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Posts posted by gaggu007

  1. I was looking around a site and it had a really funny Boot screen. I didn't know how to install it, but the person who posted the screen said something about using BootXP. So I went and installed it, but I didn't know how to use it and then I wanted to delete the program.


    When I went to uninstall it, it told me:


    "ERROR: Deleting This Boot Line Will Leave Your BOOT.INI Without Options. Use This Button To Delete Backup Lines or Be Sure To Have At Least One Working Boot.INI Line Before Delete Lines."


    I don't know what this means, so then I went to google and I found this:




    and the reviewers were talking about windows crashing?! This is a pretty new computer and I'd be really pissed if it deleted all my stuff...


    Could anyone explain or help or whatever? Any help is reaally super appreciated.




    this soft is able to edit boot skins directly.

  2. This is s little tip that you can make your Internet Explorer browser can run fast as Firefox browser.
    You can make it by following the step by step below

    step 1: first you go to start menu and then choose run.
    step2: After you choose run,it appears a little box,then you can type regedit.
    step3:Find the key that you need by following this
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ InternetSettings
    step4:On the right box,right click and choose new ,then continue choose DWORD Value
    step5:type into the box : MaxConnectionsPerServer
    step6:Just right click on that key and choose modify,and then type the value that you want into the value box(when you type the large number then your browser faster)
    step7:create another key such as MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server (do the same the above steps)
    Now just close every thing and restart your computer,then run your Internet Explorer again, see what happen
    It should be run faster than usual.

    I hope this will help a lot with someone likes to use Internet Explorer.

    what i can type in value box ?

    Notice from mayank:
    Failed to add quotes to the copied content. Warning Issued.

  3. DaRealChrono, please be carefull next time, this topic of yours is not for a Freebies forum wich was where post it.Now, this is a very polemic subject, interesting but it will raise many answers, many ideas.I don't know if you cracked or applyed a crack in a program or even an ilegal serial or anyother code to break the program/script security, and by that, removing it's limitations, so i'm going to beleave you've never done that.I'm going to tell you the trueth, i cracked some programs, Photoshop and Norton antivirus was among the first programs wich i applyed a crack, and i had many reasons to do so:- Photoshop is too expensive (1.000+ euros)- Norton programs are also too expensive- Still, i need the best programs (I'm a webdesigner, informatics technician and shh technician so i need the best web design / design programs plus i also need to beprotected when i open files from the internet and others)I could buy them, but i'm not that rich to pay so much money for a program that i know how to crack the limitations.I may have cracked some programs, i might crack programs in the future, but i tell you now, i will never do the same to my friends, i have principles, do you think if i crack a program or whatever it means that i'll steal my friends, no my "friend", i will not, i have principles and rules wich guide me.One think is to crack a program in the virtual world, another is to steal a friend or an unkown person in the real world, both are very different worlds, you just can't compare them like that, it's absurd.Now, please, answer me this questions:- Have you ever toke copies of books in school?- Have you ever downloaded mp3 (music) from the internet?- Do you use p2p programs? What do you download!?- Have you have steal a chocolate in a market or grosserys store?The first one i'm almost sure you did it and perhaps you are still doing, almost everybody in the world makes copies of books, but what they don't know is that is illegal, why, because almost all people don't have permission to take those copies of the copyrighted books or whatever information, they don't have the respect of asking for those rights, for that licence.Concerning the other questions, also i'm almost sure you did it, i don't know you, but statistics don't lie, perhaps you are an exception, if you say so i'll beleave you, but the point is that everyone does illegal actions everyday, all time, for any reason, now, does it mean that if you take copies of books then you also steal friends or take copies of your friends work?I could talk forever here explaining you why not one person (with a few exceptions) is an example to say something about cracking programs, think about this.If you say so, i'll do an effort to beleave you but, it is very very hard to beleave you did not make copies of books or anyother copyrighted material such as books and other works that normally help students and workers achieve better school marks or courses marks as well as in a profession.It's very hard to beleave you did not make copies, unless you are rich or you did not go to school.Here in europe, things are very expensive, and in schools as well as in all places, people makes copies of copyrighted material all the time and that's also illegal, cracking programs is also illegal but most people crack programs because they need them, it's not for playing around with them.I could tell tons of other examples that most people do, and most of them do not even know that they are comicting an ilegall action.You could say lots of things, i can beleave you, but it takes a hard effort for me to beleave it because i didn't burn yesterday or 2 seconds ago, i have a lot of experience in the real world, with people, and one thing reality tought me is that no one is an example to critisize other, no one is an example in all things like morally, professionaly and so on, to say that cracking programs is bad, i know it, but let's not forget the other things too like the example of copies of books in school/courses/work.i also want to learn about this can any 1 please tell me how to crack any soft.

