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Posts posted by good-baby

  1. Buddies , here i am just sharing my FIRST VERY BAD DATE WITH A GIRL !Its so happened that i was just a very new user for internet ! I was very fond of chatting. My one of friend just gave me a email address of a girl ! I just add her email address ! one day i was just checking my email , then the owner of that ID i mean she online and just send me message . I just start chatting with her... so it was a way of very good spending my time..SO start chatting daily , so it became a part of my day... We were in the same city ...One day while just chatting she yold me that she is going with her friends on a dinner ' so she asked me to come ....I appologized by saying that i am bizi . But she said that we would be on "bla bla" place and i would be wearing that red dress.... i said i will not come...so she gone...suddenly after half an hour i decided to go their , my friend warned mr no to go , but i decide so i went...they were sitting , where she told me...i went to them , she was very glad to see me , but me was not beacuse she was so FAT , :) And tehn what can i do , then we have dinner , and the worst is that when she told her friends that this dinner was from ME.... :) That was a reall shock for my , i had to pay allmost 2000 rupees IN pakistani currunce...then I just came back and delete her for ever....

  2. Hi to my all Xisto members . I have been inactive from the great Xisto forum for almost 2 weeks.

    These two weeks were very crucial for me because I was trying to purpose my love as my Xisto buddies suggested me. So I will not tell you the result of my puposal . I am just goin to share each and every small incident and the difficulty I faced

    Just starting from my last post One of my buddy good-baby suggested me to just ask her to meet and just kiss her , but not her hands he asked me to French kiss her when I read this I came much angry at that suggestion .Then I think much abouit it but cant decide what to do ..Then I just decided that I must try this to find quick results. Then I mailed her to meet me in a restaurant to have a dinner with me She never reply to that mail .. then I text her to have a dinner with me , she agreed . I was very much happy but much confused by thinking that what would I do..?

    That night I wait for her just wait for her , she never came Then called her , her cell was off , I went to her home , but she never wana to meet me. She again asked me just to wait.But I cant wait for any more

    Then I mailed her many times but I havnt receive any reply

    Now I was in believe that she dont love me . So I was very much didhesrted snd depressed ..

    Thst night I received a text message from her . But it was just a blank message.

    But it was enough for me because it was a clue that now her cell is ON !

    I just call her , she pick my call after a try of atlest 2 hours. I asked her to meet me in our college garden..She just says I will Try that night I never sleep about a single moment ! Next day I Bunk my all lectures and just thinks that what will I do Then I decided that I will never kiss her just ask her about her decision.

    By chance there a function in the college so no body was in the garden I was sitting there and just waiting for her

    Then suddenly I feel some one coming towards me . But I never looked that who was it ? My head was down .

    Then I heared Yes ! speak up ! I am just here for you ! When I realized who was she .. There was new shine in my eyes .. I just stand up and looked at her . Oh My God ! She was looking soo much hot . Wearing dashing read shirt and black jeans her hear was blowing at her face Then I dont know what happened to me and from where I get the courageI just put my one hand and her back and my other hand in her soft hairThen I cant believe that what happened and what I did.. But I just knows that it was a very HOT and really HOT stuff.. She just resist for a while but then she never resist but also put her hands at my face.I really dont know what happened and how its happened I just know that I was wishing to stop that time for ever but that time escaped from my hand quickly.

    Then she try to pushed me away and wana to run I just hold her wirst and say That was Love that resides in me

    She just say may be the same thing I have for you in my heart.

    So I am really thank full to you my buddies

    Really thanx to you all ! A real thanx straight from my heart to all the buddies who helped me !



    Hye Thank God buddy you reply to this post .

    "Bad-Boy" I was very much intrested to see the results , but i think so that you have been reamined inactive from post for about a week .But buddy , now i can understand why you remained inactive. But now i read your post and buddy believe me how much i happy to see the HOT results of your love story.

    and i was also wondering that from where you get so much courage and confidence to held her in your hand and go for a sweet....

