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BIKASPATH‘Bikaspath’ means way of blooming, in India, –– the path of blooming consciousness. We all are travellers in which way. Since the remote past, crossing the stage of about lifeless situation–senseless level, going to a knowledge full future–full consciousness step by step, successively is called life. In knowledge or knowledge less, in knowing or unknowing we all are going to that ultimate goal of destiny. As long as we are going –the knowledge is being larger, consciousness being grown and the self question being larger at the same time. Who am I –? Where form I came –? Where is my end–? - these different questions come to our mine. We are searching every sides for answer. But there is no satisfied answer. In the hopeless and critical times ‘Bikaspath’ is come out for the necessity of time. Bikaspath –a modern organized society based a new philosophy of 21st.Century, shown by Rishi Soham –the great sage and moral teacher of the modern times. Bikaspath is a educational organization of self development with mental clinic, depending upon ‘Bikas-yoga’ –a simple and effective special method of Indian-yoga, with ‘the art of better living’ and ‘pure meditation’ included in Soham’s self development program. Bikaspath organization do not makes us self conscious only and not gives information of own identity but also gives a trace of simple and sure method for self development. Risha Soham founder of Bikaspath inform the perfect way and method through which we develop ourselves. We have not go to forest and do asceticism for it. Living in this family, maintain all things, we can gets the up precedented success through the comfortable ‘yoga’. Life will be changed soon. Life will be complete and prosperous with knowledge, quality, health full, success peace. Bikaspath is the right path –to make your life more beautiful and happy, to enjoy the life more nicely, for self realization and for self development, to get healthy and prosperous life, come and joined our society. Be a member of ‘Bikaspath’. “We all are travellers of same path of blooming consciousness”.–– Soham ‘Om Soham’ Proposed by –Sumaru Raay. Rector, Bikaspath
BIKASHPATH Founded by Rishi Soham It’s program, rules & regulations of membershipIt is an organised society for science believers and self spiritual conscious man who has eagerness for self development.Most of this organization are broad minded, rich in humanism and high conscious man. We desire such man as a member. Our aim is to expand this organization and it’s program all over the world.Main programs of the Bikashpath :-1. Advices is given for physical and mental health by expert and medical treatment in alternative systems.2. Giving advice in mental and other problems. 3. Giving treatment in mental and behavioural problems.4. The self development program through yoga-meditation, medical treatment and psychological method for living of a nice happy and prosperous life.5. Good child generating program. Giving lessons, instructions and practice schedule to desired future parents, before pregnancy.6. The fundamental education for child to become a man, by which they can be developed rightly.7. Teaching and practicing schedule for earnestly desirous, who want to get spiritual knowledge and spiritual power.8. Giving opportunity to members of different countries to develop their treasure of knowledge by communicating among them.9. Giving opportunity to expand their field of activities by joining it’s members.10. Giving opportunity to helpless-orphans to get development gradually. –– You may get membership of ‘Bikashpath’ if you want to join yourself and want to get service one or more programs above-mentioned, consult with rules and regulations as mentioned below.To apply for membership of ‘Bikashpath’ you have to copy this page first and then, fill up the application form given below, with details about your self, send us at our email address: rishi_soham@yahoo.co.in Every member is a foundation stone of ‘Bikashpath’ so every member has a duty to develop his organization with his own development. It is also a basic duty of a member to gather more suitable member. By which the organisation can becomes great, more efficient and more prosperous. Member may form a BIKAS KENDRA (SELF DEVELOPMENT CEBTRE) at his own area – where they can continue their study and yoga practice regularly. There is another prime work of members, to collect wealth for the right advancement of this organization.Members (of Bikashpath) are brothers and sisters of each other, there is a moral duty to look after and help to the best of one’s abilities to each others. But do not disturb others, you may inform your problem through our web-site, we hope that, able members will come forward to help you.Any member who is depraved or closely connected with wrong act, you should take an effort to back him to the right way of the member. But do not take any risk, inform the main centre of your organisation. Organisation may cancel the membership of being attached with an inhuman and anti-social action. Every applicant gets a primary of membership at first, in every year confer the high level of membership gradually by carefully deliberating of yearly activities and examining the development of every member. Besides this, there is arrangement to confer special designation and special post of membership for special work, donation, lifetime membership and fully self-dedication of members.After 6 month of getting membership, members may apply to Rishi soham to consecrate. Consecration is given by a