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Posts posted by XZclan

  1. I drive a nissan skyline as well r34gtrs. Nice twin turbo with port and polished heads, nos, headers, exahust sytem, etc. . .I put about 30 thousand into it over the course of 4.5 years. I had help from some sponsors but its hard to get em. I mainly use it for car shows and what not. Might drive it on the weekends if that. My next project car will be a supra i think. Im not sure but we shall see.XZ

  2. If you think Haol2 is great just wait until Halo 3 comes out. I've seen the previews for it and wow. I thought God of War was going to be unbeatable but this is going to give it a run for its money in my book. Oh and Halo is only good when your playin online :).XZ

  3. When I see you in class,I can just sit and stare;my eyes filled with tears,and my heart in despair.I have always known this,right from the start.I can lie to you,but not to my heart.You have someone else,and I do too,but there's no question about it,I'll always love you.There is something about you,that drives me out of my mind.For what we had,was hard to find.So all I have left,are memories of the past.Knowing for sure,it would not have lasted.Did you love me at all,or was it a lie?To make me so happy,but then to make me cry.So all I know now,is that my heart is gone,and I pray every night,that my life will move on.This is a great poem that read a long time ago. It's sad but true and that's the crazy part. I mean alot of poems are true but some just hit home more than others. I guess that's what makes them great.XZ

  4. How do I overcome my jealousy? It has ruined the relationship that I had with my ex and I don't want that to happen with any other relationship I get into. Me and her were together ( off and on ) for 8 years. I've been tryin to get back with her but it aint working lol. i dont know what to do anymore but give up. Does anyone have any advice for me??XZ

  5. If anyone knows why men are stupid please let me know so I can change. We fall for these girls and end the end we get our hearts broken. Me personaly, I'm more of the romantic type of guy. I like slow songs and giving my girl back rubs and just doing what ever it is that she wants me to do just to make her happy and in the end it's never enough. Contrary to popular belief women cheat and lie more than men. They also think about sex more than we do but yet we are the "dogs." I don't understand how that can be when we are there for them more than they are for us. Does anyone understand what I'm saying or am I not making any sense. Thank you for your time everyone.XZ

  6. Hey everybody, I have no idea what it is that I'am doing. Does anyone know exactly how long it will take for someone to get up to 30 credits? I mean I really don't do anything but work so I have time but I was just curious. I need the space for a site I want to make for a game I play online. Well thanks for your time everyone and be good. XZ

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