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who dat

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Everything posted by who dat

  1. There is no evidence to say Firefox is faster. As a matter of fact. I have found it to be slower than IE while all its pretty perks download.
  2. I simply posted a smart **bottom** repsonse such as yours.I know exactly where you are. My geography isn't lacking. Neither are my fact based jokes. Anyway, can you provide technical proof that firefox is better than IE?(pictures the Aubergine doing quick google research )
  3. I am just providing proof that most of your testimonials for FF have no valid stance. You saw it advertised on some geek computer website so you think if you don't use it too , you won't be hip. But if that same website slammed FF you would follow leader. Kind of like a mindless droid. After all, all other browsers are written like and based on windows IE. It was the first, the guide.
  4. I also should mention these Firefox fanatics are getting annoying. And by the way I found a website that does not display on firefox, but will display on IE.So it isn't the holy grail that you praise it to be. Face it. Soon another browser will pop up. The techies will be the first to discover it, then it will trickle down, and then it will be the new hip browser with geeks on message boards everywhere swearing by it.Although those geeks wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a script or a dll file.Also, I hate the way firefox saves pictures to your pc. I much prefer IE method.
  5. I have to add my comments. I have switched to Firefox after having problems with IE. I really don't see that Firefox is any better or faster. I think it is just the 'cool' technical thing right now. In a few years people will be dissing firefox for the next generation of browsers.Now, my IE version 6 pack 2 keeps saying 'encountered a problem and will shut down'I have tried everything and nothing fixes it. I mean everything.So that is how I came across firefox.But really I don't see what is the difference in speed or service. Other than the fact that firefox hasn't started the errors yet. But my IE went a good 2 years without messing up. ANd it may be my fault after going into my system and cleaning out files. A system restore did not work and neither does a re-install of IE.SO firefox here I come. I have erased the IE icon.I also agree that IE 7 does look like firefox. I tried IE 7 and it doesn't work. soooo slow. I have a high speed DSL connection so it isn't my pc.
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