priest. One priest for an area can be appointed if the suitable applecant can be founded.Consecrated followers must practice the yoga and prayer regularly.In time of taking membership, member will donate financial help as their ability and there in no compulsion. After the approval of application member have to install money as his ability (before breakfast) in a store-bowl every morning. After one, there or six months this gathered money have to sent the main centre. If your financial condition is developed with self development you can enlarge the quantity of money. You should remember that this society and organization is your, so it’s development and continuation is your responsibility. ‘Om Soham’–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Application form of membership––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I am ……………………………………….age……………………………………(F/M)Address…………………………………………………….………….…………………………………………………………………………………My e-mail address……………………………….…………………….…… I apply for membership of Bikashpath with unanimous its all conditions and program. I shall be highly obliged if you grant my application. I mention my details below…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…All my details is true according my knowledge and belief. Signature……………………………. Date ……………………………. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
A new philosophy of 21st century TAT SWAROOP* –by Rishi Soham - A book of mine of invaluable knowledge – flourishing with explosive truth and facts for science and spiritual conscious man. Like a most astonishing fairy tale – bated breathing – muting – amazing mysterious story of the great world. Included with ‘BIKASYOGA’ ––a self development program with ‘the art of better living’ and ‘pure meditation’–– A simple and effective way for self - realization, self -improvement, to get a healthy, delightful and happy prosperous life. Along with a tutorial CD at free of cost, containing practical yoga exercise chapter for self development. A brief content (new theory): • Mystery of creation. • Creation of organism. • Mystery of spirit. • who am I – why –from where to where. • God –has any existence? If has – then what sort is his real form? • Fortune – what it is , is there any reality? • Mystery of Homoeopathic medicine. • What after death! –Like these many sorts of longstanding mysteries have been opened in this book. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * ‘Tat Swaroop’ means [Tat =his (God), swaroop=own exact form, nature and real state.] his own reality. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A petition to respectable book publishers. Dear sir / madam , I beg to state as fallows , above - mentioned the book is written in Bengali .There is possibility of publication in - various language in different countries. It is rich in very interesting new and radical topic and it has merit to be a best - seller. It is able to create agitation through various publicity medium. The right will be sanctioned to publish in each language for fixed time separately. The responsibility of rendering and CD (Video) making is on the publishers into another language. Desirous, energetic and strong publisher, who is able to publish if magnificently, kindly please contact –– E-mail : rishi_ soham@ yahoo.co.in ‘Om Soham’ Introduced by ––sumaru A devoted disciple member of 'Bikaspath'
Rishi Soham : A brief introductionRishi soham–the great sage of the modern age. ‘Rishi’ means sage, and meaning of ‘Soham’ is [so=that/he(God),ham=I] it is he who is I. We know, he is existing always in all of us–his devotees and disciples, though he is living out of sight , hardly he comes in public .Most of times his stays in Himalayas. Some times he lives incognito among with us. Even he do not wants to publish his photograph. We do not know what his age is. We see him as ever young. I am one of the lucky man who had seen him twice. As a man he is an extraordinary self- educated, science-conscious, generous, modern, spiritual guide an philosopher. Language ––Bengali (Indian). He has knowledge in fine arts, literature, yoga, meditation, art of healing, music and film making etc. Specialist in mental disease. Good adviser a book on his own philosophy will be published very soon. MD (Doctor of alternative medicine). But there will be some wrong if we see him as a common man. We, a few persons, know that he has extra ordinary supernatural good power, which he wants to hide always .He is god to us. You may get his compassion in many ways without his visible presence. By practicing Soham’s ‘Bikasyoga’ (‘the art of better living’ and ‘pure meditation’ included in soham’s self development program). You will get more beautiful and happy life. To enjoy the life more nicely, for self realization and self development, to get a healthy and prosperous life, you will have to practice regularly. By putting his picture (painted or copy of painting ) at home or office, in open place, decorated with garland of flowers, increases peace, happiness and prosperity. Putting in cense and lamp in front of his picture and by praying regularly twice a day, will be fulfilment your heart’s desire. You may make your life more bright and delightful, being a member of ‘Bikaspath’ and being a follower of Soham. You may get his compassion and good luck by such advertisement in any media, what I am doing .You may host a web-site on this program. Any time, in any situation by remembering him and silently muttering his name ‘soham’ repeatedly, you may get his compassion. ‘Om Soham’ Introduced by –– sumaru A devoted disciple member of 'Bikaspath'