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Posts posted by Wolves

  1. The forum is very basic. A site that is only a forum is very unprofessional. I know your intentions, but to make a site on forum up and not even mask the domain name is definately a not too good idea... You should host your own site on Xisto (no advertisements) and look at freedomains.co.nr (*.co.nr domain name).

  2. By any chance did you also have a memory problem with your computer that kept scanning the memory over and over again? Maybe I'm just being too speculative but it reminds me much of issues I've had with my computer. My power supply blew out one night, with a huge pair of sparks the size of watermelons while I happened to be looking in its direction when the light in the room was turned off. I left it and dealt with it in the morning- having to get a new power supply, not a month, but year.
    After that, I then had a problem with my fan, and still do today- it makes a grinding, buzzing sound at times but like you I can lightly tap it and it goes away (or could..). Was your system an 800mghz by any chance? I don't know much about my computer, but am just throwing that out there in case perhaps, you never know, a coincidence or something.

    He specifically stated his computer ran at 2.4 gh/z. Also processor clock does not have anything to do with the fans.

    I would suspect internal cabling and case temperature. It sounds like you are using a USB mouse, so the connection could be suspect. Case heat - caused by the fan issue - could be causing a lot of your problems as well, especially since you have a lot of RAM intensive components...DDR vid cards can produce a LOT of heat.

    By internal cabling, what do you mean? Every computer has cables on the inside. How could a HDD transfer files between the CD-ROM without an IDE cable?

    I'm having some problems with my computer as well. I'm thinking of just getting a lab-top, they're small, efficient, and take up less space.

    Make sure you get a laptop that has good ratings. Hardware issues on a laptop are the last thing you'd ever want :rolleyes:

  3. Ahh, but I'm not wrong. This was a major issue for a long time and when SP1 was released it was disabled by default. If you don't believe me, then:




    Do you honestly think that Microsoft would install a service to spam people's comuters? I already wrote I know what I type and I was continually ignored. Anyways, that above article will stop your problem. And dark drgn, please don't tell me that I could be wrong. I wouldn't post unless I knew what the problem was.

  4. Ok, so, I am trying to get a PHPBB installation from on server to another (changing webhosts). I am aware that it requires more than just transferring the files, and I have attempted backing up and installing on new server, but:


    I go to export database on my original server. I open up my fresh PHPBB installation on my new server. I choose "Restore Database" and it works, to a degree. I can login, but I can't go into the administration panel without being re-directed to the one on the original server.


    This is incredibly annoying, so any advice would be bliss.

  5. Hey its definitely a malware. Well, there are many companies which make them for their publicity. They sometimes seem to be good but they are really bugging. They dont really do what they say they do. Just to get their website many many hits they do all this. I recommend you to never install any activeX components if any website offers them. And also you should get your computer protected with Norton Antivirus 2005, or Norton Internet Security which offers spam protection, FireWall, Blocks unauthorised access, blocks backdoor application and protects your computer from any attack. I would really recommend you to install a firewall.

    Oh please... honestly people, read!

  6. Hello all, I will soon be looking at some paid web hosting. I loved every minute of being with Xisto and I would like to say that I will not be leaving the forums. I enjoy reading some of the material on this site and I have adopted it as one of my often visited communities. Also, a big thanks goes out to buffaloHELP for helping me when I made a mistake and approving me for hosting. Xisto is a great web hosting solution and I am surprised that not many people know about it. But anyways, not too sure that too many people really care as this thread was directed more towards the staff than anything else. Thank you very much for the great hosting, Wolves.

  7. I have CS2 which i ripped off from my school, it is totally awesome, and kills PAINT, paint is for noobs and you need skill to use photoshop effectively.

    You're just saying that because you can't use M$Paint, n00b.

    Anyways, finally a place where people are actually okay with upgrading. Almost every graphics forums I've ever been to has been b*tching at the new Photoshops and sticking with their version 7.

    Also, there is plenty of new differences between version 7 and version CS2 (9.0).

    One is they have completely reworked the filters. When you want to change your picture to 'watercolors' for example, you are presented with a whole new prompt that gives you the ablility to look at other filters vefore you choose. They brought this around in CS1 (8.0)

    One more (there is too many to list...) feature is the new surface blur effect. It can give you almost cartoon effects, or it can help hide your working area with the clone brush tool.

    Anyways, I'm tired and I'm going to bed, so g'night all of you!

  8. Btw Wolves,

    I am not as nerdy as it says in the top post lol, and I have a life and everything. I just think this would be a great item to market because so many nerdies would use it, and it would be a gaming hit. Thanks for all the support guys.


    You can now make donations to make my ultimate gaming chair a reality.

    Just kidding people don't send me your money!


    Oh, ok, that's good to know. I like the built in computer idea, but a toilet? Anyways, it's good to hear that you aren't THAT addicted to your computer. :)

  9. I have had a dream for some time now. I have dreamed about an "Ultimate Gaming Chair". Me and my buddy were thinking on an ultimate gaming chair, that we could use on our hardcore nerd days. Now I will explain some of the features my chair will consist of.



