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Posts posted by feedme

  1. Let me start by saying I have several domains hosted by Xisto - Web Hosting and had some problems with their consistency in the beginning. Lately however, they seem to have really turned things around, and their uptime has been very good. I appreciate that they were diligent enough to work out their problems.Anyway here's my prob: It seems that when using the php mail(), I'm only able to send to my hosted domain. I can send to me@myhosteddomain.com and not you@yourdomainhostedsomewhereelse.com if you know what I mean. I understand why this is being done and I'm ok with it, but I need a workaround for my phpBB forums. My members are unable to get notifications of new posts which makes the forum pretty useless. phpBB gives the option of using a different smtp server, if I try and use mail.mydomain.com, me@myhosteddomain.com, and my password for that account, I get an authentication error. So that's where I'm at. Thanks in advance.

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