    Notice from mayank:
    There is no need to put too many "equal to" signs to create the paragraph. That way it will be considered as cheating the credit system and that may cost you a warning in future

  4. The two recent movies I watched were "Cypher" and "Frankenstein". The first one had little or no development and succeded in being lame and uninteresting at the same time... The second one was really boring and frightening in no way what so ever. Infact, it hardly had anything to do with the monster at all! What a rip off. Oh, and I watched Between Two Worlds which has absolutely fantastic! Well, not absolutely, but jeeze it was a good yarn. Real interesting all the way through. Try and find it if you can, it'll be worth it.hi frnd booth r nice mobies

  5. C&C 3 : Tiberian wars has been aounced, with an ETA rlease of 2007.
    It follows Tiberian Dawn, and Tiberian Sun and looks like it be quite koo

    [information links]

    first of all i'm really pleased that it was a Tiberian Game opposed to red alert or anythin else EA creates.
    But, due to the changing face of RTS gaming and constant innovations, i don't think it'll be the same type of game. . . . they've already announced that it won't have cut scenes, which is a bit dissapointing but expected. Also hopefulyl they'll stay true to the style and make NOD all stealthy and sneaky and GDI with brute power and really koo units and technology. . . . .altho from looking at the screen shots. . . it appears the gdi have system of light tank, medium tank heavy tank etc, which wud be rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrly lame. . . .

    oh wells. . . jus gotta sit and wait for more info rearlly. . . E3 is soon so maybe something will be released soon <_<

    Please tell me what is this ?

  6. I've decided to pin a topic for Google Mail invites. I've seen so many of them, I thought it would be nice to have them organized.


    If you're offering invites, please put them in this format:

    Email Address you can be contacted by (Optional)

    Number of Invites

    Thing(s) you want in return (Optional, this can include Riddle Answer, Posts on a forum, or quite simply, nothing. If left blank, it will be assumed as nothing.)

    Any other information you might want (or need) to include

    Also, when/if you no longer offer invites, please Edit your topic saying so.


    Now, if you want to recieve an invite, please PM, or email that person only one time. Please do not spam saying "I want an invite, I want an invite!!!!111", especially as a reply, as it will be immediately deleted, and hopefully shunned upon. (And up to the person on whether or not they want to give you an invite.)


    This is solely an honor system, and as such there is not a 100% guaruntee you will recieve an invite due to different circumstances. Please understand this, and do not PM any of the moderators (Except myself, or whoever else wants to partake in this) or administrators (Same thing). Also, please note no party is whatsoever responsible except the party which offers the invite to give you the invite, anyone else is not held under that responsibility unless duely stated. Thank you, and please do not abuse this, or it will be removed.


    As always, normal forum rules apply.


    - Thank you for your understanding. <_<

    Note: Administrators (Or moderators) have the right to remove or close this topic at any time they see fit. Thank you in advance once more. You may also get better results looking for a Gmail exchange. This is just something I thought of to make it easier for everyone else instead having to hunt down invites, etc. Those who post can do what terms they want (but you do not have to accept them.).


    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    It has become clear that many people have been posting their email addresses in the following format somewords@somecoolprovider.com. This makes it very easy for certain spam bots (which crawl the web just as search bots would) to pick up email addresses which may be added to a database of emails.


    To protect your email address from such bots please hide both the @ and . symbols when you post it. Eg: somewords[_-A-_]somecoolprovider[_-D-_]com or make your own format as long as it hides the two symbols.


    If you wish to keep your inbox spam-free it is recommended that you do this. I will censor out these symbols for the most recent posts in this topic but I won't if you make a post after this message was posted.


    Sorry for the editing you post but I couldn't think of another way to spread the message :ph34r:


    how to requst 4 invitation ?

  7. IT security experts warned today of a "widespread phishing email campaign" that tries to swindle unwary recipients by pretending to offer a cash prize from Gmail, Google's popular free email service.
    The emails claim that the recipient has been randomly selected for a $500 cash prize, and that the money can be paid automatically if they click on the embedded web link. Part of the email reads as follows:

    'You won $500! Gmail congratulates you!
    YOU WON $500!
    Gmail gives members random cash prizes. Today, your account is randomly selected as the one of 12 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us. Please click the link below and follow instructions on our web site. Your money will be paid directly to your e-gold, PayPal, StormPay or MoneyBookers account.'

