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Posts posted by D3nver

  1. wow omg the illegal immigrants r retarded i mean there is nothing like touusands of illegal aliens marching askin 4 rights from a country that isnt thiers i mean they want rights but they need to go back to their own countries because we have enough problems already they are all on welfare and social sucurity guess who is paying for it we are the middle and upper classes it isnt fair the usa is very socialistic i dont care if anyor you disagree but it is

  2. we are sepreating halo 3 from Orion Orion would be a giant world with player and npcs wher half of the people would be covenat and the others humans or maybe every one human and npc coavenant it would go beyond matchmaking the whole world is one giant level the players can quest to get upgrades for armor or weapons not just shoot each other it will be a living world

  3. I don't know if I can explain this, but I'm gonna try.A plasma rifle and a Battle Rifle. This way you can use the superheated plasma to take down shields and have a scope for medium to long range shots. It'd have to have more than a 100, though. That doesn't last long for me....One other thing, it'd still fire in bursts like the battle rifle. So basically it's a battle rifle that fires the superheated plasma instead of bullets.

  4. i say every country that xports stuff to the middle eastern countries (excluding israel) shoots the prices up so we starve them of recources until they lower prices they hit us we hit them 3x harder c how they like it then cause their economes to collapse some how and laugh at them as they fight for a piece of bread

  5. i mean i am republican but i really dont like bush i mean honestly he has screwed the rest of the republicans because ever1 h8s him they think all republicans are alike for example look at Clinton he screwed up many time like the 1 lady he had an afair with (i cant remember her name) and him trying to steal white house furniture then bush was elected a republican aposed to clinton this sucks no offence to all you librals out there but i dont want to be rulled by some puss like kerry or howerd dean! quote from howard dean "we are going to win this election Whaaaaaaa (goes insaine and starts to dance)" ya right i dont want to be run by that nut job its bad enough with bush

  6. ya i mean i played it for almost 1 full year training my acc to lke lvl 90 then it was hacked i mean now i am glad it was hacked what the hell was i thinking playing a retarded game for a whole year my parents were right i should have been doing something productive now ever1 at school loves it but i h8 iot when they talk about it u know whats really sad i have got memorized almost ever examination af the items omg i h8 it i have tons of worthless info stored inmy brain

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