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Posts posted by BEagle

  1. Lol i very much dout they'd get much business, people who buy web space generally look for proffessional hosting company's and after looking at there site it seems they are not, its obviouse they rnt proffessional and wont give you the support you need, as they couldnt even be bothered putting the time and effort into making there own site, and as u say the plans r crap anyway. Only a total total web noob would go for that tbh.

  2. I've not played this yet, still deciding whether to get it. Obviously if people are really into it they'll buy the episodes but to be fair although it gives them time to build the maps its gonna cost us alot more in the long run, if they're all gonna cost ?20 each, it's obviously a way to make more money. :)

  3. I dont agree with hurting animals in any way. After reading these posts i see that most of u think animals should be treated with respect and that people who abuse them should be given a harsher punishment other than 2 days and a thousand dollar fine. Yet your kind of contradicting yourselves there, if you respect them so much why do you PAY for animals? Why do people profit from selling them? You pay for them like there a general object. Madkatz says "but need to be hunted down and punished for their crime (I think life in prison is a good option)." this is a punishment associated with murder, should then animals be treated with the same rights as humans? do you buy and sell humans?Do animals like to be kept inside when they want to be outside? do you? is it not a humans right to go where he wants? should animals be treated the same way?just some things to think about there.

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