    The embedded link takes users to a web page saying that there has been a problem sending the payment. They are then asked to enter their bank details and pay a membership fee of $8.60.

    "Of course this email wasn't really sent by the folks at Gmail, and the $500 cash prize doesn't exist. Anyone tempted to try and collect it is in danger of walking straight into a trap set by these fraudsters," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

    "People need to learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and be much more wary of unsolicited email communications whoever they may appear to come from."

    Sophos revealed in a survey earlier this year that 58 per cent of people receive at least one phishing email every day.

    is this realy truth ? please tell me now ? plz.

  8. Portable gaming consoles are not a very large portion of the gaming market. Microsoft really doesn't need to enter this market since they are doing so well with marketing their new Xbox 360, and the sales of this system will probably continue at their great amount well into the next year. Why release a portable gaming system when it might simply bomb like the PSP? I think that it would be A.) too much a risk for Microsoft to get into the competition now to stain their newly-publicized gaming brand, and B.) too costly. They're already losing enough on each Xbox 360 as it is.


  9. Hmmm...I really hate you. Why only three? haha...I'll give it my best shot though...
    1) Donnie Darko

    Words cannot describe just how freaking cool this movie is. With a mind-boggling plot, magnetic characters, and a unique tendency to draw from just about every single movie genre out there, this flick does nothing short of knock you out. The music is chilling and the ending deeply depressing. You'll be scratching your head for weeks (and probably lose some sleep in the process too!). Overall, highly recommended for just about ANYONE. You will be BLOWN AWAY!

    2) Platoon

    As a war film, it is continually praised for its gritty realism. As a Vietnam film, it is always mentioned with the classics of its kind. But the thing that makes Platoon so unique is the heart and soul that Oliver Stone, a Vietnam vet himself, poured into the production. As much psychologically twisting as it is action-packed, the film emphasizes the clash between good and evil under alleged unity. Excellent performances across the board (yes, even Charlie Sheen). The music is haunting, and the tone is perpetually harrowing. Belongs in every history addicts DVD collection.

    3) Life is Beautiful

    This film ultimately accomplishes the impossible: it creates a comedy about the Holocaust. While it seems absurb, Italian slapstick genius Roberto Benigni manages to pull such a task off without offending the masses. A gently love story turned tragedy, it contains a magical essence that touches the heart in all the right places. The screenplay is brilliant, and the score is nothing short of magnificent. This film will stick in your mind for days--it is truly a beautiful piece of cinema.

    Honorable Mentions: Requiem for a Dream, Apocalypse Now, Forrest Gump, Rocky

    life is Beautyful was realy good.........

  10. Hi! friends, we are all here... but how did we reach here?

    Lets take a poll, may be this info will be useful to the admins also, in shaping their policies...


    So let's start!



    Could you also visit my site and comment on that here?


    I found out in another forum. When I was disgusted with shyper.com, I started searching and reached post2host.com. That sucks... and is anyway down! Somebody had mentioned this site there.. and goog lord.. I am here.

    LOL <_<



    EDIT 1

    OH! IT HAD JUST HAD 100 VOTES... :ph34r:



    EDIT 2

    Well, many are calling this the most successful poll in the forum so far.

    I don't know, may be an admin/mod can confirm?

    Thank you



    EDIT 3

    Hey! I just noticed that this poll results are posted at the forum homepage!!



    EDIT 4

    Wow! Reached 150- votes today... 1st nov 2004!

    40% have come here referred by a web hosts review site and 25% through search engine results.

    That's good.



    hi my frnd told me adout this best site.

  11. I am preparing to write an article on this guys. But I have already written one in the debates section about if the Bible is true or not. I think you will find it very interesting.
    Are you an Adventist? I am just looking at your username. I am a Seventh Day Adventist. So naturally I wonder if there was another on. Anyway, I think Christianity is a r3eal religion. There is none other like it. I can say that all the others are alike. They have multiple gods, and worship them in a way that Christianity does not.

