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Everything posted by arunkumarhg

  1. Hi all, Am in need of XML Database. The requirments are as follows, What i need is , i wanna XML database with JAVA API Support to access the Perticular Element of the Perticular Node, Example SUppose i wanna get "fname" then all i need to do is just send the query to the XML DB saying "getfname" Any idea, any resources, or even any links are welcome. Plz am in need. Regards Arunkumar.H.G Notice from moonwitch: I have removed the reference to swear words as this is a forum for the general audience, please refrain from using such "cloaked" language. Thank you
  2. Hi,I some application i came across to give support for the JSP to SMS. What i mean to say is i need to send the SMS From a JSP Form. How i can implement it, any resources, links, e-books are welcome.Please help me....RegardsArunkumar.H.G
  3. Hi, B'coz of some un avoidable situation i was offline for some days, and my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ was SUSPENDED due to lack of posts, but now I HAVE ENOUGH NUMBER OF POSTS, so Please UN-SUSPEND MY WEBSITE My website URL is : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hoping for Quick Reply. Regards Arunkumar.H.G
  4. I uses,MS FrontPage, DreamW, Flash, Photoshop, JBuilderX, EditPlus, XML Spy.And other Tools.FrontPage and DW for Editing the HTML Pages, Photoshop for image Editing, Flash for animation,JBuilderX for java,jsp,servlet part, XML Spy for XML Part.Any thing elseCheersArunkumar.H.G
  5. but what about the state of the packates and their security in UDP Protocol when compared to TCP/IP?
  6. what all i know abt RSS isRealy Simple Syndication, it is in XML Format to share the data between the Blogs and Web Sites.
  7. My vote is for Google.Whenever i searched in the google in got satisfied and got the result.So i allways vote for Google,.
  8. thats the problem with LCD and TFT's Ghosts, Shadows, Negative fx .U can't use LCD or TFT' in differenrt agnles. but u need to be straight to the Display device.Arunkumar.H.G
  9. Hi all,I donno much abt CPU arch. but i vote for Intel, as i used intel (since P2)till now and its working fine and greate on all operating systems and on all file systems. i had no complaints against intel, but i heard some problems abt AMD Athlon on which RedHat Linux 8.0 is running. The linux server suddenly will go down, but the same version of linux working fine on the Intel's P4 System.
  10. Hi,Am using segate 40gb , and am the user of segate since 6 yrs, and till now i had no problems with the segate HD, so i vote for Segate.CheersArunkumar.H.G
  11. Hi,If u r the developer then i preffer simgle monitor, if u r a 3D designer or animator or game developer i preffer to go for 2 monitors.
  12. Hi all,Am my way to purchase a new laptop, bu tin between i had a doubt either to go for a new laptop or update the exesitng desktop machiene, then i decided to post it on the Xisto where i can get the proper answer.please all asta users judge which one to go for and why, their's pro and corns.Please let me know.If Desktop what should be the ideal configuration and same for the laptop also.RegardsArunkumar.H.G
  13. Hi all, After searching the net i got these links which does the same or similar thing as my concept. http://swingml.sourceforge.net/demo.html http://jfcml.sourceforge.net/ http://www.javaworld.com/ Can any one gimme more examples. Plz.................
  14. Hi,This is the Some code snippet that what i expect to be at the final stage to build the menu bar.######################import javax.swing.*;public class XMenuDemo { public XMenuDemo() { CreateMenuBar CreateMenuBar = new CreateMenuBar(); JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setJMenuBar(CreateMenuBar.getMenuBar("C:/SampleMenu.xml",frame)); frame.setSize(300,300); frame.show(); } public static void main(String args[]) { XMenuDemo XMenuDemo = new XMenuDemo(); }}##############################CreateMenuBar.getMenuBar method should take the XML file path and the parent frame and gimme back the JMenubar with all menu and Menu items.Please help me out .PLz....................
