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Posts posted by --Stealth--

  1. Yea, im going to get if for christmas. All My friends have it and they say that its amazing. I am so excited lol... its awsome . i mean getting out of your car and running to get another car. How cool escepially when all you do is Race is some of the hottest cars around. And you can mod the cars your self. That freakin awasom. But yea i cant wait.

  2. ps3 or xbox 2 .. .well that sa hard one as of right now i dont know alot about xbox 2 .. but i know a few things about ps3 its new procceser called grid which is a improved version of the procces chip develeped by sony called cell. .. grid is 200x faster then mips which is ps2's proccer No if xbox comes anything close to that i will deffently get both .. but as of right now its ps3 since they will both be about 600 each im too poor .. but if i have the money Most deffently i am buying xbox2 ... ( 2006 baby )

  3. I was thinking about getting it but im a Socom 2 person .. and i heard its so differnt. i mean yea i heard it was realyl good but iv heard that it sucked.. Is it ture that you only see your crosshairs ( not in third person pov ) that would stink so bad .. but i dunno I was thinking about getting the game for xmas .. is it worth it?

  4. Yo that movie was pretty freaky .. not scary but freaky ... i went with a few of my friends and the kid next to me .. might i add he thinks hes tuff ... he was so scared he was hidding under the chair in the theater ... Funniest thing ever but yea it was a good movie.. the 2nd one is going to be pretty hot also .. i cant wait. just so i can go with my girlfriend and have her all up on me in the theater .. lol ok but yea.. Good movie

  5. Yea yo .. those sigs were hot ... wow you made alot also .. lol The One Punisher and Silent warrior . were my fav .. they were " Sexy " lol .. but yea those are nice i liked them alot .. im not bad with photoshop but im not great... wanna make me a sig lol .. i mean i have like 6 but i could always use a nother lol Nah but yea those were nice .. keep up the good work.

  6. Duh .. lol i mean i guess that was funny i only got a kick out of it b/c a nun got raped i mean lol you dont hear about nuns getting raped that often.. lol but i guess it was good but im not a joke critic so i cant really decide lol But it did make me laugh kinda and i havnt realyl laughed in a while. so Thak you i guess lol

  7. I Agree when you say that if you have a life and go out.. and you still play games Thats ok.... But don just sit near the system all damn day and play yaknow. I play a game called Socom 2 and i used to be so addicted to that game. I would stay in all day and glitch and play this game. It was pathetic but then i relized that i had a life. So i stoped playing Video games are fun. Yes they are but at a controlable rate they are, when you just play non stop .. they suck.

  8. NeedFor Speed UnderGround 2 Does look awsome .. the comercial is sick nasty .. the guy says that he saw a celica go by so he jumped out of the car and got in.. how hot is that. IF you can do that that would be sick i mean its almost like gta then if you think about that.. . But that would so todaly own the gameing world if you can get out and get other cars in NFSU2 that is so hot.!!!! but thats my take on that,

  9. Ok i agree with you, And i dont agree with you. Video games do take up alot of time. Youll turn on your system and be like im only going to play for like 15 mins. and yet you are sitting there for about 3 hours. so yeah there are other things you could be doing but alot of people dont relize the reality of it. Ok end i dissagre with you because, Video games are a learning experience. If your job was to create and program Video Games i bet you would love it. And it takes a long time to do that also. and You learn from video games Belive it or not , You do. So thats my say on this. ( even though its coming from a Hardcore Socom 2 player )

  10. Wow, I never understood why people love this game so. I never picked up on it. I have FFX and FFXI so yeah i dunno why everyone enjoys it. Kingdom Hearts is so much better. ITs kinda like FF but not entirly. but yeah. So maybe if you tell me what FF is about i can learn and go enjoy playing the game other then that; I think the FF games are a waits of a disk.

  11. Yeah, Most Deffiently go with HTML first. Its not as hard and you wil lfind out that you like it. PHP well its not as easy, ITs a bit better but not as easy and HTML s basicly the seed to PHP . PHP really is just a lsecond level of HTML. thats all so really you need to learn HTML first and when you kno HTML you will find that its pretty easy to learn PHP.

  12. lol, Yeah i thouhgt about that one at first also, But i think its once you pass 50 post you becom a member kinda like askiezai said, you are now a member so it resetss back to level one and im sure as you go up in post like for example, when youreach like 70 post you will be level 2 and then 90 level 3 and then 100 advanced member ( i think ) and bback to level 1 get it.

  13. Lol that was funny though. He posted the most random stuff for the question i mean 454=G H what does that mean .. give me and answer guild lol. Lik post it up side down and all that like they do on serial Box's ... You know what i mean? These could be anything but i have never heard of the other ones either like the only one i heard of was 20,000 leagues under the see thats the only one i no lol But an Answer guide, That would be extremly Helpfull. lol

  14. Yea Halo2 is awsome on Xbox live, But i tottaly dissagree with you on the rest of that. I tottaly think that GTA SA is so much better. Lol its hard to Compare them because they are so differnt but in GTA you can shoot anyone. and you can Drive anything. Its a tottaly ivolved enviroment. Halo 2 tryed to have a envirement like that but its kinda simple and not very fun i mena, Im goig to run into a box. lol it moved i mean come on. Lol but yeah halo 2 is a good game but GTA SA completly owns Halo 2 ( unless you are playing on Live or Multiplayer then Halo 2 owns.

  15. Hey Dragon! Whats going on I didnt expect us all to be here haha thas funny and ironic. but why are you voting for halo 1 besides it being extremly kewl. the fetures stink. But dude we've been playing Socom 2 for so long. lol and you vote for Halo haha but thats kewl. and hey im glad i got to talk to you . ok ill catch you around.

  16. uh.. actually i foudn that earlier today. I went to the Army System post and it said Supermairobrothers. it was the guess name. But yeah i clicked on his name and it brought me to his site. The site ugh i forgot the name of it, but he was theperson who created the Army System. He had different versions but they were all for invision powerboreds. So there you go try to find his name. and if i find the site ill post it here ok. hope i was helpfull

  17. Lmao.. That was uhh Unique i must say it deffently was unique. Lol was there a point to that or no b/c that seemed pretty scary that someone would make a flash video about eggs .. HAHA i mean there are otherthings to do lol yaknow. But yeah that was cute. iguess if you made that, Nice Job! but if you didnt .. I dunno how you found that lol but still funny i needed a good laugh thanks for posting that.

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