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El Tod

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Everything posted by El Tod

  1. I think that sword games ruled altho, if there r other weapons the sword does need a limit. I would like there 2 b a bigger co-op mode, make it up 2 4 players, it would b amazing, b like a proper squad. Possibly ad in simulants or AI oponents in multiplayer, so that if u don't have live u can play with ur mates and have a bigger veriaty of game types 2 explore, also if u had a LAN party goin u could use say the 8 of u that r there against an 8 man computer controlled team. The pelican would b sweet in multiplayer, they've got it on the pc version, think some1s modded it in, but the points still there. Also if u had the extended co-op u could use it in the story line. Against an Ai team would b amazing u could use it as a troop carrier 2 deploy a huge chunk of ur team around objectives etc... Needless 2 say im excited, but just think off the possiblitys Tod P.s sheil would b cool, and sitting on the tank would b nice again, and they were gonna put the atv in 2 but didn't.
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