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Posts posted by Gandolf1

  1. Well, I think Harry and Ginny will get together. She may come into play in the final battle. I find it hardto believe Harry will fight alone. We do not know what Dumbledore had in mind with Snape killing him.We do not have enough info on what realy went down. Ginny will not leave Harry. She was ready tobe there for Harry at the end of book 6. There is also the person known as R.A.B. to think on. Mostpeople think this may be someone's initials. What if it was another group like the OTP? Who ever it is,was way ahead of Dumbledore on the horcrux thing. This unsettles me! Who could be one step in frontof Dumbledore? Also, where is Dumbledore's brother? Surely, he is a very powerful wizard. Will hebe in book seven? He was not at the funeral. We know so little about the "old magic" that the deathof Dumbledore could just a front to mislead Voldemort into believing he no longer had to worry aboutanother battle with Dumbledore. This would give the OTP the element of surprise. Will Harry findR.A.B. ? I would if I were Harry!! RAB is allready doing what Harry needs done. Will RAB strike again?I wonder. Will RAB try to find Harry? <_<



    Haha, suckers. More Harry Potter and you can't do nothin' bout it, ye hear?!

    Indeed. So here is my theory for Book 7, which I heard from an unconfirmed source but it is still kinda fun:


    There is another prophecy concerning Harry that he does not know about, which again was forseen by Professor Trelawney and told to Dumbledore around the time the first prophecy was made. But surprisingly, it was about Harry's romantic destiny, not Voldemort. Dumbledore decided not to tell Harry about this, for he thought it would be better for Harry if he were to find eternal love by himself. And find it he did. While Harry is pursuing his quest to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes, he stops in Hogsmeade for a break. While Harry is sitting on a bench near Flourish and Blotts in his invisibility cloak, he sees the most hauntingly beautiful witch he has ever seen. Right away, Harry falls into a deep trance and cannot take his eyes off of her.....


    Later in the book, they hane known eachother for a couple months and Harry is positively smitten with her, and he asks her to marry her.


    Long story short, they get married, Harry gets laid, the couple tracks down and demolishes the remaining Horcruxes, Harry kills Voldemort, the couple has kids, the end.


    Highly unlikely, but a corking good read, don't you think?




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