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Posts posted by LAvenus79

  1. Posted Image

    My name is Simon, is this correct? <_<


    The characters you posted:


    Xi - West

    Meng - cheat


    If you must know... The meaning of Simon "It is heard". I was difficult for me to decide the correct character that would suite your name perfectly. I can't just take the meaning in literal terms. So, this is the closest I can make it: Xuan Ting Hua. I gave you the surname of Xuan (proclaim) and the given name Ting Hua (obedient). I tried to cut and paste the characters but this forum is not letting me. :lol:

  2. Posted Image


    That site said that that was my last name. . . but it wrong <_<


    it's not suppose to be like that... aghhhh it's close but not that. though it's pronouce the same. :lol: i am not happy, i am not happy at all!!!!!!!!


    my dad said that it's because it can be spelled many ways... but i'm still sad.



    Digital Lavender


    I'm curious... how is the character suppose to look like?


    man that sucks they don' thave my Vietnamese names just English ones. I thought it was going to be cool until i couldn't find my name. Lol. should've tooken an american name in the first place. its all my parents fault!!!!!!!


    I thought Vietnamese people have their own calligraphy? No?


    >.< i hate mine i dont like how it looks :lol:


    Posted Image


    You're right. it doesn't (LOL)

    The characters you posted:


    Dan Ni = Red Nun

  3. Lmao @ Dodger and Nguyen.. I'm learning chinese, so I can translate some of the radicals in your names, but translating chinese gives me headache.


    I know Nguyen, your name doesn't have the 'Person' radical, like everyone elses'. So I think the meaning is unrelated to people...


    And you've got the radical for 'earth' at the bottom of the first character, so Im' completely stupefied.


    Panda's name in chinese -


    Posted Image


    - Christohper D. Merchant


    To thablkpanda,


    The characters you posted:


    Ke Li Si Duo Fo = overcome; 1/3 of a mile; refined; excessive, extra; buddha


    english names in chinese aren't right. they always sound stupid and don't really have any meaning. Chinese people should just learn how to say english names in ENGLISH.


    I believe you have it the other way around. I think non-chinese people should not treat Chinese characters as if they were letters of the English alphabets. On behalf of the Chinese people, I believe this is so. When I write letters to my grandfather, who can only read Chinese, I have to write my husband's name the way it is "Chris". It's not that hard for him to figure out since my grandfather was given a Spanish name, "Catalino". Don't know why but I guess his parents want to be fancy that way.

  4. here is my name [caroline] i will put this on my site when i get hosted :lol:

    Posted Image


    To farrah,


    The characters you posted:


    Ka - stuck, card

    Luo - wisteria

    Lin - jade


    This is cool! I've always been interested in different languages, and I'm always interested to know how my name looks in other languages. So far I have my name in Japanese and Korean (from foreign exchange students I befriended when at school). I have never known my name in Chinese before though...until now.


    Posted Image

    (my name is Michelle by the way)


    Thanks for the link Snlildude!


    To FuChelle,


    The characters you posted:


    Mi - honey

    Xue - snow

    Er (phonetic sound)


    Um. This is actually pretty hilarious. You guys -do- know that none of those names have any meaning, right? Except for Becca's (but that's because it's her real Chinese name)...


    Those are just what your names would sound like, Chinese-style... :lol:


    And yeah, snildude, I would advise against using that name with any Chinese people. They're going to look at you funny...


    Finally, someone who knows this is all too funny aside from me :0P

  5. My name is Raúl... I thought I wouldn´t find it, because it talks about "english names" :lol: but here is:


    Posted Image


    To SprnKnwn,


    The characters you posted:


    La Er = Drag in, involve; (phonetic sound)


    Posted Image,


    well there it is, my name in chinese (Paul, in case you care). thanks for the link snlildude, its always nice to now things like this. now all I have to do is learn to speak chinese and I'm sorted.


