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de exile

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Posts posted by de exile

  1. Here is a list of MMORPG i have collected, they are all absolutely free!


    note: sry theres no Pictures or direct links (to find the website, just search it up on google)


    The pricing of these game may change (as in become frome free to pay to play)










    Pristontale (free til lvl 40)



    Auditon Online Dance Battle (online version of DDR)



    Holy Beast Online


    Dream Of Mirror Online


    Guild Wars (not free, you need to buy the game, but no monthly fees)


    Lineage 2 (the retail version is not free, although there are very advance private servers. I personally recommend l2extreme


    Mu Online


    Fly For Fun


    Maple Story (2d side scroller)



    Space Cowboy




    Dofus Arena (not a mmorpg, its tactics but still cool)


    Knight Online


    Conquer Online


    Kal Online


    Martial Heroes


    Eternal Lands




    Gunz Online (not exactly MMORPG but still kinda MMORPG)



    Ill update this list soon!

  2. This list consists of 10 websites i think people must know! Some are more or less catered to specific people and most people should already know most of these sites but still... just in case you don't:



    Self explanatory



    An amazing free encyclopedia, have more subjects than at least 4 average sets of encyclopedia and 10 times for informations (at least!). It can be editted by anybody and anyone, 90% accurate to say the very least (if it isn't you may change it :P ) Frequently updated by its vibrent community of dedicated "staff".


    google maps

    Another service offered by google, this site is basicly an virtual map, it has both a map version and a satellite version as well as a hybrid version. This map features most (if not all the worlds) at a medium zoom level and more populated world at a very high zoom level. I was able to find my house using this service. As well as a very nice tool for your geography homework, it also acts as an wonderful road map. It has an search button that allows google to automaticly search up the routes from one location to another with ease, the search can also works as an normal search and can find a fixed location (not paths between 2 location)


    The weather network

    A very nice site deicated to weather, although this focuses mainly in the North American regions, it also has the weather of Major cities around the world. This site features shorterm (around 48 hours, differs from cities) and longterm 7 day forecast, also include the: gust, P.O.P, Highs and lows, Dew points, Pressure, visibility, Ceiling, etc. etc.



    Amazing computer hardware (and software, mainly hardware though) online store, with extremely helpful community and relatively low prices, you should check them out if you are thinking of buying a new computer.


    Note: Neweggs currently only ships in U.S.A, all prices are in USD



    Another amazing computer hardware (and software) online store, just like Newegg except NCIX is canadian and ships to both Canada and USA


    Note: Prices are in Canadian Dollars




    A online auction site, very popular! This site is very simple to use, go on there website for instruction on getting started. Almost anything can be auctioned off ebay, from old coins to 50 year old G.I. joes in your basement.


    Note: Scams and Hoaxes are very common on Ebay, make sure you read the safety regulations posted on various websites before bidding!



    A pretty cool website oriented service, although they do offer free web hosting, i do not reccomend it unless you do not mind banners.


    However what i do love about bravenet is the tools and other service (counter, traffic count, horoscope, search) they offer (which means they provide codes for you to use on your website). Worth checking out if you are a webmaster but don't have much knowledge on HTML, PHP etc...



    This is a game based comic strip website. The artwork is amazing and is usually frequently updated (a new strip every 1-3 days) not to mention its harlarious!!! Definatly worth checking out if you are a gamer!



    Very Very nice game download service, unlike normal game sites (i.e. gamespot and gamespy). Fileplanet's download service for normal (not paid) users are always open (no waits) and you do not even need a account to download from Filefront! You can also host your own files and a lot more on filefront!


    Other then the obvious advantages, Filefront is also frequently updated with lastest patches from games and trailers offer for download! Definatly a MUST check out for gamers

  3. Hamachi is probably one of the best tools in the world. So, being the best tool in the world, i thought i'd share it with you guys




    What is hamachi? Hamachi is a versitile tool, that "organize two or more computers with an Internet connection into their own virtual network for direct secure communication". What this means is basicly you can set up and LAN connection between you and anybody else in the world as long as you both have hamachi. Have a firewall or modem? No problem, Hamachi compensates!


    Quote from the Hamachi website:


    "Think - LAN over the Internet.


    Think - Zero-configuration VPN.


    Think - Secure peer-to-peer.


    Access computers remotely. Use Windows File Sharing. Play LAN games. Run private Web or FTP servers. Communicate directly. Stay connected. "



    Why use hamachi?

    Hamachi is free and safe, it takes no technicle knowledge at all to use and is very versitile. It has a clean interface so even the first time go'ers can easily set up and VPN.


    Like i said from getting started: hamachi requires no technicle knowledge of computers, it compensates for firewall and modem so no comfiguration is needed.


    Another major advantage about hamachi is that you can connect to multiple "LAN servers" with only one account. Each LAN server can also consist of many people.



    What can i use Hamachi for?

    When thinking of how to use hamachi, just think what you could do if you had a LAN connection to the other persons computer.


    Some uses include:


    -Using VNC

    -Playing LAN games

    -Sharing Files


    The possibilities are endless...


    Basic Interface


    Posted Image


    Because of Hamachi's clean interface, not much explaining is needed for the button's functions, but here are just a few basics.


    Further Info


    The very first time you open Hamachi, there will be a very short, but very in depth tutorial which i highly recommend.


    A more technicle explination of Hamachi from Wikipedia

    Hamachi's homepage, you can download the program here and find some answers to questions





    If you are having trouble using hamachi, feel free to post it here, but before doing so, please check the Support database on hamachi's homepage and search it up on google.


    last words

    After reading this introduction, i hope you have learned- just like millions of people around the world, the great tool that is hamachi. If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me or post here.

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