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Posts posted by PmH

  1. Alrighty, thanks for the reviews everyone! I'll look into the link colors, I was wondering whether I should change the banner to a red base and keep the links, or whether I should change the links to a green base and keep the banner the same. Which one do you guys think is better?I've been looking for members, don't know where to find members for a harry potter roleplay site, anybody know of a harry potter community or anything where you can advertise your own harry potter site? But we have 10, and hopefully growing, the site's very young though only a couple days, actually.PS All canon means that all the characters are from the books, which means there are no made up characters <_<

  2. Hi, everybody, I recently finished a harry potter roleplay site of mine that's a subdomain on my main site (thenr.net) the url of my harry potter site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    We currently have 8 members, but are hoping to grow quickly, and we're looking for experienced, seasoned roleplayers. Many main characters are still free, the site is also all canon, one of very few all canon sites on the web. - we're in dire need of members to get the fun starting -

    Anyway, check it out and tell me what you think! (I'm Cedric Diggory on the site).


  3. Again, I'm not af an of notes to get information from an admired one. I still think you should keep talking, you have more of a connection, and if she says I've got to go, then just ask her for her phone number before she leaves and make it clear that you want to talk and spend time with her. Everyone wants attention, but they want alone time too, so it's a delicate balance, don't disregard her too much by not talking enough to her.

  4. I've got a suggestion for another forum on Xisto, perhaps you should have a showcase forum where members can show off the sites that they've created and then get comments and suggestions on what to improve. If this already exists, please tell me the name of the forum and totally disregard this message.Thanks :)

  5. Well, it's going to be awfully hard to find out the requested information if you're afraid to talk to her in front of people. I don't see why this would be. That would be the simple way through things. If perhaps you could talk to her in person, just as a normal person, not as an admirer, so you can get her phone number. Then during a phone conversation you can get the rest of the information that you want. Therefore, no one will be around when you ask any of the questions and get the information that you're seeking.But if you're really not wanting to talk to this person AT ALL in public, then how much do you really like them? Apparently not enough to overcome your shyness, right? I say, make a stand, and overcome your shyness. Because, perhaps if you can show her that you can talk to her in public, then it will be more attractive, than a note on her car door, which I do not recommend, by the way. Notes on car doors usually do not have good results. Or so I would imaginge so.I really think the only way in this situation is you have to overcome your fear and really talk to this person. If not, then you can either leave a message somewhere other than the car door. Or if you're in public, you can tap her on the shoulder or something and tell her to meet you somewhere vacant and you can talk to her there. But you said you've only seen this girl three times, right? So, I'm not sure where you see her, I imagine that the environment in which you execute these "operations" would be very important in what plan you will choose.Anyway, best of luck, I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help. Just as an overview, I highly recommend talking to her, but if you can't (which is understandable), then I recommend a note that's not on her car or anything, perhaps slip her a note, don't leave it somewhere for everyone to see. You've gotta make sure she gets it, and only she gets it.Good luck!

  6. You really need to call him up, or use skype again, and sit down and talk about this. Tell him everything that's on your mind, communication is key (saw that being posted throughout this topic), and I really agree, if something is going to keep you together, then it's communication.But you've also got to be real with yourself, if you're getting serious about having a relationship with this guy, then you two can't always live so far away, so he has to show that he is willing to move for you, or let you move to his place, because if not, then this relationship will go nowhere. You can't be this far away from each other forever. Secondly, you also need to see this guy face to face plan a vacation or a trip or something so that you can see him, finding flights with short notice is hard, so hopefully you'll get lucky there.Then you've gotta sit down and really think about what it is you love about this guy, what it is that kept you two together for 1.5 years, and what it is that will keep you two together for another 1.5 years, and then another, and then another for the rest of your lives. See if there's enough between you two, see if there's enough to form a strong, lasting relationship. If you feel there isn't, then why waste your time and money on a dead end.I know it might sound harsh, and it might be hard to dump the man. But if you feel if there's no future with you two, then there really is no need to carry on and stress yourself with this long distance relationships. Distance relationships are very hard to maintain, and 1.5 years is very good, I'm impressed, so it's obvious that this isn't any normal relationship.I hope everything works out for the best!!

  7. Well, that is impressive... I kinda feel bad for the girl, it is her fault she's fat, but there are other characteristics to look at. But then on the other hand, hahahah, great story. Tell you what this is one of those things that's really entertaining to tell at parties, I love those stories.Anyway, you should write this up and send it in to FX or something, I'm sure they'd make a sitcom of it.. I would!Haha, better luck next time man, any other girls you're interested in? Maybe next time you should ask for a picture before you meet up.

  8. I say just take it easy for a bit. Make sure you clean up and have good hygeine before you go and make sure you look good. Other than that just be honest with her, tell her you're shy if she asks why you're not talking (as Saint Michael suggested) you don't always need to speak. So if there's a time where nothing comes to mind, let Guy or his date do the talking. That's the flexibility of double dating.Anyway, if you go the to theatres, there won't be as much talking, but then you won't get to know her that well. If you go rent a movie at home, then you may be more engaged, so it just depends which one you want to do more. And if you go to a cafe, then it's pretty much all talk, so get ready for it. :)Best of luck! Hope everything works out, sounds like you two make a cute couple.

  9. I changed AIO's forum software and skin but saved it in a different directory so nothing has been lost.

    Anyway, this all took me a pretty good chunk of the day 7 hours or so, overall. I'd like to see what you all think of the new look of the site, I'm not done yet, there are still a couple pages where the style is not the same as the front page (the red/pink curves turn to blue on some page... if that's a good description)

    I think I'm almost done, but maybe you can change my mind!

    tell me what you think: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Notice from rejected:

    I changed the link from /forums to the index, because the site has changed.