    To dontmaimyourself,


    The characters you posted:


    Bao Luo = guarantee; snare birds

  6. Posted Image


    Well that is my name in characters.... At least the name I go by which is BETH! :lol: I like this sort of thing. Its fun. Thanks dude!


    To Unicornrose,


    The characters you posted:


    Bei Si = Multiply; thread


    I think this is Ki-mu. I'm guessing that's not how it's pronounced in Mandarin though...

    (I'm Kim) PS, I study a bit of Japanese, and I know how to read Kana and some Kanji...


    Posted Image

    The first character on its own is gold. The next one seems to be a feminine type of character... a girl and mother compound? Could anyone tell me what the next character is?


    To icemarle,


    The characters you posted:


    Jin Mu = Gold Nanny


    Posted Image

    Here's my name! :lol: This thing it's really interesting...


    To Machinamedia,


    The characters you posted:


    Luo Bu Te = Snare bird; uncle; special, excellent

  7. looool... that`s cool. My name is oscar, and it looks like this

    Posted Image


    To Buciaer,


    The characters you posted:


    Ao Si Ka = Mysterious; refined; [to make] stuck, card


    Unfortunately, I'm not special enough to have a Chinese name with an English name of Siebren :lol: How sad........Good lucek to everyone out there with non-normal names!


    The meaning of your name is Victorious Sword. In chinese, it would be Sheng Jian. I wish I could paste the characters in here. :0(

  8. It's too bad they don't have my name. I took the closest match though.

    Posted Image


    Thanks a lot for sharing this with us ^^. It'd be nice if we could find our 'Chinese name' not based on pronounciation but on meaning.


    To Chuya,


    The characters you posted:


    Quan De La = spring; virtue; drag in, involve


    I know how you feel. If you like, I can find the real characters for your chinese name.

  9. Today, I learned my name in Chinese. I have no idea if it's correct or not, so if you speak Chinese, and it's wrong, tell me, and I'll remove this thread. Anyway, here are the Chinese characters of my name:


    Posted Image


    Here's the page: http://chineseculture.about.com/index.htm


    So, what does your name in Chinese look like?


    To Snlildude87,


    The characters you posted:


    Sai En = block, stronghold; kindness, benevolence

  10. To Believer,


    The characters you posted:


    Hu An = North Barbarian/[surname]; Tranquility


    sweet XD my name is lisa and this is what it should look like in chinese:


    Posted Image


    i wish i knew chinese XD then i would know if this is correct or not =P oh well, it looks very chinese-ish XDDD


    To TheBlueKirby,


    The character you posted:


    Li She = Beautiful Sedge grass


    Let's see my name in Chinese is:


    Posted Image


    Any people guess what it is?


    To cmatcmextra,


    The characters you posted:


    Ma Xiu = Horse Repair




    Whow snlildude87 this thing is COOL :lol: :lol:

    unfortunately I didn't find my name ( Redas ) here but I tryed to search for my mothers name and i have luck :lol: Here name is Laura and she is interesting in chinese culture and "mistical" hieroglyphs very much so here is how name Laura looks like

    Posted Image

    tomorow I will show for my mother her name sign ;)


    To Sader,


    The characters you posted:


    Luo La = Bird Snare; drag in, involve

  11. Well I couldn't find regular Joe but I did find Joseph. My name looks like this

    Posted Image

    Now If only I could see what it looks like in Japenese I will be set.


    To Plenoptic:


    Your name in Chinese based on the meaning of your name is Guan Tian ("God Increases").


    The characters you have posted, Yue Se Fu, have individual meanings:

    Yue- about; approximately

    Se - large musical instrument

    Fu- husband

  12. I came across this forum looking for a wedding favor on behalf of my friend because she wanted her chinese name on the napkins. I checked the link out. Most of the chinese characters do not match the name I was looking up. I believe this site only give you the phonetic sounds to your english names. I would advice to find a chinese friend to help you with finding your name in chinese. Sorry to burst your bubbles, man.

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