    As far as the Bible. People say it is actually a hoax written over time by copycatters. I beg to differ. Look at the genealogy of some of the books. Are people going to say that someone spent their whole life thinking up names top put in a book? No! The book is real, so are the people in it that were written, and therefore, the Bible is true. That is using the law of deduction I might add. If, then. <_<


    Religion is peoples choices,and that alone.

    People should not care if people follow their religion, another or none at all.

    Therefore which one is "superior" is irrelevant.

    I'm not religious. . . .i'm an Atheist, Heretic, non-believer or what ever you want to brand me, BUT i'm HAPPY with my choices and see myself as a stronger person for not havign to believe in a higher power.
    Science and Fate and MYSELF rule my life. I'm a good person. I don't need others telling me i'm not because i don't believe in THEIR god. . . . .

    My opinion:

    Religion should be a personal choice, and personal practice, it should not be forced on anyone, preached, or compared.
    Its like Children in a playground saying whos toys are better . . . . .

    If you really find yourself questioning others beliefs . . . . then maybe you should have a long deep look into your life and its meaning/point . . . . . .


    dit: I noticed Goosestaf's posted while I was writing my reply, I agree 100% with him.
    In my opinion Christianity and the Bible can go right down the drain with all other religions. Faith is something personal and should not be forced onto other poeple, which is what religious poeple do, they don't get off the back of poeple who differ in opinion from so called "non-believers". O course this is a broad generalization and there are exceptions. But if one looks at the history and evolution of religion, it has done more bad than good to the world and it still is doing more bad than good. Faith is very personal and it should stay that way. Poeple who need to convince other poeple how right and better there believes are, belong right down the toilet with religion, because essentially that is what religion is: brainwashing of the masses.

    Personally I don't need religion to tell me what is right and wrong, as free mind I can form my own opinions and decide to lead a "good" life without harming anybody around me. Religion, by dictating me my belives takes away that freedom.

    Yes some poeple actually are inspired by what they read in the Bible or the Koran, or any other such book and some poeple actually make some good out of it, but most poeple don't and a lot of poeple (a whole lot more than those who do good) use the holy books to justify their acts of ignorance and intolerance. If you have faith in such and such God, fine, but keep it to yourself, respect my freedom of faith the same way I respect your freedom of faith. If your faith prevents you from doing such and such things, say an abortion, then don't do it but leave me alone, my faith is different and if I do it, as long as it doesn't affect you I have the right to follow my faith. Now poeple will say but I have the right of free speech and I can proclaim my opinion... yes, but this is not about the right to free speech, this is about respect and tolerance. Respect my faith as I respect yours. Religion, in most cases, takes away that respect for other poeple's faith.

    This post has been edited by Blacklaser: Mar 31 2006, 11:54 PM


    Although, i agree with the statements that say, religion isnt something that should be considered better than other things. But, rather, taught in a way where the information is out there, and have people choose whether they want to accept such information. For those who think their religion is better, mind you, they're just playing the "religion game". I, for one, state facts that have been falsified (by science or whatnot), and try to eliminate ignorance, based on actual evidence. Again, it all depends on how well everyone else handles such information.

    what is this ?

  12. There are no 'secrets' to getting good rankings in Google (or any other major search engine). Obviously, you can't just place a collection of keywords you would like to target in the meta tags and then have Google give you a number 1 ranking for those pages. People have tried nearly all the tricks in nearly all the books, and Google gets wise to 'blackhat' SEOers. The ultimate punishment is being dropped all together from Google's index - and it doesn't take a great deal for them to do so, especially if you aren't already well established. The only way to get decent rankings in any search engine that is worth having decent rankings in is by providing quality, optimized content, and being patient. If your site contains good content, then search engines will pick up on this, and your rankings will start to rise.


    Having links pointing to your site is good for rankings, but not critical - regardless of what a lot of people seem to think (I am speaking from first-hand experience here). Search engines weigh links based on how important they consider the page that contains the link to your site - so a poorly ranked site that the engine sees as having low-quality content and not being of much use will not do anything to help your rankings (it has been said that they can even have a detremental effect), but a link from a highly ranked site that the engine considers to be of high importance will help to increase your rankings. They way they figure, if a good site is pointing to your site, then your site musn't be so bad either (although a single link from a decent site won't automatically grant you number 1 rankings).


