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Posts posted by Chayim

  1. There is much talk about the end of the world these days. With so much happenings around the world it seems like the end of the world is really around the corner.


    Personally I feel that we're reading too much into this number thing. It's just a number really. But don't discount the fact that this world is said to come to an end one day. If you believe in the Bible as I do, you'll know that the Bible do speak about the end of the world. When will it happen is not important as no one really knows when Christ will come again.


    The important thing is what are we doing about it? One thing I'd say is to cherish your family while they're still around. Making money isn't everything. As a Christian, getting your relationship with God right even now is important. So that we can face Him without fear or guilt..


    The world never ends, its changes, Bible is very clear in this. the upcoming evil is only a small part, dont be deceived, the ac will appear at the same time his "aliens" appear(acting as our world saviors) to teach new age garbage and self serving nonsense. There might be 20 years or more left from the time of ww3 to the Kingdom, which in itself is not the end of the world BUT THE END OF THIS AGE, which if people studied the Hebrew, would understand that.


    Also, the world will change in that people better learn the Hebrew culture and days, The Kingdom is returning to Israel, just read the prophets. The "Church" is enjoined and I say truly very few who say they are christians will enter into it, and in Yeshua's name these things I speak. Selah!



    I would love to disagree, and I do. First thing, it's 06/6/2006. And also, even if it was really 6/6/6, whatever, it still wouldn't be true. Come on, the "Mayans" say the world will end in 2012, people say it's gonna end in 2010, but...it's all just rumors and guesses. Nobody knows the truth for this. Somehow, I have this feeling, the world won't end anytime soon while I or you guys are alive.


    Hey, but it's always the gut instincts that's right, huh?


    take the mayan calender with a grain of salt. use it only as a reference, the world again NEVER ENDS, it changes and then is made new.


    also in revelations its 600/60/6 calculate the number reading it backwards from right to left = 6/06/006. which still does not mean something will happen then, it might very well happen before or after, but the 6th month of the 6th year of the 6th millienium has very anceint root omens in it.


    The world is going to be ending for a huge amount of people with this upcoming nuke war, that I can assure you, and thats nothing compared to GODS WRATH in the bowls!!


    I would love to disagree, and I do. First thing, it's 06/6/2006. And also, even if it was really 6/6/6, whatever, it still wouldn't be true. Come on, the "Mayans" say the world will end in 2012, people say it's gonna end in 2010, but...it's all just rumors and guesses. Nobody knows the truth for this. Somehow, I have this feeling, the world won't end anytime soon while I or you guys are alive.


    Hey, but it's always the gut instincts that's right, huh?


    take the mayan calender with a grain of salt. use it only as a reference, the world again NEVER ENDS, it changes and then is made new.


    also in revelations its 600/60/6 calculate the number reading it backwards from right to left = 6/06/006. which still does not mean something will happen then, it might very well happen before or after, but the 6th month of the 6th year of the 6th millienium has very anceint root omens in it.


    The world is going to be ending for a huge amount of people with this upcoming nuke war, that I can assure you, and thats nothing compared to GODS WRATH in the bowls!!


    I would love to disagree, and I do. First thing, it's 06/6/2006. And also, even if it was really 6/6/6, whatever, it still wouldn't be true. Come on, the "Mayans" say the world will end in 2012, people say it's gonna end in 2010, but...it's all just rumors and guesses. Nobody knows the truth for this. Somehow, I have this feeling, the world won't end anytime soon while I or you guys are alive.


    Hey, but it's always the gut instincts that's right, huh?


    take the mayan calender with a grain of salt. use it only as a reference, the world again NEVER ENDS, it changes and then is made new.


    also in revelations its 600/60/6 calculate the number reading it backwards from right to left = 6/06/006. which still does not mean something will happen then, it might very well happen before or after, but the 6th month of the 6th year of the 6th millienium has very anceint root omens in it.


    The world is going to be ending for a huge amount of people with this upcoming nuke war, that I can assure you, and thats nothing compared to GODS WRATH in the bowls!!


    I would love to disagree, and I do. First thing, it's 06/6/2006. And also, even if it was really 6/6/6, whatever, it still wouldn't be true. Come on, the "Mayans" say the world will end in 2012, people say it's gonna end in 2010, but...it's all just rumors and guesses. Nobody knows the truth for this. Somehow, I have this feeling, the world won't end anytime soon while I or you guys are alive.


    Hey, but it's always the gut instincts that's right, huh?


    take the mayan calender with a grain of salt. use it only as a reference, the world again NEVER ENDS, it changes and then is made new.


    also in revelations its 600/60/6 calculate the number reading it backwards from right to left = 6/06/006. which still does not mean something will happen then, it might very well happen before or after, but the 6th month of the 6th year of the 6th millienium has very anceint root omens in it.


    The world is going to be ending for a huge amount of people with this upcoming nuke war, that I can assure you, and thats nothing compared to GODS WRATH in the bowls!!

  2. Ok, I don't want to start any religious fights here, that's not what this topic is meant for. So PLEASE hold the religious comments.


