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3asy Bake

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Posts posted by 3asy Bake

  1. Yeah i'm 13 Years old so i can't get a job... but i am getting one sortly i'm gonna giving out Penny Powers... LoL any one know what that is.. It's someone that goes and give these little things that u can buy stuff in. LoL but it's ok for a 13 year old $20 a week and you only do it on Thursdays so doing it once and getting $20 is good for me :( and i clean around the house (also my job haha) and i get 20 a months so ill be rich sortly i'll be the new Bill Gates ( NOT) but still i'm getting money...

  2. The most thing i hat ein the world is thoes DANG WIGGERS oh my god i hate them so much... Like come on thats a discrase to the human race (white). Specialy when the say the "N" word. Threee reasons 1.) YOUR WHITE... 2.) YOUR WHITE 3.) YOUR WHITE.. like i have no problem with Black people if you're a white guy trying to be black (WIGGER) then i hate you. Like i have so many at skool they all sag down to their A$$E$ it's so annoying. If i did they my Dad and Mom would put my up for adoption... lol but it's true.

  3. I am white and she is black.

    Oh My God my Gegraphy teacher is black to. Shes always a *BLEEP* to me. And just today some fat A$$ black chick got in trouble and got sent to are room then the black chick just hangs out with her are teacher the Geographoy. And there all cool and every thing so they talk and every thing while the teacher is telling use to sit down be quiet shut up and all that $HIT. it's so gay shes so recies to Whites...

  4. I'm not really fast....but hey Im only thirteen got ages to impove

    Yeah... sSame here i'm only thriteen and i'm pretty fast i can like type 35 minutes per-minutes but i can' test it on this because i can't use my java or someting i don't know what it said. But so last year (12 years old) i took a typeing test in school and tpyed like 35 minutes per-second but i think i have improved if i get the hang of it like talkign on AIM alot or something other wise like right now i'm typeing slow becasue i'm trying to get every thing right and practicesing with out looking at the key board:) but i tink i have improve woow look im typing even faster...

  5. Yeah i go with ORION the graphics are the sickest i have every seen ( just saw the game on the Television) and it was awesome and right after i saw that i said to my friende RED NOVA thaT, that game was f'ing awsome looking and i wanted to get it but i can't because my ps2 is so old and i can't play any new games on it because the ps2 loading thing wont start at the very beaging of loading so i get screwed on every new game coming out or already out. So im pissed but i may get a new ps2 but not the new one to small for me. But on Underground 2 can u custom your call like every thing, Because that would be sick...THE GAME LOOOKS SICK

  6. Wow man! That ps2 looks amazing! Very nice find! Got a link on where to pick it up? That blue neon is awesome looking! Almost as cool as my modded X-Box.

    Nah Man sorry but yeah, thats the thing that attraced me the most that blue neon stuff thats sick and i would mind having on of thoes any day i would die. I bet it's like super fast becuase doens't it look bid and Oh my god so great. But no my friend showed me that picture and he said he just searched on https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl on images ps2 i tink i can't remember it was like 2 months ago and i just went to look at my pictures on my computer and i saw that. So i decided to show it off to the public. But if i get any more infomation on it i'll be sure to hook you guys up. :(



    Also it may just be some smart guy out there that can make cases because look at it it looks like the old ps2 but different case and has a Neon Blue light biult in to it. And also look at the On button, and the open Dics Button. Looks just like the ps2 so i don't know.. But still i wish i had it. :(

  7. I would go with PlayStation 2 because it's like 100% easier for me to play but i bet if i played an x-box as much a ps2 i would like the x-box way more...



    But the x-box kills the ps2 in graphics like 99-2%


    the graphics on the x-box games are wild


    Some ps2 games graphic aren't that bad but still x-box smokes them...



  8. I do not have a GameCube. But i have played one alot and i didn't like them as much as a Playstation... I don't know why maybe it's because im use to a playstation and i just like it more or it's because a playstation is way better... LoL but the GameCude on some games has way better graphics like if you play a old playstation2 game the graphics are so bad you just wanna get rid of the game... i have alot of games like that but other wise playstation has good graphics like on socom ll but i think the GameCube is Better graphics.. but i got with Playstation 2...:(

  9. Well i'm a Socom ll player, a glitch in the game, and i'm in a clan called ?L?? ?V?L?T??? [?V?] Yeah.. were the best ever and are site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also hosted by http://forums.xisto.com/ thansk to you guys but i didn't make it some one else from here did i think it was Stealth, also he's the leader or [?V?] yes hes the best. and yes are clan is the best we film and every thing we always find new stuff and every thing... :(

  10. hey heres a new ps2 that one of my friends found i was wondering if any one new any thing about it and i think it is very nice looking i would buy one of these over any thing Here it is >>> Posted Image

    i would love to have this any day but the only problem it's pretty big.. well it looks big. It would kinda get in the ways sometimes. but tell me if you like it. :(

  11. No, i have never played this game but alot of my friends have and they said it's kick a$$... So i don't know if i should buy it or just get it from my friends. But i have a very cool code my friend hacked and i think it works but i have never tryed it becuase i don't got the game LoL. Ok the code is called Get A Jet Pack and the code is L1 L2 R1 R2 Left Right Up Down L1 L2 R1 R2 Left Right Up Down I don't knwo if it works but please some one try it out and tell me if it works. :(

  12. Yeah i have 120 but -half of it because i deleted half of it but i didn't mean to... lol ( it's a long story) But i mite as well tell you :( ... Ok all started. Ok my brother had all this stuff on it like kazza and porn and all that stuff that has Viruses then he moved to Bosten to play hockey. So i decided to Re-formatt it. So i did and i used a guys Windows XP Pro. Re-formatter disc from down the street and i didn't kwo that my computer had it's own Recovery disc bult in it.. LoL So i f disced it and every thing and put Windows XP Pro. in it and i now found out that i screwed my computer up LoL so yeah thats the whole story and i still havn't bought a new Compaq System Recovery Disc but shortly i will get one...

  13. I think Windows Xp.. I don't know why i think it's because i have never used any of the others. But and also it doens't have that many errors and it's fast, fun. and Great for me. But i haft to get a new Comqac Recovery Disc because i re-did my hard drive and i used Windows Xp Pro. and i didn't know my Compaq had it's own Hard Drive Recovery in it... LOL so yeah now my computer is all screwed up :(

  14. Well my friends gave me a hosting from Xisto. Then hes like yeah i get this hosting for free... and im like "well can i get the site address" and hes like " no because it's for free hosting and to many people have it already" and im like ok fine be like that. Lol then later on i just thought about it and i remeber Xisto so i did a search on it and i guess i found it lol. Then i asked my frd |RED NOVA| about it and he's "like yes i have it," So i just registered and got it. :(

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