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Posts posted by rovertos

  1. Incorrect my friend, that's like saying every person is bad. You can't say all video games are a waste of time if you have not played them all. You can, however, say there are certain ons that are a waste of tme.


    OK, let me put things in the right perspective... Some of you say that video games may improve some of your skills (like eye to hand coordination or your reflexes or whatever) and some of you say that some games are indeed a waste of time but some others are not. I can accept there is some truth in these opinions. But ask yourself this question...


    Is there any (legal) human activity you couldn't justify if you really wanted to?


    ***You can omit the word "legal" in the above sentence if you like***


    My point is, you like playing video games and because you do, you try to justify this. In the process of doing so, you cross out all other things you could be doing with your free time until you are left with a false dilemma like "OK, should I watch this dumb TV Show or should I play Halo 2 instead?"


    This is how the human mind works. Every time, it tries to avoid strain and in doing so, it makes up excuses to justify this. When you're sitting comfortably in your sofa at home, there is indeed some mental strain involved in picking up a book that might teach you something, or calling a friend on the phone that you haven't spoken a long time to. This is why your mind blocks out these options or makes up an easy excuse like "oh well, why don't he/she calls me..." And this is how you end up spending the whole evening in front of your TV while your brain numbs out like a housewife on a lazy Sunday afternoon...

  2. To the Topic Starter. (The one with the melon cat.)

    No, you are being prejuidice towards video games.


    No, I don't think I'm being prejudiced towards video games. Prejudice means "An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts". I do have knowledge of the facts, since I have been playing games myself and consequently - not beforehand - formed the opinion that playing video games is a waste of time indeed.

  3. Yeah, the simplest way to do this is to use an iframe hidden somewhere and a page in that window with the music playing...simply make it so when you click a specific link, it opens in the iframe and opens the file "about:blank"...well, it's how I'd do it anyway (if I dared actually play music in a web page...it's so n00bish :-))


    Be careful with those iframes... I know Netscape didn't support them and I think Firefox doesn't support them now. <iframe> is IE proprietary, you'd better stick with the standards...

  4. If you want to buy a book on HTML, the best one is definitely "HTML in a nutshell" by O'Reilly. This one is to learn HTML, there is an even better one which is used as a reference book: "Dynamic HTML. The Definitive Reference". I am a web professional, I have used a lot of programming books over the years to help me through the hard times and I can tell you, the Definitive Reference on HTML is definitely the one I have used the most...

  5. ...As for the hover functionality, what you have to do is dynamically change the src of the image onMouseOver and then restore it onMouseOut.E.g.<img src="whatever..." id="myImage" onMouseOver="java script:hover('in')" onMouseOut="java script:hover('out')">.........<script>function hover(String s){if (s == "in"){document.myImage.src="activeImage...";} else if (s == "out"){document.myImage.src="normalImage...";}}</script>

  6. Applets need to import netscape.javascript.* package to make calls to JavaScript. The typical form for an Applet to JavaScript call is JSObject win = JSObject.getWindow(this); String[] args = {formTextField.getText()}; Object stringObject = win.call("setFormTextEntry", args);Where setFormTextEntry is the name of a JavaScript method in the web page and args represents the parameter list for the setFormTextEntry function.

  7. yea if all your looking for is source code, go to http://www.deitel.com/ and to their download page. They have the best java book around, and offer free downloads to all the source code in their book.


    ACHTUNG!!! Do NOT EVER buy any books from deitel, unless you want to use them as a weapon (they are bloody HEAVY)! I think authors at Deitel are paid by the page, so they are just trying to write as much as they can! Deitel books are simply worthless as reference books, useful information gets lost in tons of rubbish, insignificant information and poor humour! Use O'Reilly books instead, they are so much more compact and useful...

  8. if you want to learn Javascript and you already know HTML and the basics about programming (I mean loops and arrays and variables and stuff like that...) then what you have to do next is study the Document Object Model. The DOM is an object model that allows you to access the elements of an HTML page through Javascript. E.g. if you want to change an image named myImage (<img id='myImage'....>) then you could access it like that: document.myImage.src='.......' Note that there are some differences between the DOM in Explorer and Netscape.

  9. I'll make the same question that many people are making in this forum without getting a straight answer: What do I need to do to activate JSP support for my level 1 (15 posts) package? Do I need to get to level 2 package (25 posts)? I read somewhere that a BETA account is needed for JSP to be enabled. What the heck is a BETA account? Is it lvl 2 package, is it lvl 3 package (50 posts)?

  10. Gee... I was hoping for a little controversy here but it looks as if we all agree that, to say the least, gaming is not the true meaning of life, no matter how hard Sony is trying to convince us that this is the case. I mean "life is short , play more"... c'mon, gimme a break! If this was your last day on earth, how would you spend it? Certainly not playing any video games, I hope.I would like to add one thing to the discussion, though. There is now a whole generation of teenagers who grow up shooting each other online on a daily basis. We know this can affect dramatically an "odd minority" among them - remember Columbine - but what about the vast majority, what about your teenage friends and mine? In other words, do you think violent game culture can have any behavioural effect on teenagers who enjoy a normal upbringing?

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