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Posts posted by doran

  1. uh oh they got there butts whooped but no worry same thing happened last year and i see that you live in michigan too hmm what city dont worry im not a stalker lol. I live in oakland county. N e ways back onto topic i think that the pistons were tired because they have been playing a lot and Miami just got off like a 6 day rest. Dont worry i think that the pistons will be back in by game 2 they will win for sure. The only thing im afraid of is that shaq. We can deffiently stop wade but shaq is just too fat ----***NOT SKILLED***----. no one is as big and fat as him. All hes good for is tossing a ball in a net. MVP RIGHT THER

  2. I agree having a religion would be much better. You will try to live up what that religion wants you to live and i hope that would be a good person. Also i have a story and its about my neighbor. I am roman catholic and my neighbor is protestant. n e ways my mom went out side and our neighbor came to us and was like take this book read it and do it so my mom was like ok and she didnt pay n e attention and brought it in the house so that same night before i went to bed i read it and it was theee worst thing you could give to a person. It was saying how roman catholic was fake and that jesus calls it the religion for whor*s and saying that its fake and you should immedatly switch to protestant. I showed my mom and she quickly threw it away. Would you guys have the guts to give your neighbors such a thing if you know they had that religon?

  3. yya actually i think i saw one of those on the discovery channel on that monster garage. They had to make a car that could go into the water then can drive on the road. It was really neat because it would drive into the wahter then rotate its wheels then like a propellor came out then it would go wonder in the 3000 that car will be a piece of junk and be worth 500 dollars.

  4. Yesturdays game agaisnt the clevand cavs i was watching the pistons and i was biting my nails like no other because if they would of lost then that means they were out. Now since their tied 3-3 i dont know whos gonna win even though im a pistons fan. clevland has lebron that can do almost everything detriot has the sheed that can shoot from anywhere but hes not the only one tell me who you think is gonna win in game 7 at DetriotGO PISTONS

  5. Posted Image


    Loook at that you guys. There is now a fridge in a computer. I think that would be pretty handy because sometimes when im thirsty i want to get up to go get a pop or water but then im to lazy so i sit down and wait till i get off the computer but here man all you gotta do it grap a pop and not get outta your chair.

  6. Hey everyone heres a tutorial on how to shutdown a computer remotley from another desktop, but they have to be on the same lan. Any ways this is great for using at school to shutdown other kids and or teachers computers and give yourself a laugh.


    here is the code that you type in Ms_DOS for windows. If your school has blocked that feature download the command prompt toolbar:


    shutdown -s -f -m \\IPOFOTHERCOMPUTER t- 00


    just change the ipofothercomputer to the actual ip adress of the other computer. You can do much other stuff like restart it but the syntax is below.



    Usage: shutdown [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d up:xx:yy]


    No args Display this message (same as -?)

    -i Display GUI interface, must be the first option

    -l Log off (cannot be used with -m option)

    -s Shutdown the computer

    -r Shutdown and restart the computer

    -a Abort a system shutdown

    -m \\computername Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort

    -t xx Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds

    -c "comment" Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)

    -f Forces running applications to close without warning

    -d [p]:xx:yy The reason code for the shutdown

    u is the user code

    p is a planned shutdown code

    xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256)

    yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536)

  7. Wow that tutorial is pretty good. If you have just started with the website and HTML world start with that tutorial and move your way up. Thats what i did. Well actually at my school there is a class called web creation and it only teaches html and it pretty much teaches you everything about html and covers all of it. If you are intrested ask around your school if they have such a program and belive me that class really does help

  8. Yea thats a great tutorial and all you guys there afraid that linux will ruin your ipod I dont THINK it will. Its such a great program. Also if you dont like it then all you have to do is un-install it because the regular firmware will always be on there. Also I have an Ipod mini and i put linux on it and its great i love it. I can watch videos, play many more games including game boy games. All my friends love it and also want to have it, but I have been charging them 5 dollars and they are doing it.

  9. Hey everyone and where I live there was this teacher that had gotten fired because she was a horrible teacher. Her performance was unbeliveably bad. She did not teach kids right and she just sued are district for 2.4 million dollars and she has won her case. Im wondering if you guys have heard about this. Our prinicipal fired her because her performance was bad and she turned the whole story around and said that it was racial discrimination and now our school district has a low budget. Post here and tell me what you feel about this.

  10. Hey everyone i just wanna hear everyones thoughts on the UEFA cup final tommrow on espn2. Im wondering who you think will win because its a very close match-up. Both teams have great qualities. Arsenals Defense is amazing and then again barcelona has a amazing offense post here and vote cause i wanna hear other peoples opinions. :)

  11. Hey everyone, if you have a gmail account you can now start to make your own website. Its a new feature that they have added. Look below for the link, but remeber you do need a gmail account to be able to acces this.




    its pretty cool if you dont really know html everyone check it out!


    Notice from serverph 051706:
    moved from Gmail to Google Misc. kindly place your topic thread on appropriate section next time.

    Posted Image

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