    #1 Base: a nice reclinging chair from Canadian Tire

    #2 Fridge: Haier HSB02 1.8 Cu. Ft. Compact Refrigerator from futureshop

    #3 Microwave: GE 0.6 cu. ft. countertop microwave from futureshop

    #4 Computer: Built in computer screen, and customized with a chopped up case. (ex. disc drives will come out on either side of head) (ex. cumpoter restart button, and lan plug will be close to handle controls for easy shutdowns) (ex. fans will be located all around my head so I can cool myself down on all of those hot summer days)

    #4 Toilet: As much as I hate too say this, I really hate it when I have to go to the bathroom so badly that I almost crap myself, so with this gizmo I can keep playing while I crap. This would help alot when trying to level on a mmorpg

    #5 Reclining Chair: So I don't have to go to my bed to sleep, I can just keep playing and then when I'm so tired, I just recline the chair, and it automatically pulls the power cable, which eliminates the hassol of logging out.


    This chair is but a dream, since I would never be allowed to play the computer long enough to feel the full extent of my Ultimate Chair.


    It's very unfortunate that I am unable to build this and give everyone the ability to see what my dream chair would look like, but It may be possible for me to do this on paint.


    Well, I guess this will be one of my first inventions, so I hope this let's your mind run wild and will let your imagination fly.


    If you have an questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via pm or in this post.


    Thanks for reading.


    I can't believe how lazy you are. And to have a toilet in your chair!? Honestly, go outside and breathe the air. I really hope that you decide not to build that as it would seem that your computer has taken your life away from you. Please, go play a sport or even go for a walk. It's for your own good, please.

  10. for real? darn! this operating system that i'm currently been using has been installed just recently, and now i have to reinstall it again? :) is there any other way? because i really don't want to do those re-installing stuff all over again. it's taking too much of my time already.

    Oh come on! Please understand, this is not a virus. There is nothing wrong with your computer. Update your computer and the service will be disabled by default.

  11. :)This is not a virus. There is nothing wrong with your computer. Please read people, I know what I type. There is nothing to worry about, the messenger service is merely a service on your computer. It is simply there so if you enter a given IP, any message you type will be displayed on the targets computer. Advertisers have noticed this feature and began sending those messages to random IP ranges.

  12. what's with the sarcasm? he detailed it pretty accurately in my opinion.


    also, hackers is a general term. crackers are more specific to what a "hacker" is doing at the time. the public doesn't refer to them inaccurately, you are. the only common misconception about hackers is that they can be doing something legally rather than illegally. that term has gotten a bad name since the early 80's when personal computers just started to become a big thing....for who besides office personel? young kids who just hit puberty because their parents bought them one for educational purposes...


    Ooh, how wrong you are.


    Hackers: People who break security only to show vulnerabilities. They are often hired to test company servers to ensure that nobody else can steal or destroy important information. They do what they do based on a code of ethics google: hacker's code of ethics for more info. Also, they can be doing what they do legally, when they are hired by a company to do it to it's own server.


    Crackers: Those who use their knowledge of security exploits for personal gain. They enter restricted areas with intent to steal or destroy information.


    Also, there was no sarcasm in his post except the (duh) and that was not directed towards anybody, it was just to show that what he stated was obvious. If you ever read about the differences of hacking and cracking, you'd know you were wrong.

  13. Why create robots or computers with emotions? All we need is a program/computer that can think using reason and logic at a faster pace than we biological entities can. What would be the point of attempting to emulate emotions? It would only pose problems or, if nothing else, waste money. If one wants a dictator, one should use an emotionless computer that cannot be distracted by feelings that skew the facts. If one wants a friend, one can walk down the street and find one. There's no reason to attempt to create what already exists.

    Yes, that was exactly what I was hinting at. Also, if this form of artificial inteligene were to exist, we should give it no physical abilities. Just in case that this would, in fact come to the conclusion that we are destroying ourselves, it couldn't harm us in any way. And yes, an emotionless form of AI is the best bet as it would decide our future based on facts and not feelings. AI with emotion would be great for the gaming industry, who wouldn't want to fight a bot that can actually get angry, scared or even surrender? It would bring a whole new revolution to the gaming world. But then, that is what makes me wonder. If we are killing something that can actually think, and feel emotion would that not mean it could feel to? Would that not mean that killing something in the game would almost relate to killing something in real life? It's such a blurry topic, as we humans are so complex. It's mind boggling to imagine to be able to create a real living entity to our world. I would never take part in this, however as I believe in god and I would like to leave life up to him.

  14. Ahh, this reminds me of that virus that somebody wrote in order to crash, uhh, Microsoft I believe's servers on a given day. Pretty dumb idea to do it on a certain day, though as Microsoft could easily set up a program type thing to prevent all commands from that virus in affecting their server. Also, if I'm wrong, could somebody clarify what virus that was. Thanks.

  15. Still, all organic materials are composed of different substances, and it takes different methods to convert these compounds into the substances they came from. Also, most of these compounds, once broken down, are almost useless as they have almost no use in any type of fuel. Back To The Future is a movie. If we even can achieve this, it will be a long time from now.

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