    Just to dispell some myths concerning SEO, some time ago, I set up a small web site on a domain name I wasn't using that related to Internet-based marketing and advertising. I ended up stopping work on the site, but didn't take it offline. There was not a single link pointing to it, and pretty much no one knew of its existance - the domain name didn't contain any special keywords, and I'd nevere really mentioned it to anyone. After about four months, I was checking the logs for that server (which hosts several other web sites) and noticed that I had been receiving quite a lot of hits for some pretty decent, competetive keywords - and sure enough, when I checked them in Google, Yahoo! and MSN, I had top-ten pages for all of the keywords and phrases. I was quite suprised by this, as I hadn't really put any time into the site and hadn't optimized the content a great deal. But it goes to show that well-written pages with keyword-rich (but not too many keywords) will get you good rankings, despite all other factors a lot of 'SEO freaks' tend to talk about.



    frnd please tell me clearly.


    Hi, here is all I know: (well... a brief, selected excerpt)

    A site needs to have history. Google likes a site that they can see has changed. You won't become no. one straight away!

    DO NOT DO ANYTHING RISQUE! You think it could be wrong, you had best stay away from it. Google Bombing is a great example.

    Changing content is good for search engine results. Get an RSS feed up on your site for instance.

    optimise for only 1 keyword, not many

    Put that keyword in your meta keywords tag ONLY ONCE

    Include the afore mentioned keyword in your meta description as much as possible (don't go overboard though, or google will think you are spamming them i.e. keyword, keyword, keyword is bad!!!!)

    Include the keyword as many times as possible in your main body. Obviouslly again, in context of the content, and don't go overboard.


    Search engines don't like duplicated content. Do not just copy and paste articles off the internet for use on your site. SEs will lower the importance of your site because it is the same as another one, even if not graphically.

    Try to avoid using long, dynamic urls for scripts (eg: domain.com/script.php?s=adhhd&ssid=uausuud&this=that etc...) a good alternative would be to use the mod_rewrite rule for apache

    Sorry, that is all I can remember at the moment




    PS: Yahoo and MSN are out to build a diverse list of websites - Google are out to build an informative list with a more relevant search script than the other search engines. Their algos (don't even ask me to spell that word) are different to MSN and Yahoo, but are much more diverse. They also use Pagerank to help with their algos, which also helps with links. This dosen't mean MSN and Yahoo are bad, but then again, you definitely get better results on google.


    realy good.............

  13. Redirect script webbrowser from wap to web and wapbrowser from web to wap.

    <?$htmlredirect = "http://kralj.frih.net";$wmlredirect = "http://kralj.r8.org";if(strpos(strtoupper($HTTP_ACCEPT),"VND.WAP.WML") > 0){header("Location: ".$wmlredirect);}else{header("Location: ".$htmlredirect);exit;}?>

    Graphic counter.
    !!! Dont forget to create count.txt file and cmod 777
    if your server does not support Gif image create, use png image create.
    header('Content-Type: image/GIF');
    ImageGIF ($im);
    header('Content-Type: image/PNG');
    ImagePNG ($im);
    thats all

    <?// Image Counter Scriptif(!file_exists("count.txt")){$counter=fopen("count.txt", "a");}else{$counter=fopen("count.txt", "r+");}$aufruf=fgets($counter,100);$aufruf=$aufruf+1;rewind($counter);fputs($counter,$aufruf);fclose($counter);$im = @ImageCreate (99, 46) //change the image size hereor die ("Kann keinen neuen GD-Bild-Stream erzeugen");$background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);$text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 0, 0);ImageString ($im, 2, 1, 1, "$aufruf", $text_color2); header('Content-Type: image/GIF');ImageGIF ($im);?>


    easy total hits ,put it on page where want to count hits

    $counter_array = file("counter.dat");$all = $counter_array[0]+1;$fp = @fopen("counter.dat","wb");@fputs($fp,$all);@fclose($fp); echo '<br/><small>Total hits: <u>'.$all.'</u></small><br/>';

    Here is countdown script:

    <?$day = 1;$month = 1;$year = 2006;$end = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);$today= mktime(date("G"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m"),date("d"),date("Y"));$days=($end-$today)/86400;if ($days>0) {$r1 = explode('.',$days);$hours=24*($days-$r1[0]);$r2 = explode('.',$hours);$minutes=60*($hours-$r2[0]);$r3 = explode('.',$minutes);$seconds=60*($minutes-$r3[0]);$r4 = explode('.',$seconds);echo 'Days left: ' .$r1[0];echo '<br>Time left: ' . $r2[0] . ':' . $r3[0] . ':' . $r4[0];} else {echo "Happy new year:)";}?>

    WapBuddy File dir script.