    I was at school one day, I turned to a friend and said "I bet the world will end on June 6th of this year". Now I think they'd know what I meant(goth kids, ya, no I'm not one). But they didn't! So I sat there and explained it, all of a sudden "Bing" the light in there brain goes off, they said that's really a possibilty.


    For those of you who don't get it;

    June 6th, 2006


    Or without the 0,

    6-6-6, 666

    Well 666 is the devil, so it would make since, well you're probably saying "Well there's a 666 year, every decade".


    Well that's true, but I believe it's more possible now, then ever before, because our society is more advanced, meaning, obviously, more stupid. We've done so much crap to the Earth in the past decade it's almost disquisting. So now that we've done more stupid things to the Earth, deplete the ozone, cutdown the forests, leading the to extistion of hundreds of animals, it could be a possiblity.


    Now people are probably thinking "This will NEVER happen! It's just another stupid day of the year that I'll probably waste hiding from the end of the world(ha)", well go ahead and think that, but I have a strong feeling something will atleast HAPPEN that will be bad on that day


    Please leave your comments, but if you're not going to say something intelliget and that goes with this topic, leave it be, I don't want spam here.



    Others have also stated 666 is the devils number, thats outright false and superstitious nonsense;


    the number given in revelations is of man, or 600, 60 and 6. In the anceint hebrew mindset, the number of man is 6 because man is said to have been created on that day.


    666 is the number of the new secular order, or aka "new world order"



    Now this June 6th is a really bad "omen" number because its the 6th month of the 6th year and the 6th day of the 6th millenium.


    however, the general month of June this year is the even worse omen month, because again, 6th month of the 6th year of the 6th millenuim. So why the 6th milllenium the bad sign?


    Well anceint Jewish sages spoke of the world, or this age lasting 6 millenium. As well, the number 7 represents God because it represents HIS day of rest, the 7th day or the 7th millenium, which technically, we are right at the 7th millenium, or right before it.


    Revelations, each 7 for seals, trumpets and bowls has a 7th seal = silence, 7th trumpet, DAY OF THE LORD, 7th bowl, ITS FINISHED.


    each 6 has the worse judgements on man, 6 IS MANS NUMBER not " the devil" aka " the satan" the beast is not satan, it's a country and its leader that rules the whole world in the power of the satan.



    Basically, any world government that glorifies man holds this number, the one who is the forefront of this would be the beast country.


    Now, I firmly beleive something bad will occur in June, and what I think that is, is another so called "terrorist attack"(manipulated by secret world orders who secretly worship satan and claim to be christians which include allot of so called christian leaders, who are really Baalam) which might include nuclear weapons, small yield weapons used in american cities, 1 to 5 k in size.


    Very survivable provided you do not live in a large city and near a centrally located area. However, if this event happens, this might start ww3, where things could get really bad. Just get upwind IMMEDIATELY!!


    So if people feel bad about June, take a vacation away from a major city. If nothing happens, then PHEW, all good, if it does, you might be safer for awhile before they clam down with marshall law to stop the obvious cayous that will ensue if this happens.


    Also, type in a search engine "american hiroshima" it might disturb you.

    Also do research on 9-11 and dig deep for the real truth and who was really behind it helping Al-Qada.


    Do a search on "skull and bones"



    Well I dont know about that holy war that was just mentioned, a very religous friend told me about something like that going to happen, but I dont think it was going to be anytime soon. Where either you join one side or die, they will say something like, either you are with us or against us. I really find it kind of akward to think that the devil will just pop out of the sky and stuff like that. I dont think a comet will probably crash into earth that day either, because it would probably have been discovered already.


    And a 3rd war? I dont know, the way I see it is that middle eastern countries dont stand a chance against the United States's weapon technology. Besides, if it is an allied war, I think that the allies that would be on the United States side would definitely be stronger than the others. Though, I think they would probably use nukes, I read the other day that the United States has a way of destroying them with a laser before they reach their target.




    Err not thinking about people from one or more of those countries sneaking in a suitcase tac nuke into american cities. You find it akward because you might have a wrong view about what " the devil is"


    sure he can pop up out of the sky, ever heard of ufos? in fact George washington had a vision in his day that saw the world coming against america, but then a bunch of lights show up out of the sky and stop the war. aka "1000 points of light" << ever heard that before? and wait when they show up, they going to claim they created this world, that they are "God" and that another so called "alien group" wants to destroy us, which will really be THE REAL CREATOR and HIS ANGELS.. you are being conditioned in tv and movies to accept this at this very moment.


    BTW,The eastern powers also have a way to neutralize those star wars plasma defense weapons.


    You dont think its going to be anytime soon? you mean YOU HOPE it wont be anytime soon right? Forgetting 9-11 so quickly?


    if they want a pretext for war, they will get it, and oif they want to reveal their "Gods" they will accomplish it and not a damned thing we can do about it nor should we.


    Start reading what Jesus had to say more carefully, and i encourage everyone to repent and receive remission of sin in his name NOW!!

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