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Posts posted by greenmask

  1. That's what I hate about chicks, they'll go about how hot some guy when there are their guy friends around. Are you that selfish? Don't you know that by doing these things your only making your male friend feel worse. I personally do not go on about a hot chick if i am with female friends out of common courtesy. Girls need to think more before opening their mouths.-gm

  2. aye i know how you feel....im going to admit i am really fat and im pretty alright with it (im trying to lose weight). I've gotten over the fact that i most likely wont get a girlfriend any time soon due to this. i think i got heaps of friends who are chicks that all call me "cute". But I know their just saying this to make me feel better which i'm alright with, but ill only be a friend with all of them cuz as much as chicks hate to admit it, there just as shallow as guys - and as ive seen it, there getting more shallow by the day. soon guys just wont care about looks and be all for personality while chicks will only be going for model guys.-gm

  3. I have Installed the latest build of longhorn and I must say it is very nice.The only problem is that it is still in the Alpha stage of development and therefore has lots of bugs. It is also a memory-hog so you have to make sure you have plenty of RAM if you wish to run it. I would not recommend using it as your primary OS as it is unpredictable and errors can pop up out of nowhere and completely screw your system over.-gm

  4. I believe that it really comes down to one thing: Money.If you can afford to rake out a few thousand dollars I would highly suggest to get a new G5 as they are blistering fast and lots of new software is being created with it. It is also based on UNIX so you can start to learn some of that as it's pretty enjoyable. (I would love an apple, but being only 15, I cannot afford one. :))If you cannot afford that kind of money building your own computer is the second-best option. This is unless you do not have enough experience, building your own computer is a very good way to let you learn how computers work and how the whole machine interacts with eachother. If you are not that experienced but have an experienced friend, ask them to help you build it.The last option are the pre-built OEM computers, while these computers are seen as crappy the reason they are so good is the warranty and support you recieve with them. With a custom built computer, you don't have any warranty and any mistakes you come by you will have to pay for to be repaired.I personally have a custom built AMD Athlon 1.5Ghz computer that I built 2 years ago, it has had its ups and downs but for it's price it has been pretty good. I also have a Compaq Deskpro EN (The tiny computers), which is a P2 400Mhz, I am still able to use this computer and everything is still working. I guess the big companies make their computers to last.-greenmask

  5. G'day everyone, I am greenmask and I am new to Xisto. I like to make things using PHP and enjoy creating websites that are strict XHTML and I like to make Javascripts. In the near future I am starting a Software Design class for school so I am hoping to get a head start by learning Java.I hope to talk to some of you in the future!-greenmask

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