  15. Hi,We mainly Vote for FF and Mozilla because they are 1) Open Source2) Run by a Open Source Community3) They sponsor other Use full projects on their server4) They are not commercial like Opera (giving the Add at the corner of the browser)
  16. Hi,Am in the field of IT since 3.6 yrs, and am fed up with the developing the repet of the code during the Swing GUI Developement.So i thought of writing the GUI Description in a XML FIle and parsing the XML Using the SAX Parser and Build the Swing GUI on the FLY, so that the developement cost of the GUI will reduce and the XML GUI Descriptions can be used as Templates.The XML File some thing look like follows.####################################<?xml version="1.0"?><Menus> <!-- The menu bar at the top of the frame --> <XMenuBar NAME="TopMenu"> <XMenu NAME="File" > <XMenuItem NAME="FileOpen" LABEL="Open..." XInvoker="test.TestInvoker"/> <XMenuItem NAME="FileSave" LABEL="Save"/> <XMenuItem NAME="FileSaveAs" LABEL="Save As..."/> <XMenuItem NAME="FileExit" LABEL="Exit"/> </XMenu> <XMenu NAME="Edit" XInvoker="EditHandler"> <XMenuItem NAME="EditUndo" LABEL="Undo"/> <XMenuItem NAME="EditCut" LABEL="Cut"/> <XMenuItem NAME="EditPaste" LABEL="Paste"/> <XMenuItem NAME="EditDelete" LABEL="Delete"/> <CheckboxMenuItem NAME="EditReadOnly" LABEL="Disable Button 1" XInvoker="Button1Enabler"/> </XMenu> <XMenu NAME="Help" XInvoker="HelpHandler"> <XMenuItem NAME="HelpAbout" LABEL="About"/> <XMenuItem NAME="HelpTutorial" LABEL="Tutorial"/> </XMenu> </XMenuBar> <PopupMenu NAME="Pop1" XInvoker="PopupHandler"> <XMenu NAME="Sub Menu 1" XInvoker="SubMenu1Handler"> <XMenuItem NAME="Item 1" COMMAND="Item One"/> <XMenuItem NAME="Item 2" COMMAND="Item Two"/> </XMenu> <XMenuItem NAME="Item 3" COMMAND="Item Three"/> <XMenuItem NAME="Item 4" COMMAND="Item Four"/> <XMenuItem NAME="Item 5" COMMAND="Item Five" XInvoker="com.javaworld.mar2000.sax.DynamicMenuItemHandler"/> </PopupMenu> </Menus>####################################This is for the Building the Menu bar.I want the Same procedures for the Frames, Panels, Buttons.Any Idea, any links, any resources please let me know.Please if any one already implemented this kind of thing plz help me out, and let me know.RegardsArunkumar.H.G
  17. Hi,What actually X-Fire is, can any one gimme the Links to know more about the X-Fire, is something like X-Box (of Micro$oft)
  18. Bu what about money gaurantee in Google adsense, i heard a whole lot of cases where google banned the accounts after there accounts reached 99$ or equal by giving some un acceptable reasons. If this is the case where to go!, so i am doubt abt google adsense.
  19. Hi,Am using MC , but it s too slow, prev i used Norton but after installing Norton my system started behaving in a very strang manner, so then i went for MC, but still am in confuse which one to choose!
  20. Hi,Once again it depends on ur requirements, but any how am gonna reffer u the Linux (redHat linux 8.0)
  21. Hi,I ordered 15 days before, but till now no cd's, how many days they will take to ship the CD's, any idea's
  22. Hi,Its cool stuff to c, its realy amazing to get switch th OS with a single mouse click.
  23. hi,Continuolsy u should keep on updating the meta-tags and keywords on ur site (but remember not to spam u will black listed for the life time) and submitting to the engies (reffer search engine optimization(seo)) topic in the search engine secation.Cheers
  24. Hi,Cool set of links buddy.in my next post i will also come with good stuff of links to display on Xisto.
  25. Hi,Can any one gimme the resources links of the CD -Rippers. and for the wav to mp3 convertors.
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