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About Bengaltiger

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. You might want to update the Gmail choice,It doesnt offer 1GB, its somthing like over 2GB now and still counting.
  2. Im currently using ZoneAlarm and i think it is quite good! Firstly, it doesnt slow down your computer like most Antivirus software do, like for instants, Nortan [slows down my pc hard!]Its also got antispyware, and cleans all the adware, spyware. So its safe, fast and the most easiest to use.
  3. Hey thanks for the info.Quite intersting that this host has been up for 2 years! Hopefully, i can get hosted here for a longtime without any trouble.
  4. This website is actualy quite good! For every survey you fill, they will give you a good amount of money. There are about 200 surverys you can fill, so it is alot of money you can make! Treasuretrooper pay people via paypal or check, but i think they are changing it to just check due to too much fraud!But anyway, i advice people to visit this site if they wish to earn cash!
  5. Is this picture real? I mean, in the notes where it says:"Check your paypal account?? Good news you in the money!!Stormofcash has paid you"Why does that part go over the picture where it says "Protect your account Info"Unless, ofcourse, its been edited?
  6. Will there ever be a space limit for gmail? I mean, it increases everyday a very little, so i think it will increase, like for ever. Although, i doubt anyone really needs all that space., but its the best email provider out there!
  7. Lol. Thats very true! You will be spending a lot of time reading [or pretending to read] emails and make very little earnings. And i live in the UK, so convert dollars to pounds, and its like, you hardly earn anything.
  8. Favourite game, definately Need for speed Most wanted! Although i have many other favorite games, i think this is the one i play the most.
  9. Gmail is the BEST. Although i sometimes have trouble login in and out. Theres sometimes some kind of loop that keeps going on for ever and never logs in/out. Besides that, Gmail is better than any other company!
  10. Bengaltiger


    Hello all, i just joined recently and everything looks so cool! However, i just hope this free hosting system will be up and running for a long time. Ive joined alot of forums were you have to post to gain credit to get free hosting. However, most of them do not last, and they shutdown after a few months.I hope i enjoy my stay here!
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