    But there is only one thing where i disagreed you , where you write that you became DISHEARTED... buddy why you became dishearted....taht is not good..

    but how ever now leave it and enjoy your LOVE STORY...

    a reall good wishes from me for you and your partener...



    I am having a problem related to UPLOAD my site.

    buddies , i just sign-in to my c-panel , and i was just wondering that how to uplaod my site...

    i go in the FILE MANAGER section but their was too many folder , so i get confused how to upload and in which folder to upload my site...

    I just want to mention here that all my site is HTML format , so please help me to UPLOAD my site....

    If i delete unwanted folders , then what will happen and if then i upload my site then would it be accessable or not .... :)

    So please please help me , and tell me how to upload my site , and in which folder !


  4. Infact i really agreed with you BAOW ... Really i also get improved day by day in posting . Just in the begning i was wondering that how i will get credits.. But then by the pessage of time i become very familiar with the rules and just understand that all Xisto members are like good buddies so we just share our thaughts , ideas , problems and solution to the other buddies problems here. So it a very nice way to communicate with friends on Xisto.Infact its LIKE my presentation while posting here. I'm getting improved day by day ! :)

  5. Well buddy i very nice and a good question by you . :) Infact , the answer is simply in this world their are two types of people one who uses their qualities for good purposes and the other for EVIL . means one create Virues and the other Anti-Virus. But both of them do for the Fame . But definaltely the one who write anto-virus program is a person who do it not for it self but also for the others benefit...........

  6. Dear buddies i just start building my site in FrontPage. I just need some codes of follow things...


    * I just want to show the IP of the visitor on my frontpage of website . An animated chracter having a board showing the IP , Windows , Browser of the visitor.


    * I just want to place e-messenger on my site .


    * I want to place some Free java OR flash text and other effects on my site.


    * want to place Google seach on my site.


    * want to place a servye on my site.


    So please help me and tell me how to get codes for these.....

  7. Today i was just wondering that there are countless unforgettable moments in our life which can ever ever be forgotten due totheir ever lasting effect on our minds. Some make us please whle other sad . I had several and i am sharing that moments here and hope you will also share yours :-* It was the thursday night when i got a shocked moment that i missed my grand mother . I can never forget her and her love for me .She always helped me alot and never let me down in every moment of life . And she just died a few day before than i got engaged :'(That was a really unforgettable day because i love my grand mother alot.* Oh , yes there are some cool moments that i along with my frinds make unforgettable through our THINKING ! It so happened thatit was our last week at school , so me along with other friends decided to tease our a very innocent English teacher . He was a very decent man with nice personality. But he only lacks in one thing that , his height , he was hardly 5'3" . And all ofus are 5'9" plus in height . We just went to our teacher and just stand at his back and just place FINGURE above her head inair . There was always a roar in the room and he became confused . And we start message him HOT STUFF from untraceable number . That really made him mad . * One day Sara ( My Love ) got angry with me . she never talks to me for more than 3 days . Just because i held the hand of other girl just to tease her . But she really mind it and even never see towards me. I was feeling that i was living in hell with out her.Then i requeted her alot and then she forgive me . I can not imagine a minute without her and she never talks to me for three days ... * When i kissed my love for the first time that was a day that is impossible for me to get it out from my mind !Now i hope that you would also share your days here .... <_<

  8. Disconnections are sometimes and usually due to the faulty telephone wiring in your home, or somewhere between your home and the telephone company or ISP. Also, since you are using 56k modem, your internet connection might be anytime disconnected due to the fact of noise in your telephone cable. Noise is generated when there is interference in your telephone cable. That includes magnetic elements, and can also be caused by picking up your phone while you are connected to the internet. Hence if possible, avoid all these. Broadband on the other hand, is not vulnerable to noise as easy as 56k connection. You may still talk on the phone while connected in an ADSL network.