    <?$conf["items_per_page"] = 20;header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\""." \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (!isset($page)) {$page = 0;}$total = 0;if(!($dp = opendir("./"))) die ("Cannot open ./");$file_array = array();while ($file = readdir ($dp)){if(substr($file,0,1) != '.' and $file != "index.php"){$file_array[] = $file;}}$file_count = count ($file_array);sort ($file_array);?><wml><card id="card1" title=""><p mode="nowrap"><do type="option" label="Home"><go href="/index.php"/></do><? echo "<a href=\"/best.php\">*Best STUFF*</a><br/><a href=\"/index.php\">Home</a><br/><br/>"; ?><?if ($file_count > 0){$first_record = $page * $conf["items_per_page"];$last_record = $first_record + $conf["items_per_page"];while (list($fileIndexValue, $file_name) = each ($file_array)){if (($fileIndexValue >= $first_record) AND ($fileIndexValue < $last_record)){echo "<a href=\"$file_name\">$file_name</a> (". round(filesize($file_name)/1024,1) . "kb)<br/>";$total = $total + filesize($file_name);}}if (($file_count > 0) AND ($page != 0)){// previous button$prev_page = $page -1;echo "<br/><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$prev_page\">Prev</a><br/>";}if (($file_count > 0) AND ($last_record < $file_count)){// next button$next_page = $page + 1;echo "<br/><a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$next_page\">Next</a><br/>";}echo "<br/>Directory:<br/>$file_count ";if ($file_count == 1){echo "file";}else{echo "files";}echo " (" . round($total/1024,1) . "kb)";echo "<br/><a href=\"/index.php\">Home</a>";echo "<br/><a href=\"/downloads.php\">ŤDownloads</a>";echo "<br/><a href=\"page.php\">Pages</a>";}closedir($dp);?></p></card></wml>

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    In accordance with Xisto forum rules, you must use proper English words and refrain from using slangs, such as "ur" instead of "your".




    First create a folder called image.gif and upload your images to it.

    When you have done that, make a file in that folder called index.php and add this code

    <?php	$folder = '.';	$extList = array();	$extList['gif'] = 'image/gif';	$extList['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg';	$extList['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg';	$extList['png'] = 'image/png';	$img = null;if (substr($folder,-1) != '/') {	$folder = $folder.'/';}if (isset($_GET['img'])) {	$imageInfo = pathinfo($_GET['img']);	if (		isset( $extList[ strtolower( $imageInfo['extension'] ) ] ) &&		file_exists( $folder.$imageInfo['basename'] )	) {		$img = $folder.$imageInfo['basename'];	}} else {	$fileList = array();	$handle = opendir($folder);	while ( false !== ( $file = readdir($handle) ) ) {		$file_info = pathinfo($file);		if (			isset( $extList[ strtolower( $file_info['extension'] ) ] )		) {			$fileList[] = $file;		}	}	closedir($handle);	if (count($fileList) > 0) {		$imageNumber = time() % count($fileList);		$img = $folder.$fileList[$imageNumber];	}}if ($img!=null) {	$imageInfo = pathinfo($img);	$contentType = 'Content-type: '.$extList[ $imageInfo['extension'] ];	header ($contentType);	readfile($img);} else {	if ( function_exists('imagecreate') ) {		header ("Content-type: image/png");		$im = @imagecreate (100, 100)			or die ("Cannot initialize new GD image stream");		$background_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);		$text_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0,0,0);		imagestring ($im, 2, 5, 5,  "IMAGE ERROR", $text_color);		imagepng ($im);		imagedestroy($im);	}}?>

    Now by linking to yoursite.com/image.gif (image.gif being the folder) the index file will automatically run and random images will be displayed. That means you can display random images in forums like these.


    Cool eh?!

  15. hiboard admin am gurpreet from india.am need your help can u please help me ? am using Invision Power Board v2.1.6 in my site.i want to know how to i make topics in portal page.please don't close this topic. because i realy need that now.i need help in real only u can help me because u are the admin of this board.i want to show topicks like same as u.so please tell me hoe can i add topics in portal page which always still in top on portal page.if u ll help ill be a great thanks 2 u 4 ur this kindness.am new in here & don't close this topic please.thanks.hv a nice day.please replay me soon. ecause am waiting ur replaY now.thanks again.again hv a nice day to u.enjoy ur days with great happyess .

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