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  1. I use this as a script for noobs, it works easy mysql.php$server = "localhost"; //Deafault is localhost, only change if you are using this script remotely$user = "root"; //mysql user$password = ""; /mysql pass$database="db"; //databse#################################DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE################################mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass) or die("Could not connect to mysql: ".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($database) or die("Could not connect to mysql database: ".mysql_error());then in any page you want to use, as long as it is in the same folder, do <?php include("mysql.php"); ?><html> <body>page here</body</html>
  2. Dear itssami, I have had that problem a many of times, but phpbb fetch all will help you fix that problem. Phpbb fetch all will integrate into your site, all you need is a very basic understanding of php, and editing it. The site for phpbb fetch all is here https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpbbfetchall/
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