    You may like to refer to the following on speeding up your connection



    http://www.robustftp.com/isb.html (freeware)


    thanx buddy . that realy worked for me . <_< i was just looking for that infomation that you provided to me . Thanx again for your sharig . I just downloaded the freeware that you suggested me and for me it worked . Now i never got dissconnection as much and i can browse 7 to 9 internet explorer pages at a time . That is really cool for me. :lol:

    Buddy tahnx you again that you just Kill my Problem before my modem would be KILLED by me :lol:

  9. Dear last night a very strange and very disgusting thing happend to me .It so happened that last night i tried to SIGN-IN my hotmail id using messenger , bet every time when i tried to sign-inI recieve a message off INVALID password . I just tried to sign-in in my Inbox but this time i recieved a error page that your account is temperarly unavaiable.I tried much but in vain . I just think that there may be some problem in my internet .I tried to sign-in with my other ID this time with other ID i was sucessfull . then i just tried with the previous id but i was continuously recieving the same errors . What i can do i just think that might my id be HACKED :lol:then next day i tried to access my inbox this time i get into my inbox . Now the strange think to me was that i was having an ANNYNIMOUS mail there . i read it . there was written that ,not to be so panic this is just a show of my power and mind to you . Last night there was no problem with your ID , I just FREEZES your id .that was the reason you was unable to access your id . Now if i want , i will permemntly freez your ID . < bula.bula.bula>"That was a really strange and awfull thing for me . now i was thinking that IS that was true ot it was just a WEIRD email.so please tell me is it possible .... Or how can i protect my ID.please help me !? <_<

  10. Infact , speaking frankly it was impossible for me to select and vote for any of the Goggle services.Because for me Goggle is best and always it provides some best and undefeatable services. I love allmost all its services.But Goggle Search is the one to i Loved more than any thing on the Web .That is the thing you can find anything and it is very easy for me to use :lol:Google Search is great infact it is the best ! <_<

  11. thanx buddies . That two replies really help me to have some understaning about HTML basics . but me can't write my complete site in a NOTEPAD beacuse that requires a vast knowledge of HTML , now me can just edit any thing simple in HTML . Today i was trying to creat a simple page in FRONTPAGE , i use Frontpage because i think that i can it provides simple user interface and secondly i can understand some HTML . As my that thinking is right ?? :lol: And "agentblade" buddy was saying that to buy DREAWEAVER , Buddy i have already but the complete FLAST SUITE . but i was just wondering that is mush difficult to work in FLASH. I wished to creat my WELCOME page in flash i tried alot but just in vain. Every thing seems to beyond my limits . So please help me to create my SITE in FLASH .witing for help ! <_<

  12. Buddy , that is really intresting to read that you deeply fall in love with your pretty hot English teacher.I am wondering that you would like to spend your more and more possible years in that eglish class. <_< And you would always in a try to ask her more and more possible questions .That would be very intresting when your listening her lecture and have like to sit just in her front . however , Best of luck !

  13. Hi buddy.where have you been , I am very concious about the latest report of your Love Story. You hav'nt post any further report <_< , whats happend next and how did she respond you latter and had she taken any decision about your purposal :lol: If there is no improvement in your story then i suggest you to do a RISKY but handy action. Now when eer you meet her , or try to meet her along with her friends , then just KISS her in front of all friends and then tell her that you are in Love with her . But this time not at hand A FRENCH KISS.I know that required much confidence and courage , but buddy you just try this one , i think so this will give you the Result much quickly.now i am just waiting for any further report by you and hope you will b successful..... :lol: And you must be... Good of luck buddy.and just inform your Trap 17 buddies about your LOVE STORY.Greets.

  14. Hi buddies .

    I just got free Web Hosting by Trap 17 , it is a real great pleasure for me.

    Now there are several problems in my mind regarding to CREAT my own FIRST website.


    * Which software should i use for building my website ?

    * I want to know how to show the IP of the visitor on the welcome page of my site?

    * I want to place e-messenger on my site , how to place it ?

    * I want to create different flash and java effects on my site how to create them?


    As in my earlier post i told that i just start using computer so please help me to solve my problems

    described above. My friends have these four things on their site but they don't want to help me.

    so please i request to my Trap 17 buddies to help me soon . And tell me from where and how to get the codes or softwares .


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