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Posts posted by dreus

  1. Hey Saint Michael,I don't know you very well, but I wanted to send you my best wishes nonetheless. It's great to hear that you're going back to school. I hear your worries about the financial stuff but hey, if you're determined enough, you'll make it through. Regardless, learning is one of those everyday, lifelong things and despite how comfortable you might be with the course material, there's always something new to learn.Again, all my best.

  2. I go to McMaster University (in Ontario, Canada) and many of our courses offer Podcast lectures. Sometimes, lectures are pre-recorded, or the instructor makes a video of his/her lecture in class and uploads it a few hours later. It's a very neat resource to have, especially to go over the lectures again. It's great for studying, and it surely allows technology to enter the scene as a learning aid. I totally dig it!

  3. If you're in high school, is there a chance that you may enrol in a co-op program of sorts and see if you can get a placement as a network admin associate or something of the sort? Job shadowing gives you a great chance to see what the job is like and if it's really the right fit for you. You might also be able to get recommendations or networking from people who are already in the field.

  4. A few little things just off the top of my head: try bringing out your name "sylenzednuke" a bit more. Perhaps a brighter border around the text, or a color of starker contrast against the black.As was previously mentioned, the sig is also a tad large and the border does look quite chunky. The background is fitting but looks a little too blurred. Perhaps shrink the text and bring out the background some more?

  5. It's always good to look back and see how 'complication' derives from 'simplicity'.I can still remember my very first computer... or the CPU unit, at least. It was this massive rectangular block and it basically required a table all to itself. The metal casing made it pretty much impossible to carry around. On the side, was this giant red switch that one would have to flick to the turn the baby on/off.Now look at the laptops that are on the market. The darned things are getting smaller and smaller and incresingly powerful. Comapre the 16K of memory that was once more than sufficient with the 1 gig memories that are now pretty much standard.It's good to see knowledge / inventions evolving and continually being built upon. To IBM, I raise my glass!

  6. Though I've yet to try out Lego Star Wars II, I can surely say that the first game was just a lot of fun. It retains a lot of the LucasArts kind of feel but at the same time adds in a lot of Lego to give you that chance to relive your childhood.If the second game is anything like the first, I'd surely recommend trying it out.

  7. It's so unfortunate when these things happen. Sometimes, we want to understand the underlining causes that led up to this: what motivated the person to do it? what did the person hope to have gained from his/her actions, why couldn't this person resolve his/her issues in another way...It's such a pity when people can't resolve their problems on their own or by asking for help and instead resolve to such extremes to get their point across.

  8. Well, give her some time to think things through. From what I can draw in your brief description of her, she might not be interested in a relationship at the moment because of other obligations in her life i.e. her studies. Needless to say though, five years is a long time to be attracted to someone and props to you for being so dedicated.Let her know you care (and this might not be something that needs to be said... actions speak louder than words) and give it time!Good luck.

  9. Here are a few off the top of my head:1) Buttons on dress shirts that go missing2) The abandonned grocery cart in the middle of a grocery aisle / in the parking lot3) People borrowing stuff and not returning it4) Crinkly cereal bags (trust me, they are brutal to wake up to)5) Extremely tight/hard to open packaging6) Cleaning the spit valves in instruments7) People who do not pull their own weight when working on a group assignment8) People who use the last of something and don't bother ordering more / letting the person in charge of inventory know that something needs replacing/restocking9) Running out of toilet paper10) Smelly breath11) Weak garbage bags12) Spilling a bottle of marbles / something round and having to clean up after all the items that rolled away13) A clock that read the wrong time14) Overstuffed wraps that explode with the ingredients leaking all over the place15) Dirty public washrooms16) People who replace showering with the "AXE" treatment17) Ruined laundry18) A wet floor in the washroom19) Remorseless work overload20) Running out of hosting creditsCheers

  10. My pick has to go to Fifa. I first got into the series back when Fifa '97 was out and have since been a loyal fan. Although I can see why other games are gaining in popularity (because EA has yet to re-invent themselves...), the Fifa series has consistently served up good gameplay and relatively good graphics with each new release.

  11. Although I'm pretty out of the loop with regard to current events (just way too busy and also because of the fact that I'm caught in the university campus bubble), it just saddens me to hear of another such tragedy.If I recall correctly (do correct me if I'm wrong), the gunman had military training and that was where he had obtained his weapons.My condolences to the victims and their families.

  12. Sequels or any other follow-up movie, for that matter, have always left me a bit on edge. It always pains me to see a sequel that "ruins" the original, branching off topic for a bit, I felt that the Matrix movies would fall into that category. Nonetheless, it is commonplace for movies to be produced in triologies these days.My honest opinion? Three is usually enough. Although it would be fascinating to see Arnold come back for another adventure, I would much prefer that they closed off the movie series before it began to drag on. Just look at how wonky some of those horror anthologies have become: Friday the 13th.... all the way to Jason in Space?... yeah. And how about Rocky? Somehow, I really can't see why they would want to release another film featuring the same old caracter fighting the same old fight, safe for just making money while shelling out another poor release.And I really can't see Maximus coming back for another movie either. The original Gladiator was a wonderful film and to have him 'survive' to part 2 just seems outrageous - even if they did a prequel and showed more of his adventures as a general.