  10. Wow. I'd be worried if you didn't feel guilty!

    You shouldn't be feeling guility, try more ASHAMED!!

    very much so. I agree.

    If you love your girlfriend so much then there should have been no need to cheat on her. Life is funny, good things take so long to make and they can so easily be destroyed by a stupid mistake. But in your case, that's two stupid mistakes. You really gotta wonder what you're thinking when you make the SECOND mistake.

    What you don't know can't hurt you though, but I think your girlfriend deserves someone better. I hope she realizes that, but I don't want her heart to be broken. When she finds out, and when she's hurt by this, you have every right and reason to be ashamed, guilty, and whatever it is you feel.

  11. Well, excuse me suhrlucky13... Do you earn the money to spend for your designer clothes? You're just a leech sucking your parent's money and you know it. You probably can't earn it for yourself and live in your fantasy world. Not that clothes are everything... It's your "better than everyone else" attitude that annoys everyone. And a note, WE DON'T HATE YOU OUT OF JEALOUSY! We HATE YOU because of your stuck-up attitudes that make you feel like the world revolves around you.

    Hating preps makes you just as bad. I dress fashionably, I think looking good is part of life. If you dress nice, then it gives off a good impression, because how you look has a lot to do with first impressions. When a business man goes to a meeting, does he dress in chains and spike his hair? No he dresses in a collared shirt that costs a lot of money... is he a poser? is it bad to look fashionable? does everybody need to look like you?

    and as for leeching of parents money. Hot topic is owned by abercrombie, so the rich non preps spend their money on clothes, too. And secondly, if you're rich and you don't spend the money, what's the point? Money is meant to be spent, and if your parents are letting you spend money on designer clothes then obviously you have enough to do that. You don't earn money to save it, unless of course you're a moneyholic. If you don't have the moeny to afford designer clothing, then don't buy them, but don't go around hating others for having money, that's not right.

    I'm not a mean person, I actually have a lot of non-prep and prep friends. And I must say, most preps I know are not that mean. Maybe in your school it is different, but usually if someone in your school is very rich, then it tends to run in the district, so I bet if there's a really rich prep in your school you're not too bad off yourself. At least suburb schools tend to be that way.

    Anyway, why hate? Hating takes up so much more energy than not hating. If a prep is pissing you off, don't sink to their level, and if you do sink to their level it's just too bad for you.

  12. Hey everyone, I have a CoDUO clan, we're just starting out and we have three members so far. The clan is called {SAS} and we're mirroring Squad B of the 22nd regiment of the british special air service. So overall, we are hoping to get 10 people, recruit 7 more.Our goal is to bring teamplay back into the game, we will practice and have inter-clan battles and hopefully battles with other clans in game types like HQ and S&D, where we need to work together as a team. I'm tired of every man for themselves games, where nobody works together, it loses all its fun, and the reality of war is lost, too.We're looking to recruit people into our tightly knit society. If you're interested in joining you can have a look at our site : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    we have forums, registration forms and whatnot. Or PM me or send me an email. thanks!

  13. Thanks, I'll be starting soon. I need about a week or so to get the domain, and then I'll park it on my account and get trucking.I'm thinking of using phpBB this time, instead of punBB. I'm not sure though, I'll see what happens. phpBB seems really cuztomizable, which I like, and I've seen some really nice looking phpBB sites.Here are my ideas for the site rules. Since at my model un club we have to write working papers, then get them fixed and signed, then they turn into resolutions and then we vote on the resolutions, I'm gonna have a similar process on the site. And working papers and resolutions have written restrictions, like each clause needs to begin with one of a group of phrases, and there are different kinds of clauses and stuff. But I don't want it to get too complicated, so the only rules I will be strict on will be working papers and resolutions, and of course they'll be in quotes when posted. Anyway, as for the norma discussion, it'll just be regular posting, and whatnot. I'll explain further in a massive readme, when I get the site setup.As for moderators, I'm thinking of having 3 or 4 moderators, to help me out, so that they can start topic discussions in the different committees, but I'm not sure if the moderator and administrators should have a different account alongside their country or not, I'm thinking no for now.And for registering, I'm thinking that people have to register as their country name, this way if somebody already registered as lets say the UK, then if someone else wants to register as the UK, the name will be taken, and they know that that country has already registered. right?Anyway, I can't wait to get started, I hope my ideas make sense, it's a bit hard to get them all out at once. I'm really excited about this, I just wish I could get my domain faster! .net's are sounding good, right guys?---------------------------Edit:PS Plenoptic, thanks so much for listening and replying back and all, you've been a real help to get this project starting :)

  14. Okay,

    To have two different users you wouldn't even have to have two sub domains. You could just set up a second FTP account

    That's all I needed, thanks!

    yeah, those subdomains on subdomains don't look too great do they now.

    Star kingdom sounds like fun, I love running my own kingdom and things like that :). Every play age of empires II. I love that game, never gets old, even though it has those old '97 graphics, lol.

    And I got the site link, I think I've been there before, always pops up on those google searches I do.

  15. Hm, that's true, there are 100+ countries in the UN, but then again, once you fill up the first 50 or so, people might have a hard tim representing the smaller countries. I may allow made up countries, but the applications would have to be very good and very believable. I've made up my own country before. :) When I was young, some parts of my nation were ridiculous. The currency was 1 Blence (random name, right?) to 20 USD. lol *sigh* miss those times.Anyway, as for my question I was thinking two subdomains to one account. You know in the cpanel where it says domains 1/99 or whatever. I want to have let's say my current domain aio.trap17.com and another domain otherdomain.trap17.com on the same account, so that I have two different users but they share the same space. Kinda like parked domains, I think.

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