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Posts posted by lovelylady345

  1. I think Global warming has been around longer than we have. I do not think there is a problem, just a cycle. I believe that this will all come around full circle eventually.Yes the stuff we have today does effect it, but I do not believe that. If so, than our time here with the pollutants that we put into the air, are nothign compared to what has been put into it from the past such as volcanic ash and other celestial disruptions.

    Could be, but who knows? :)

  2. You think having a puppy would make your life so much better and fun? Well not exactly, a few months later you will want to hit your puppy for peeing inside the house.. and taking it outside to do its business will take you alot of times, especially if you are a college student! With tons of homework, your puppy may be barking. If it pees on the carpet, you will have to clean it up! And a few hours later, your puppy may pee again! If you're lucky enough... on the same spot. :D I thought those things werent disadvantages of having a puppy.


    So, I got a CUTE puppy, if you guys wanna see the baby picture of it look at the attachtment. Super cute huh? Well shes really evil, looks are decieving... She may look so cute and adorable but she poops ALOT! I probably had to fix her mess around the house like twice a week. Thats totally disgusting.


    So the point of this topic/thread is that think twice before you really choose a puppy! I mean they can be cute but beware.... :D But I love my puppy to death, if you touch her and she looses a fur (or whatever) I will hurt you. :D And I'm dead seriousssss. B) I take tons of pictures, pictures with my dog too! The attachment is just one of 4 pictures I have of my dog being a baby.


    Comment on the picture if you like, oh yeah if you guys are wondering my dog is half Beagle and half Jack Russel. Its a she too, tons of people ask me what gender and breed my dog is so there you go! My dogs name is Cookie too because of the brown spots on her body. Reminds me of a cookie, doesnt it remind you of one? :) Well, thats it guys. ;D If you guys want to see more pictures of it just post here I'd love to share some pictures with you guys B)


    PS. Please forgive my horrid grammar. I try to keep my grammar as good as can be. :)


    even though you feel like hitting it you shouldn't, it dosen't know any better and do you get hit if you use the restroom .puppies are wonderful,and one more thing if you think puppies are a lot of work you should buy your momma a new car for mothers day cause i bet changing you twenty times a day was no fun either!

  3. "as my eyes rest upon the harbor gull,

    who looks no better than Jethro Thrull,

    the creature I once hoped to be;

    the stinky seagul who landed next to me. "


    XD wow, you have a mix of life fealings and humor in one! Funny stuff at the end even if the beginning started of serious. Over all I like it, reminds me of dreams and hopes that were lost with time.


    that is GREAT


    when the sun sets and the silver moon rises and

    the shadows shine againts the inky black starless sky,

    you know that it is night. :lol: what does u think?


    that is GREAT


    when the sun sets and the silver moon rises and

    the shadows shine againts the inky black starless sky,

    you know that it is night. :lol: what does u think?


    smiles and thinks <_<


    the day we are born we are given one gift, life

    it is a precious thing for it should not be wasted.

    for a parents love is unspeakable for it is true and strong.

    knowing that someone is there to lift the curtain of sadness

    and dry my tears.for a parents love is the strongest love of all.


    what do u think? :huh:




    the day we are born we are given one gift, life

    it is a precious thing for it should not be wasted.

    for a parents love is unspeakable for it is true and strong.

    knowing that someone is there to lift the curtain of sadness

    and dry my tears.for a parents love is the strongest love of all.


    what do u think? :)


    in my personal opinion i think it was one of my best poems B)


    hello is anyone gonna reply...at all....hello? well this is boring! <_<



    the day we are born we are given one gift, life

    it is a precious thing for it should not be wasted.

    for a parents love is unspeakable for it is true and strong.

    knowing that someone is there to lift the curtain of sadness

    and dry my tears.for a parents love is the strongest love of all.


    what do u think? :P

    in my personal opinion i think it was one of my best poems ;)


    hello is anyone gonna reply...at all....hello? well this is boring! :lol:


    anybody home hello ok this sucks..................... :lol:
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