  13. I haven't had a chance to check out the 'Portal' concept yet but I just wanted to mention that I'm absolutely stoked for Team Fortress 2 to come out.From the trailers that I've seen so far, that game should be a heck of a lot of fun. The Pixar-esk look, the gameplay retained from the original Team Fortress Classic, and not to mention the original classes, should be a new flavour in the world of first person shooters. I also think that the super unrealism will make the game even more fun to play.When I first saw the trailer, I was excited like a kid on Christmas Eve.

  14. I'm sure that we've all procrastinated in some form or fashion at some point in our lives. I think that the reason we procrastinate is because there is always something "better" to do... a "better" place to be at... a "better" way to spend your time than to focus on a particular task at hand... Here's a tip that works for me. Whenever I procrastinate, I always end up regretting it. To avoid this ill-feeling of disappointment, regret, self-pity, I try my best to focus on "getting the job done". Although I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I've shifted my end-goals a bit ever since I began university two years ago: The focus should be to "finish the task" first and then when there is time left over, to refine and perfect the end-product. And it is during this time that we can afford to procrastinate a little.

  15. Do correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that the suspect confessed to the murder in front of a large group of reporters - which in itself is a very odd thing to do.I'd hate to be judgemental, but from the times I've seen this fellow on the TV or in the papers, he's always appeared very "off-balanced" - he just doesn't look like he's in touch with reality... and I'll be honest, he creeps me out.But that's not the point I wanted to get at. I have considerable doubt that Mr. Karr is the killer. Instead, I would have to agree with those who believe that he is just someone who is obsessed with the crime and also has some psychological issues.From what I remembered from watching/hearing the news:-His family claims that they were celebrating the holidays together when JonBenet was murdered-Mr. Karr stated that he drugged up JonBenet but no drugs were found in toxicology tests during the autopsy-Mr. Karr has been very sketchy with details surrounding JonBenet's death. Stating that it's a "long story that will take time to explain" and that it was "an accident"-To contradict the "accident", he claims to have first drugged her up before sexually assaulting her (I honestly can't see how sexual assault can be 'accidental')I feel horrible for what had happened but regrettably, I feel like this case will remain unsolved for a long while.... with all the media coverage and smugged up details from back in the 90s, I'm sure that this trial by media has reached the point where a lot of important facts have been blurred and mixed up.Will they catch the real muderer someday? I sure hope so.But have they caught the real one already? I have doubts.Let's hope they find a DNA and writing sample match.

  16. And there are a lot of times too when advertisements aren't really lying but just 'leaving out a few details'.


    Advertisers and their associated companies will obviously want to try their best (and use whatever means possible) to sell you their products. Sex appeal e.g. If you want to look like her, buy it!, Fearmongering e.g. You'll need this in case something happens, Basic Necessity e.g. Cause everyone's gotta eat.... are just a few examples off the top of my head but all of them draw from things that we might potentially want or need.


    Why misleading ads, you ask? Well, they need something to grab your attention. Take this following example:


    Free Sex education


    If the 'Free Sex' part were in very large font, while the education in tiny font, odds are most people who read it will be instantly thrown off. And while the ad is a tad misleading, the "truth" of the message is still there. The fact that it's education that is offered and not what most people would be thinking.


    In the end, it all comes back to the individual on the receiving end of these ads. Sure companies will try their best to reel you in but the choice to follow suit and buy their products will be a choice as unique as choosing what you want to have for breakfast.

  17. Heh, neat stuff!So I guess the thing to keep in mind is a lot of communication takes place even without us actually realizing it (or well... aren't fully aware of) - our posture, expressions, litttle gestures act as the picture that speaks a thousand words and in many cases, might be suggestive of our thoughts.

  18. Scary stuff indeed. I remember my earlier post for this thread was marked with skepticism but after hearing the recall on the news and seeing it in the paper again today, this really isn't something to be taken lightly of.Anyway for those of us Dell laptop owners, be sure to check out this website to see if your battery qualifies for a recall... or in other words, your battery is at risk of short circuiting and erupting into flames in front of your very eyes.https://www.dellproduct.com
    Hope not too many of you are affected.

  19. Well, I think that tweaking the definitions could be beneficial in that it'll make the "scientific language" a lot more universal. Take the elements of the periodic table for instance. C is known worldwide as Carbon. There is no debate as to which element 'C' would stand for on any document outlining chemical processes, regardless of which language it is written in.Having that clear distinction of what a certain term refers to, in this case the word "planet" will greatly help in clearing up any ambiguity and confusion that occurs when nations collaborate together to discuss these matters as less will be loss in translation.To add to the news report of the 12 planets, the IAU is planning on renaming the planet Xena... guess they didn't think the Warrior Princess (really, this was the original basis of the name) was very deserving of her own planet.

  20. Heh, well, I'm happy that I wasn't the only one having problems accessing the forums. When I did manage to log back on, I noticed that the number of credits that I have has decreased, so I guess it would be wise to accumulate a bunch of 'buffer' credits in case of times like these.Hoping that all will be resolved soon <_<*editted add-onErrr. On second though, it has been a few days since I last posted so I'm not quite sure if the credit decrease is a result of my inactivity, or inability to log on, or a combination of both...*shrug* Regardless, having extra credits never hurts...

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