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Posts posted by caffieneoverload

  1. Ok..... first off I am not a christian. I have, however, found it enjoyable to research other religions. The reason 666 is so signifigant is because a hebrew prophet wrote in the bible that the number of the beast is 666. Each hebrew letter has a number that is related to it. It is generally accepted that he meant the antichrist's name would "add" up to 666. Thinking the world will end on june 6th is kind of silly because it happens every 100 years. The reason most people are freaking out about it is because it is the 2000th year. The bible specifically mentions 2 seperate thousand year periods. After which, the world will end. Also, in the state of world affairs today, nuclear holocaust is a very real possibility. The thing that most people dont realize though, is that most of the apocolypse predictions were written as a warning about the current(I mean current as in current when the bible was written) threat to the jews from their curent government. They are not meant to be taken literally, but are similiar to a fairy tale in that they attempt to convey a set of lessons or morals. As for the bible "code", you can do the same thing with any very long book. The rule is that if you have a long enough text and search for long enough, you will find something. All the computers have done is greatly speeded up the search process, making it easy to find anything that might possibly be relevant. Have you noticed that they have only predicted events that have already happened? this is because these events have already defined criteria, which makes the computer zero in on only those words if they are together. To prove this point, a statistician I cant really remember found nearly the exact information using the same program on moby *BLEEP*. Just my 2 cents, If you dont like it then don't kill me for it, Im just presenting another opinion in an attempt to help you form you own opinions. In the end, believe what you want.

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