight wars. Quit crying bring our troops home! We VOLUNTEERED to do what we do. If we had a problem with being in Iraq then its easy to get out of the military. Yet i do not see any masse desertions, or people running to the lines to get out of the military. I dont need you to speak for me! The U.S. military is drawing down. People are getting the oppurtunity to just leave the military with no strings attached. But like i said....there aren't any lines at the door! Fact is that we know what we have to do. We volunteered! Alot of us join because we come from poor families and want to go to college. Or just for the travel. We get medical and dental. So we get these priviliges and take advantage of them and we know there is a price that we may have to pay for it all. One iraqi roomate does not speak for a country. Yes Sadam kept them in line. He kept them in line by beheadings, torture, rape, chemical gas attacks, and other horrifying means. I think it is funny how you are ok with all that yet when the troops go in to free the ones that are suffering you are outraged!!! On one hand your saying its wrong!!! People are dying!!! But you turn a blind eye to everything the man and his son did!!!Its easy to see right through your hatred of George Bush! You would let thousands of innocent people be brutally murdered just because of your hate for one person. I pitty you. And the iraqi people that we freed from the dictator are probably glad that you do not speak for them.Please stop yelling "Bring our troops home" Its my job. I love my job and i will do it until the day i day. I'm pround that i can touch the lives of millions of people to come. Its sad to see if people like you were in charge that Europe and Asia would no longer be free beautiful countries like they are. I dont want you to speak for me!!! I'll come home when the job is really done and people are truly safe. I wont be a coward like you and run and be unwilling to put my life on the line to save another human being. Keep turning your head and ignoring the murder, rape, and torture while i man up and do somehting about it!

  20. So, we killed Al-Zarqawi in an air-strike late last night. He was the leader of what we called "Al-Qaeda" in Iraq. This was the dude that beheaded Nick Berg a couple years ago... he was a man of terror.
    Bush said "this violent man will never murder again". I really hope that he was talking about himself. Aren't we done killing arab people? Bush also said "the fighting and killing will continue" (paraphrased), meaning that we're not done in Iraq.

    Did we find the WMD yet?
    Did we get rid of Saddam?
    Did we spread democracy?
    Did we get Saddam's sons?
    ...what other fake reasons did we have?

    I think that we're done! Yay! We can start bring our troops back home!

    Bush, I am writing this paragraph directly to you and / or your administration: Please don't up with another "Al Qaeda - leader" or another reason to keep killing. Isn't this it? Isn't the mission accomplished yet?! You will be impeached - the only way you could avoid this now would be to declare martial law in our country. Ha! "Shock and Awe" is TERRORISM; do you think that nobody was terrified in Iraq that day?.

    BTW, get the USA Today issue for today (June 8th, 2006) - look on page 2 for the Impeach Bush ad.

    You my friend have obviously not talked to one iraqi civilian. I've been there and i am headed on my second tour of duty. I've been thanked by countless of iraqi civilians for what we are doing there. They want freedom. The ones who dont are the ones who were being treated very well by Sadam. I think you hear only what you want to hear and make judgments that aren't based on fact. Until you talk to more then your neighbor to find out how they feel please dont say. Talk to someone who had his family murdered by Sadam. Talk to more then one Iraqi civilian still living in the country today. And thy will tell you they are not ready for us to leave. We are no where near ready to bring our troops home. If we were to pull out now the Iranian special forces that are there blowing up car bombs and killing women, children and other civilians by the hundreds will help overthrow the new regime and we will be back to square one.

    Where was your comments when they pulled off the ARAB children from the bus and seperated them from suni and shite and killed one tribe but let the other live. It seems that your ok with that? Countless innocent people are murdered by Zarqawi 95% Arabs and you dont seem to care.

    To answer your questions:

    1. WMD - faulty intel, probably moved before the war
    2. Did we get rid of Sadam - He is in an iraqi prison correct??? So yes.
    3. Did we spread democracy - They are free now...doing things they couldn't do with Sadam.
    4. Yes we killed the cowards at the start

    You left this one out.

    5. Is the country in a safe enough state for us to just up and leave? No. Iran is butting in with their special forces. How do i know? I killed 2 of them. One as he was using a 5 year old girl as a shield. Real brave guy. But thats ok by you.

    i'm willing to bet that Bush and the US has killed less Arabs then Arabs have killed eachother. no i'm not a republican either. I'm an independent.

    If we left things in your hands nothing would have been done about 9-11. If you ask me we need to move to Africa next and help the people there that are being murdered by the thousands daily for being in a different tribe.

    Bush will never be impeached. Because sane people know that what was done needed to be done. I dont care if it was under the 9-11 umbrella it still needed to be done. The news (who hate bush) dont care about the fact that arabs are killing arabs. They dont go on and on about how children were pulled off a school bus and murdered. They dont go on and on about zarqawi killing arabs....because it doesnt work for their agenda. Get some knowledge about a subject before speaking on it.

  21. Here's something that says everything:

    i dont know where in the world you came up with the top 10 but its very wrong. Since when in the United States can blacks not marry whites and vice versa?? Anyway, the way i see the whole issue is that if you dont bother me i wont bother you. The United States are supposed to be free. Your free to make whatever choice you want as long as it does not physically or mentally harm another individual. I dont see where two people who love eachother cant get married. In a country where the divorce rate among men and women are well over 50% it would be a shock if most of the marriages even lasted at all. Let them do whatever they want to as long as they aren't harming anyone else. Its not like gays are sitting on a corner trying to pick everyone up. I'm straight and happy with it...Let them be happy being whoever they want to be. Who are we to judge?
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