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Posts posted by carlvskansas

  1. The cruel fact is, (this is just my personal opinion), that there is a big difference between what we would like to be, and what we really are, as humans, as creatures, and there is a big difference between what we would like love to be, and the things that really affect it.
    This might seem really simple, but its really important, for those relations that are most important to us. Now normaly, when you dont really love someone too much, you dont care much about the relationship, so you dont have much issues with it... but when you fall in love too deeply, and care too much about someone too much, it hurts way too much, plus it ussualy likes to go to hell very fast...

    The thing is, we're wierd beings, and when someone starts showing too much attention and love to us, and when we stop being afraid of loosing him, we dont want him that much anymore.... and the other way around.... so the simple secret of keeping the relationship good (if it is that way) is to make sure you never show more attention to your partner, then he does to you (maybe a little but never a lot).... be to him as he is to you (im not saying you have to be vengefull cause thats a bad idea, but if he stops being as good to you as he was, you should do the same, never cry out for attention and try to even increase your love for him when he drops in it, this will just start a painfull process, cause youll want him more and more, and hell want you less and less... so even if you feel like that, never show it, and try to get hes attention the other way around...)

    thats how i belive things should be done, the only problem is i never manage to do em right, and allways do em wrong <_< lol

    (sorry for my english, i hope i made my point understandable, im more used of technical and game topics then talking about relations)

    That is very true.
    my girlfriend of 6 months and I have been very good because mostly I try to keep things pretty equal emotionally and physically. Kudos!

  2. i personally dont think its bad to cheat on ur mate as long as u dont let he/she find out...because cheating on your mate might just be the thing that keeps you two together...and what he/she doesnt know wont hurt he/she <_<...i mean like for instance...a friend of mine went out for a girl for almost 2-3 years and they cheated on each other the whole time but never got caught and they had a great relationship...they ended up braking up in the end because she had to move away...but they still keep in touch and hook up every once in awhile lol...but if ur married then u should not cheat no way!...or if ur going out with someone u can picture spending ur life with u shouldnt cheat either...thats just my opinion...what do u guys think?

    I don't really think that is the ideal relationship, but I understand what you are saying..
    here is my rebuttal. why would you waste your time dating that person if you're going to hook up with someone else, why not just hook up with that person and then move on.

  3. I got a mac g4 for $150, apparently this was my friend's work computer but they got upgraded to a G5 so they decided to sell it to me. I was amazed when the seller went through with the deal.It is a great computer and it has been functioning well.I use it for recording music but it is just a very versitile computer there is no end to it's capabilities.just thought I'd share this great deal.

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